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​Transformers: Age Of Extinction: The Spoiler FAQ

Did you watch Michael Bay's newest cinematic aberration this weekend and come away confused? Our patented Spoiler FAQ has the answers to every question you have about the Transformers: Age Of Extinction! (Yes, including the one about statutory rape, since Michael Bay decided to bring it up.)

What is Transformers: Age of Extinction about?

Nothing. It's about nothing.

But it's three hours long. How can it be about nothing?

Because Michael Bay has somehow perfected his technique of turning a major summer action movie blockbuster into a high school graduation. It's three long hours of things happening that you don't care about. Oh, sure, eventually the person you're there to see will be called to the stage (likely this student's name is Grimlock) and you'll be excited to see him get his moment of recognition, and then the rest of these goddamn kids you don't know or care about have to get their diploma too. Even though Transformers 4 has less of certain problems that have plagued the live-action franchise, watching it is an obligation, a joyless, interminable slog where all you do is wait for Grimlock to get his diploma, metaphorically speaking, and go home and have a beer.

But it's about giant robots fighting each other, right?

BARELY. Seriously, the giant robots account for less than 20% of the films screentime, which runs nearly three hours. Things happen in this movie, but no story is told — no more than a high school graduation "tells a story." Things happen; eventually the ceremony closes. That is all. Do you know what TF4 screenwriter Ehren Kruger said?


He said "logical sense doesn't have to be the be-all, end-all." How do you criticize a movie that doesn't even care about trying to make sense?

But you're going to try, aren't you?

Of course!

So how does Transformers: Age of Extinction begin?

It begins 65 million years ago, as an armada of snail-shaped spaceships drop mysterious bombs on the dinosaurs, turning them into metal!

Oh, wow! So that's where the Dinobots come from?

Nope. Not at all.

What? But… they're metal dinosaurs.

I know, but they literally have nothing to do with the Dinobots. They're just metal fossils.


You're about to ask if the spaceships suck up some dinosaurs to study them or something, but the answer is no. These ships bomb the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs turn to metal, end of scene, case closed. Any Dinobots that come later are completely coincidental.


Flash forward to the present! Frasier from Frasier is in charge of a CIA Black Ops squad called "Cemetery Wind" — I guess "Death Blow" was taken by a '90s comic character — which is hunting down all the Transformers for their role in the Chicago disaster of Transformers 3.

There is plenty more at the link...

Edited by SpringfieldSkins
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Yeah Chew. I can't wait for interstellar. I think it has the ability to be the best movie in a long time.



Agreed.  I have a feeling I might start crying when its over because I'll be so overwhelmed by how incredibly awesome it was.  Last movie to do that was Dark Knight.  My mind can't deal with what I just saw, overload from epicness...makes my eyeballs leak. 


Not to mention Hans Zimmer on the tracks...my god.  soon as I saw the first Interstellar trailer months ago and heard that song, swear to god I knew it was Zimmer.  downloaded it immediately and put the song on repeat LOL.  His song from The Thin Red line still makes me tear up when I hear it.  and of course the Gladiator, Inception, Dark Knight.  I wish I could meet Hans so I could thank him.


between Matthew, the music, and the plot...there's a 96% chance of showers when the credits roll.

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Yeah Chew. I can't wait for interstellar. I think it has the ability to be the best movie in a long time.

Anyhow. Check out this Transformers trailer for some serious lols. NSFW.

Man those honest trailers are hilarious, I love those

Anyone seen Gone Girl yet?

Checking it out tomorrow for my bday, I will give the full report

Watched "Edge of Tomorrow" last night. It was very, very good. Maybe the best Tom Cruise movie ever?

Nothing he does will top A Few Good Men but Edge of Tomorrow was great. I've been sucked since I saw reading all sorts of crazy theories about it. I love movies like that. Which leads me to...

Agreed. I have a feeling I might start crying when its over because I'll be so overwhelmed by how incredibly awesome it was. Last movie to do that was Dark Knight. My mind can't deal with what I just saw, overload from epicness...makes my eyeballs leak.

Yes, this all of this. I saw TDK at midnight Thursday night showing and then went and saw t again Saturday and Sunday. I couldn't get enough.

I saw Inception opening night then walked out and bought another ticket for the next day right then. That movie just washed over me. Probably saw it 10 times in theaters between the regular and the dollar theater and taking so many different people with me

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Just finished watching The Usual Suspects with the gf.

Wow, simply wow. I initially pegged the real Keysar Soze (because I'm good at **** like this), but I admit they caught me with the swerve at the end.

"Gimme the keys, you **** sucker. what the ****." Instant classic

Just finished winter soldier. Awesome!

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Watched Dallas Buyers Club and Wolf of Wall Street tonight.

Dallas Buyers Club. Good flick, well acted. I though that the tranny was better than McConneghey in this one. Wasn't life changing but definitely a good film. For some reason this movie reminded me of The Wrestler.

Wolf of Wall Street. Typical Scorcesse film. Way over the top and a bit long. Not his best work to date, I'd say that for sure. Definitely entertaining albeit a tad too long.

Of the two, Dallas Buyers Club is better.

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Gone Girl - this movie is as crazy as the couple it's about.

It starts out as a typical missing person mystery suspense type flick but then it flips that idea on it's head and then does it a couple more times before it's over.

It's really good and wholly unique and unexpected. It's dark, it's twisted it's weird and I haven't decided yet what exactly it's trying to say.

There were a few times you just have to say wow, wtf.

Affleck and Pike were very good in their roles and other small roles like the investigative cops and Tyler Perry delivered as well.

I'm still thinking about this one...it's not that there is a mystery ending, the movie ties itself up but it's just so different from what I had expected it to be I have to keep running back in my mind trying to figure out what the heck I just watched. I loved the opening and ending scenes too.

It examines men and women, stereotypes, domestic abuse, marriage, the power of the sexes...quite a bit of stuff.

The story doesn't totally fit together in some spots if you think about it. Some of the police behavior toward the end is completely laughable and irregular but it doesn't really hurt the movie or the story it's trying to tell. It also felt like a long movie to me, I thought it was ending a couple times but it didn't.

It was a fun time time though and a movie I will be watching again.

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The Judge. I liked it a lot. Downey Jr. and Duval had great chemistry on screen together. Billy Bob was good too.

Much better than I expected, worth checking out. Though he's funny as hell, I like Robert Downey Jr in serious roles, though he's still a smartass

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Out of the Furnace    2013



Revenge flick, younger brother gets into debt gambling and illegal fighting, big brother (Bale)seeks revenge.


Mud     2013



Two boys find a man Mud (MM) hiding on an island in the Mississippi, he's hiding because he has killed a guy that abused the woman he loves and is being tracked by bounty hunters.  The boys decide to help him escape with his love who is supposed to meet up with him, not knowing the true danger.


Both of these movies are on the slow side, but I found them to be griping and a good change of pace from most movies that are out.


Would recommend both. I'd say both are a 7.5-8.0 out of 10.


I also recently saw Dallas Buyers Club and Killer Joe. Matthew McConaughey has come a long way since Dazed and Confused.

Edited by frostyj
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