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Air Travelers, Americans, Libertarians, Anti-terrorists... Weigh In.

Dan T.

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"Terrorists" are not what worries me, it's that people are ok with organizations like the TSA even existing. It's assumed that people, when given the freedom to, will not find ways to defend themselves and protect themselves from threats; thus the TSA is born. Of course, this is completely illogical and doesn't make sense, since the TSA is obviously made up of PEOPLE. The issue is the fact that the TSA is an organization that is forced upon free people and has no incentive to figure out that their operation is even A) What people actually want, B) Efficient, and C) Profitable.

To each his or her own but I would just like the damn option to deal with these types of people or not just like I have the option to decide whether I want to buy a certain car or not because I feel one is safer then the other, or visit a certain doctor because I feel he or she is more competent and trustworthy then another doctor, or dentist for the same reason.... you all HOPEFULLY get the point.

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So...your point is that you want to provide your own security for potential threats when flying? Be able to go on an airline that provides it's own private security or provides none? Be able to choose between private security companies at the airport? Show righteous indignation without really explaining what it is you WANT or think should be done?

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So...your point is that you want to provide your own security for potential threats when flying?

Me personally? Nope, never said that.

Be able to go on an airline that provides it's own private security


or provides none?

Nope, definitely wouldn't use an airline like that. I doubt many others would. With that being said, I can't imagine a very profitable airline with zero security when security is a big concern for most people.

Be able to choose between private security companies at the airport?


Show righteous indignation without really explaining what it is you WANT or think should be done?

I did explain what I want. I want choices. In a functioning market economy, you get choices.

---------- Post added March-20th-2012 at 07:03 PM ----------

If anyone disagrees with what I'm saying, I really think that is fine. If you want to throw yourself to an organization that forces you to do things, that is your CHOICE. Just don't force your values on others. Force = violence, which is something I believe that everyone here can agree is what we do not want or condone.

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So...your point is that you want to provide your own security for potential threats when flying? Be able to go on an airline that provides it's own private security or provides none?

Libertarian Air.

Just keep the **** out of my airspace.

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I'm not concerned about the three year old's rights being violated. Or that his parents are upset.

I'm concerned because it's ****ty approach to security which doesn't make it safer. TSA behavior is much like the drunk who searches under the street light for the keys he's lost because he can see better there, even if though he thinks he dropped them somewhere else.

Subjecting everyone to a thorough screening process because they agree to go through a thorough screening process is not effective security.

We have limited security dollars, even if it is in the hundreds of billions. Spending it in this way means we don't spend it on actual leads, such as information that the underpants bomber and others were a threat. We implement intrusive security at major airports where it can be seen, but leave other entry points to the system completely open.

And the official blog by the TSA on the latest failure of the body scanners shows how laser focused they are on PR, rather than security.

And the coverup:

Basically this, relatively speaking, it's a waste of everyone's time and money.

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If anyone disagrees with what I'm saying, I really think that is fine. If you want to throw yourself to an organization that forces you to do things, that is your CHOICE. Just don't force your values on others. Force = violence, which is something I believe that everyone here can agree is what we do not want or condone.

Ok so lets say hypothetically you did have your choice of airline and they all had their own private security and you could decide which airline you wished to used based at least partially on that. What security criteria would you deem acceptable but still make you feel safe at the same time? You seem have a problem with the TSA security checks so I assume you don't like the idea of their checkpoints or pat downs, etc. You don't want to be "forced" to do anything but at the same time you admit that security is certainly a concern. So what is the alternative that would be acceptable to Willy Wonka? (Sorry, I couldn't resist typing that)

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First, I highly doubt the child was "traumatized" by this. I guarantee he'll be more traumatized when he sees and hears the saw his doctor is going to use to take that cast off.

I have a lot of issues with the effectiveness of TSA, but this isn't one of them. Unfortunately casts and wheel chairs need to be searched, not matter who is using them. Terrorists have proven they will go to any length necessary to attack us.

People need to quit whining about every tiny thing.

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People need to quit whining about every tiny thing.

C'mon now. Whining about every little thing is one of the signature moves of the collective male message board poster demographic. Look under (not) Real Men in your Interwebz Guidebook. :pfft:

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Ok so lets say hypothetically you did have your choice of airline and they all had their own private security and you could decide which airline you wished to used based at least partially on that. What security criteria would you deem acceptable but still make you feel safe at the same time? You seem have a problem with the TSA security checks so I assume you don't like the idea of their checkpoints or pat downs, etc. You don't want to be "forced" to do anything but at the same time you admit that security is certainly a concern. So what is the alternative that would be acceptable to Willy Wonka? (Sorry, I couldn't resist typing that)

Haha, that's ok. I have fun typing it every time I need to log in. :)

I think common sense should be considered, which the TSA clearly doesn't have (as an organization). The video posted in the beginning of this thread was rather odd. I'm sure that if customers were able to choose between different airlines with different types of securities, a lot of people would shy away from a company who hired people like that or security that felt the need to grab you in ways that otherwise would be considered sexual abuse.

I frequent a lot of night clubs, for example, and have gone to many in my day and some have better security then others. Most, if not all, though, will at least pat you down and ask you to empty your pockets. Others will go the extra mile and have metal detectors. These are nightclubs that sometimes hold to 1000 or more people, mind you. I can only think of 2 times where an incident occurred with a weapon. The one place never opened its doors again. I could be reaching but I'd be willing to bet it had something to do with that incident and the fact that free people made it clear that they were no longer going there.

Hopefully you get the point I'm trying to make here. If not, it's simply that forcing an organization like the TSA is not necessary and is more of a wasteful existence then anything else. Private airlines are worried about security, passengers are worried about security, and with both of those two things, I think it's pretty clear that there would be some type of security in place without the TSA ever having to be involved. Did we all forget about how many years had gone by before the TSA existed? How many kamikaze type of attacks did we have in the span of those years? How many extremely violent incidents really ever occurred in the span of those years, with the millions of passengers who flew and the thousands upon thousands of flights that also occurred through those years? Is the TSA really necessary? You know my answer to that question. :cool:

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Do you not take steps to avoid getting hit by lightening?

Or do you stand in the most openm spece you can find with a big metal pole?

Odds may be slim but so are they when you gamble and many people still do it.

Sure, I take common sense precautions. But I don't overreact because other people have been hit by lightning. I don't spend every thunderstorm hiding in a windowless basement, making sure to cut off all the power in my house, and throwing everything metal on me across to the opposite side of the room.

I'm with Coraigh. It's not that I think the TSA and all security measures are useless, I just think that they're using the wrong methods and being inefficient. If there's lightning, then yes it's stupid to stand out in the middle of an open field holding a giant metal pole. But that's no reason to hide 100 feet underground in a fallout shelter for 2 days every time you hear thunder.

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Sure, I take common sense precautions. But I don't overreact because other people have been hit by lightning. I don't spend every thunderstorm hiding in a windowless basement, making sure to cut off all the power in my house, and throwing everything metal on me across to the opposite side of the room.

I'm with Coraigh. It's not that I think the TSA and all security measures are useless, I just think that they're using the wrong methods and being inefficient. If there's lightning, then yes it's stupid to stand out in the middle of an open field holding a giant metal pole. But that's no reason to hide 100 feet underground in a fallout shelter for 2 days every time you hear thunder.

Almost spot on. :beavisnbutthead:

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the whole thing took about 3 minutes.. the agent was gentle and respecful. The kid's fine.[~Bang

I have to agree that the agent was gentle and respectful. I was thinking maybe another agent that was female could have helped with the kid and any fears he may have had. The bad part was when the agent would leave, he told the family not to get near him. I think that was the part I had a problem with even though I know why he said it. Having a second female agent there (as a mother figure) just to talk to the kid and assure him things were alright, might have been a better approach and the kid might have not felt as scared as he was even though it looked like he was doing alright for a 3 year old.

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Enjoy the Security Theater. And the multiple doses of radiation.

I don't fly that frequently but when I do I always opt out for a pat down. I keep hoping for a hot chick in a TSA outfit and a push up bra. So far, no luck.

I have a better chance of that happening to me, Rocky21! One bright spot of having same sex TSA agents. But it still doesn't induce me to fly unless it's an emergency, and in that instance I'm unlikely to enjoy a pat down.

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I have a better chance of that happening to me, Rocky21! One bright spot of having same sex TSA agents. But it still doesn't induce me to fly unless it's an emergency, and in that instance I'm unlikely to enjoy a pat down.
I never thought of that. One more win for the same sex team!
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