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Ferris Beuller 2?


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I don't know... Broderick's a little old. Besides, there's not much more story to tell. The point of Ferris wouldn't work in college... maybe it could be an escape of middle age reality, but I'd rather they leave funny enough alone.

It's always tough for a part 2 to ever be as good as an original, especially a very popular original. I have no idea what they would do as a story line, but wonder if it could involve Ferris having to deal with his kid(s) pulling the same stuff he did in part 1?

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It's always tough for a part 2 to ever be as good as an original, especially a very popular original. I have no idea what they would do as a story line, but wonder if it could involve Ferris having to deal with his kid(s) pulling the same stuff he did in part 1?

Now, that would be good...especially if they do flashbacks to the dummy in the bed with the snoring going on the stereo, etc. Here's hoping, I agree!! HTTR.

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Alot of the comments mention a Honda commercial. That makes more sense than a sequel. This chuckachucka guy has a small amount of subscribers on his channel plus no other video has close to the million views the Ferris video has. How this Honda thing figures in I guess I'll see during the SB.

Edit: Never mind, I opened link above.

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Apparently Alan Ruck (Cameron) isn't too excited about the Ferris SB commercial.

It appears that Matthew Broderick will briefly reprise his Ferris Bueller character in a mystery Super Bowl commerical -- if an internet teaser featuring the actor is to be believed.

One guy not so interested in the seeing more hype around the 1986 classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off: Alan Ruck who played Broderick's sidekick in the movie.

When asked if he was excited about any Super commercial, Ruck, 55, thought for two seconds and responded "Uh, no."

"Sometimes it does get a little bit old," Ruck says of the continued fascination around the movie. "Boy, that's the character that wouldn't die."

Ruck says for years he was typecast as "the sad guy or the sensitive guy" as a result of the movie's monster success.


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