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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Free State of Jones... wife ordered it. Will report back in 3 hours lol..... McConaughey, and Keri Russell (she gives me boners).... um assuming they are not both she..... o my

O been on a huge western kick this past week. Jeremiah Johnson, Outlaw Josey Wales and other assorted accoutrement. 

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How could I forget!  South Korea's Train to Busan.  I've probably watched over 150 Korean films since 2005, and Train to Busan is in my top 10. Crushing it at a 93% on Rotten, it is the #1 movie in South Korea in 2016.  One of the best zombie movies I've ever seen.  Edge of my seat the entire time!  

from Rotten critics:
- "This is the film that World War Z could have been."
- "The most purely entertaining zombie film in some time."





I watched it online a few weeks ago, but I believe it will eventually be on Netflix (DVD only to start off) and will soon be on the "Shudder" streaming service, available through Amazon Prime & Roku.    

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13 minutes ago, Singularity said:

Hateful 8 was WOW!  Should i order Warcraft?  Undecided whether to go full geek today. 

I saw Warcraft in the theater.  If you like cheesy fantasy action with a convoluted plot, knock yourself out.  I didn't think it was terrible since it was pretty much what I expected.  Otherwise, I'd wait for it to hit HBO or whatever if you have it.

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The Death of Superman Lives:  What happened?

This a documentary about the rise of the Tim Burton Superman reboot, and how it all fell apart.  The film explores the ideas, scripts, suits, sketches, etc.  It is an absolutely fascinating look at what goes on behind the scenes of all of these tent pole type films and makes one wonder how anything ever gets made.  So many moving parts.  The interviews with writers/producers/production designers/FX gurus are all awesome.  There's a freaking laser suit that is totally badass.  

I highly recommend this for any comic nerd out there.  Way more interesting, in my opinion, than any of the actual superhero films of recent memory.  I can only wish they had been able to make it.  The idea of a Nic Cage Superman film is amazing and terrifying all at the same time.  

I happened to catch this on Showtime, so DVR it and enjoy yourself.  

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56 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

The Death of Superman Lives:  What happened?

This a documentary about the rise of the Tim Burton Superman reboot, and how it all fell apart.  The film explores the ideas, scripts, suits, sketches, etc.  It is an absolutely fascinating look at what goes on behind the scenes of all of these tent pole type films and makes one wonder how anything ever gets made.  So many moving parts.  The interviews with writers/producers/production designers/FX gurus are all awesome.  There's a freaking laser suit that is totally badass.  

I highly recommend this for any comic nerd out there.  Way more interesting, in my opinion, than any of the actual superhero films of recent memory.  I can only wish they had been able to make it.  The idea of a Nic Cage Superman film is amazing and terrifying all at the same time.  

I happened to catch this on Showtime, so DVR it and enjoy yourself.  


I loved this movie.  That giant spider, tho!

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Watched a couple of movies on Netflix.  

The Finest Hours.  I wanted to like this more than I did.  The potential was there for a really emotional and memorable film but the movie seemed to blunt the impact of what should have been most powerful scenes.  Felt like a rescue story told by an old guy that didn't want to people to make a big fuss about it.  

The Big Short.  The movie itself isnt bad.  It felt as though it couldn't really decide what it wanted to be.  The result was half finger wagging documentary and half movie about some fund managers that saw the mortgage crisis coming early enough to make money off of it.  It tried to get too cute with Gosling trying to channel The Boiler Room and with the condescending explanations of financial terms thrown in via celebrity cameos.  I will admit however, that sitting through a simple explanation on mortgage bonds is made a great deal less boring when oresented by Margot Robbie in a bath tub.  

Bale and Carrell stood out for their performances of memorable personalities in this one.  I would have preferred a movie that explored those two characters more and ditched the documentary aspect entirely.  Not a bad movie though and certainly worth sitting down to watch it on Netflix. 

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Blair Witch.  Shoutout to Alamo Drafthouse for the free early screenings every Wednesday for Victory members. (I'll never stop plugging Alamo!)

Mehhhhh, it was okay.  Pretty much like the first one.  They have a lot more tech (even have a drone) so there's a lot more found footage, from different angles.  I jumped a few times but other than that I laughed.  It was okay.  C+.  


Bish got some long ass arms


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The 5th Wave.... where to start.... it is full of suck.  Really bad. Teenage chick hot, Liev Schreiber surprised hed take that role. Just a terrible film all the way around. It made Jupiter Ascending look like Oscar material. D-, 2/10. I gotta unsully myself with some Star Trek or something...... good lord that was bad.

I feel better... Starz is showing Force Awakens right now.... sweet vindication. Id rather watch Avatar for 24 hours than that piece of hot garbage again.

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