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Hypothetcial question regarding Ryan Tannehill (merged)


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The more I think about the Locker comparison, the more it seems apt. Locker was a project, then Top Ten, then out of the first round, then late first round, then he was Top Ten again. He was the same guy that whole time. He's big, strong, strong arm, athletic, and could probably have found a way to be drafted at some other position other than QB.

Tannehill has many of those same attributes, just not as much starting experience, although I have no idea what running for your life behind a terrible UofW offense for an extra year actually taught Locker.

To move the discussion along, I can say I would feel more comfortable with drafting Tannehill in the first half of the first round than I would have felt with picking Gabbert at 10 (who is a gimmick and going to be a bust) or Ponder in the middle of the first round (he will never hold up to the physical pounding of the NFL game). QBs are worth the premium and the "reach" if the coaching staff thinks that the player can succeed in the system for the long term.

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It's going to be hilarious when Landry Jones is the 4th or 5th QB off the board next year, when he could have suckered someone into taking him in the top 10 this year.

It won't be that surprising considering that next year will basically be what this year should have been in terms of QBs, sort of. Barkley, G. Smith, and T. Wilson could all go before him if he has another sub-par year.

The funny thing is, in this atmosphere, where QBs are snatched much earlier than they would have been in the past, Jones might still go as the 4th QB and yet still end up in the top 10. I could see something like Barkley Wilson going 1-2, with G. Smith going 6 or 7, forcing someone to jump up and grab Jones at 10ish.

---------- Post added February-20th-2012 at 01:52 PM ----------

It's going to be hilarious when Landry Jones is the 4th or 5th QB off the board next year, when he could have suckered someone into taking him in the top 10 this year.

It won't be that surprising considering that next year will basically be what this year should have been in terms of QBs, sort of. Barkley, G. Smith, and T. Wilson could all go before him if he has another sub-par year.

The funny thing is, in this atmosphere, where QBs are snatched much earlier than they would have been in the past, Jones might still go as the 4th QB and yet still end up in the top 10. I could see something like Barkley Wilson going 1-2, with G. Smith going 6 or 7, forcing someone to jump up and grab Jones at 10ish.

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As to the OP, right now after last year's outings Barkley, Tannehill and Jones bringing up the rear by quite a-ways. If I wanted a QB to plug in as fast as possible, then Barkley, as wary as I am of USC QB's. If I had a vet. say like Manning, then I'd take the Aggie to sit and learn for a few years.

But if Landry rediscovers his first two years form and progression next year after a pretty darn woeful 2011, he could leapfrog both as a better prospect in the 2013 draft. (KD ..... 'SHUP! Before you even think it, 'SHUP! :stick: )


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I think Tannehill would be the choice.

Barkley has an awful off balance deep ball. I just dont think Barkley fits our system.

I think you would get similar results as what we saw from Beck out of Barkley. Barkley is surrounded by top talent.

I just dont like landry jones at all.

Tannehill has a lot to learn but he fits the system and has big upside potential.

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All conjecture either way as we get to see that play out, but I'd lay good money after RGIII's pro day it would be the other way around.


I think Barkley would of fought luck to go 1st overall. RG3 would have to show he can regularly take snaps under center, which I think he'll struggle with.

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I think Barkley's ceiling is Matt Ryan with mobility (which is a pretty nice ceiling). Matt Ryan is really, really accurate on passes under 20-25 yards, and sucks throwing deep (which btw is why the trade for Julio Jones was just dumb - they need to install a motion/rhythm passing game like the one the Patriots run, not turn Matt Ryan into a deep passer). Barkley projects to be very similar.

Imo his floor is Brian Griese - someone who's average but not great.

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If everyone came out like first thought, then Tannehill is number 5 or 6 QB. That is all I need to know and why you shouldn't take him at the 6th pick. He has basically lucked into guys not declaring for the NFL draft. Me personally don't want to go with a guy who won 3rd place by default. The poor man's Big Ben can go to another team please.

I swear most of the stuff I saw said that Jones was the questionable first rounder of the bunch

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I was listening to NFL radio around 4:30 today and the host were talking to a fan from St. Louis about the draft. After saying how he thought the skins would trade up for RGIII, because Bruce Allen is a "Deal Maker" they went on to justify it by saying that the three people with the most decision making power with the browns are all pure WCO types. And while RGIII may be very good, they may not see the exact player they want to trade up for, and instead thought they may really like Tannehill and may try to trade down to get him, while acquiring even more picks.

I would definitely love this, but i dont know how legitimate of a chance it has of happening.

(Mods please merge if necessary)

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I just don't see the Browns trading the farm. McCoy was quite good his first year and don't see them ready to toss him overboard. More, part of McCoy's problems stemmed from a lack of talent on the Browns. You trade away a boatload of picks, enough to disuade the Redskins from matching for example, and you're in the same boat you started in. QB with nice potential doing nothing because of a lack of talent around him.

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Only saw Tannehill in one game, but came away really impressed. Excellent touch and accuracy on deep and short balls. Good movement and stayed in the pocket like a quarterback not looking to scramble. I don't know if this was a really good game for him, but it was a really good game.

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I have a hypothetical question to try and gauge the general consensus on Tannehill. To me, it seems we may not be able to get RG3. Tannenhill is the next best QB according to most "experts" (someone on NFL network's website had him rated #8 player in the draft which seems rather high to me). Anyway, I was wondering if Matt Barkley and Landry Jones were in this years draft (which they are obviously not) - who would you want? If it came down to Tannehill, Barkely, Jones - who would you pick?

I believe the general consensus would be Barkley. Problem here is that the three QBs listed here are all raw. Tannehill is an intriguing prospect that appears to fit the Shanny mold of QB. However, he will take time to develop. I'm curious to see how Barkley and Jones fare this season and whether or not they build on their production. I would still explore the possibility of drafting Tannehill if it was not feasible to get RG3. If Barkley and Jones were hypothetically in this upcoming draft, I think Barkley would be the best option at this point with Tannehill running a close second.

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Hail B&G nailed it like an in the bucket throw from, well, RGIII, but Tannehill in a year or two.

I like how you just compared apples to bears.

If my signature were to ever change, then it would be this quote. Just got yelled at for waking up the wife after the initial guffaw.

Anyway, I want RGIII like I want my wife to stop going to bed so early, but I loved what I saw from Tannehill. The love for Barkley blows my mind. He does nothing that every other USC quarterback didn't do. He's protected by two NFL-startingish tackles and depth at the rest. You know how some completions should really be credited to the receivers and not to a crap throw by the quarterback? Yeah, that's a ridiculous number of passes by Barkley. Not only am I not impressed, I wouldn't take him after a 2011-style trade down to 16th. I want absolutely nothing to do with that kid, and you won't either. Reminds me of Ryan Leaf with the ****iness and Jimmy Clausen with the stat lines apparently blocking people's view of his play.

Tannehill is rough, but I've never felt that a player had "it" like he does. Yes, moreso than RGIII. In that game against Texas (?) with half-a-dozen overtimes, he was NEVER rattled, literally. He had the same face, the same poise, and the same leadership from the start of the game all the way through the end, even with receivers dropping balls like they were the child of Carlos Rogers and Stevie Wonder. Never had a Brady-esque "Are you kidding me?! That's all your fault!!!!!!!!" reaction and never gave up. Did he have some bad games? Yes. Some REALLY bad ones. But being coached up doesn't make you worse. If there were no RGIII in this draft, then I would take him at 6 in a heartbeat.

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:doh: First off, the speculation surrounding the Browns can be considered much like our own organization. Let the smokescreens fly. Anyone who believes RG3 can't succeed in the WCO is fooling themselves. He is more than capable, with his skill set, to operate in that type of system as much as he can in Shanny's offense. This is given the fact that the two systems are quite similar.

Second, Holmgren is not a moron and knows that even though he has numerous holes on that team he would still need a franchise QB (see Brett Farve). I do think that he may still view McCoy as a solid QB, but if he has the ability to acquire what he believes is a sure thing, he makes that deal. In other words, if Holmgren believes RG3 is the real deal, he will do what it takes to acquire him to build his team around. That's even with the holes on that team, which he can build over the next 2-3 years.

Lastly, the so-called experts are more or less feeding the frenzy that is speculation. They are paid employees whose role is to give their opinion on what they think may or may not happen. They do not know any more than you or I. With that said, do you pretend to know the inner workings of Holmgren and the Browns? Hell, I do not even attempt to pretend I know Shanny's next move. I believe that at the end of the day both the Browns and Skins will have interest in acquiring RG3. It will simply come down to what they're willing to pay to get him and what is just to steep to sacrifice. :logo:

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