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WCP/Dave McKenna: Dan Snyder: Unsportsman of the Year, 2011


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In my opinion these kinds of online popularity contests are pretty stupid, and I don't bother voting in them regardless of who asks.

Other than the title, which McKenna may or may not have had anything to do with, the article was actually a pretty fair description of what went on.

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Other than the title, which McKenna may or may not have had anything to do with, the article was actually a pretty fair description of what went on.

"Other than the title" that McKenna "may or may not have had anything to do with"?

Did you miss this description within McKenna's article?...

"...poll-rigging scheme..."

If McKenna decided to put that in his article, you damn well know he wrote the article title.

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"Other than the title" that McKenna "may or may not have had anything to do with"?

Did you miss this description within McKenna's article?...

"...poll-rigging scheme..."

If McKenna decided to put that in his article, you damn well know he wrote the article title.

And? How would you describe it? He also said "Ballot stuffing", which is an accurate description.

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Of out of work hack journalist routing through a half full trash can for a part eaten KFC - thats the future - man i thought it was garlic bread ...

Right because the rise of "alternative media" and infotainment has brought along with it increased ethics and accountability in the media.

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And? How would you describe it? He also said "Ballot stuffing", which is an accurate description.

Before you alluded to the title being a problem but the article itself being ok...and that the title "may not have" even been written by McKenna anyway.

Now that I pointed out that the same thing said in the title was said by McKenna IN his article, suddenly the title is fine in your eyes? lol...


That's Daniels' reaction and response, if you're interested. I wouldn't rely solely on McKenna's word for anything, even if I were asking what time it was.

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I'm tired of these sort of articles that continues to bash Snyder and Skins when we changed alot of the way we used to run things. Always wallowing in the past. Goodbye McKenna and I really hope you change your career, go join Green Peace and fight against the Japanese whalers or something.

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I disagree. He's the type of writer that represents the future.

Disagree Destino, the journalists of the future are what you see know.... guys who throw poop at the wall to see what sticks, just so that they can be the first to say something. No substance, no sources, just guys trying to read the tea leaves and push an agenda.

While McKenna is a HUGE agenda pusher, he's a bit of a lone ranger because no one will touch this guy. Have you ever heard him speak? He doesn't sound arrogant or anything, he literally just sounds like an idiot.


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Snyder's a twerp. Had sideline passes to the Skins vs. Seahawks game last month and he walks by us while we're on the sideline, literally 1-2 feet away. I give him a shout out, and he doesn't even have the courtesty to look our way, smile, wave, say something, nothing. Man I wanted so smack him.

By contrast I heard a story of the Mariners owner who was at a game somewhere on the east coast, saw some Mariner fans and came over to them, took pictures, gave them souvenirs and the like.

Dan show some damn appreciation for the fans of this football team, who bleed the B & G, despite you burying us for over a decade now!

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Snyder's a twerp. Had sideline passes to the Skins vs. Seahawks game last month and he walks by us while we're on the sideline, literally 1-2 feet away. I give him a shout out, and he doesn't even have the courtesty to look our way, smile, wave, say something, nothing. Man I wanted so smack him.

Had a bit of a similar experience several years ago riding the escalator up to the club level at FedEx. Along the way you pass the owners level and Snyder was walking along towards his box. Bunch of people on the escalator were yelling his name and the same thing......no acknowledgement whatsoever. I'm sure coming over and personally talking to you would've been asking a bit much, but.......what a prick. And people wonder why Snyder gets the rap he does.

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Before you alluded to the title being a problem but the article itself being ok...and that the title "may not have" even been written by McKenna anyway.

Now that I pointed out that the same thing said in the title was said by McKenna IN his article, suddenly the title is fine in your eyes? lol...

I think "stuffing the ballot box" is more accurate and less pejorative than "rigging the poll," but that's really just splitting hairs. The whole thing was a farce, and PD got a bunch of us to play along.

As for the title over the column, in my limited past experience, editors compose titles, not the writers. I don't know how it works at the City Paper. That's why I said McKenna may or may not have written it. Overall, I think McKenna's Redskins bias motivated him to write the piece. But it did echo the unease I felt over the whole thing.

McKenna went too hard after Snyder and the Redskins, and it tainted his legacy at the City Paper, which is a shame, because as I said before he wrote some really good pieces about local sports in "Cheap Seats." Good, poignant stories about playground hoops legends, historical pieces about DC's sports past, profiles of local sports people, digs into local corruption... He won't be remembered for those, though. He'll be remembered for his hit pieces on Snyder and the Skins. Here's the other bad thing - Snyder deserved some of it, but McKenna pushed it too far, which wrecked his credibility on the subject in the eyes of many.

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Well said Dan.

I don't agree that he went too far considering none of his claims about Snyder have been proven false.

Right, because an allegation must be true if it can't be proven false. For example, anonymous sources told me you are physically attracted to sea life. It's my word against yours, just as was the case with McKenna's allegations of Snyder personally forging names, so I guess I didn't go too far with the fish thing since it can't be proven false.

I guess you don't think going after Snyder's wife, who does charity work and breast cancer awareness programs for the NFL (she is a survivor after all), was totally relevant and warranted, not going too far at all and I'm sure you'd feel the same way if someone went after your wife when she had nothing to do with anything. But since, going off your posts, you don't like Snyder, then you don't think the same standards you would want applied to you should be applied to him, and whatever scummy things people say or stoop to, it's totally justified, and that's based solely on the Skins not doing well in his tenure and some non-fan-friendly things he's done, none of it actually physically harming anyone one. That's sad you'll apparently sacrifice standards over a sports team.

Seriously, name 1 thing Snyder has done which actually merits his wife being attacked in a newspaper as part of a criticism of Dan Snyder. Just one. Otherwise your justifying crude, unnecessary comments simply b/c you don't like how her husband has operated a football team. That fits under the definitions of petty and ridiculous.

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I dont give a damn about the City Paper and I had never heard of Dave McKenna until he went after some personal freinds of mine simply because they worked for this board. His repeated attacks on them were vicous attack pieces full of half truths and assumptions, apparently written because we had the nerve to be very loosely connected to Snyder. Until then I had never really seen 'the media' from the other side. Never really seen the effect one lazy reporter on a mission could really have on people. Its an ugly ugly thing and I will never trust a word McKenna writes for as long as I live. I have no love for Dan Snyder and see no reason to defend him against just about anyone, but Im glad this nonsense with the City Paper is coming to an end. Its way past out of hand.

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Good point Henry. I had actually forgotten, b/c McKenna slings so much crap, that he went after the mods on ES also, as well as all of us on ES, by claiming the mods are paid off by Snyder to be his lackeys and make sure nobody speaks ill of him on ES and that this board is censored, our posts apparently being the proof.

Any person who has been a regular member here knows just how ludicrous that statement was and is. Heck, this very thread disproves that notion. Apparently, for some, simply talking negative about the Skins and Snyder, w/o any actual substantiation, is enough to warrant "good" journalism and "telling the truth." Sigh.

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I dont give a damn about the City Paper and I had never heard of Dave McKenna until he went after some personal freinds of mine simply because they worked for this board. His repeated attacks on them were vicous attack pieces full of half truths and assumptions, apparently written because we had the nerve to be very loosely connected to Snyder. Until then I had never really seen 'the media' from the other side. Never really seen the effect one lazy reporter on a mission could really have on people. Its an ugly ugly thing and I will never trust a word McKenna writes for as long as I live. I have no love for Dan Snyder and see no reason to defend him against just about anyone, but Im glad this nonsense with the City Paper is coming to an end. Its way past out of hand.

I hear he left the WCP to be Snyder's new pool boy. ;)


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Right, because an allegation must be true if it can't be proven false. For example, anonymous sources told me you are physically attracted to sea life. It's my word against yours, just as was the case with McKenna's allegations of Snyder personally forging names, so I guess I didn't go too far with the fish thing since it can't be proven false.

I guess you don't think going after Snyder's wife, who does charity work and breast cancer awareness programs for the NFL (she is a survivor after all), was totally relevant and warranted, not going too far at all and I'm sure you'd feel the same way if someone went after your wife when she had nothing to do with anything. But since, going off your posts, you don't like Snyder, then you don't think the same standards you would want applied to you should be applied to him, and whatever scummy things people say or stoop to, it's totally justified, and that's based solely on the Skins not doing well in his tenure and some non-fan-friendly things he's done, none of it actually physically harming anyone one. That's sad you'll apparently sacrifice standards over a sports team.

Seriously, name 1 thing Snyder has done which actually merits his wife being attacked in a newspaper as part of a criticism of Dan Snyder. Just one. Otherwise your justifying crude, unnecessary comments simply b/c you don't like how her husband has operated a football team. That fits under the definitions of petty and ridiculous.

We've been through this before, Elka. Show where Snyder's wife was attacked.

You're just repeating a lie that Snyder told, to try justifying his ridiculous lawsuit against the City Paper.

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Don't want to stand up for McKenna, but wasn't the allegation that he had somehow "attacked" Tanya Snyder pretty much laughed off by many? In the "A-Z" article, McKenna mentioned that Mrs. Snyder was "selling the owner's transformation" on a TV interview. Unless there's a different article where he attacks her, I'm not seeing something so outrageous there.

Of course, the whole lawsuit (dropped a while ago) was pretty hamhanded. Snyder claiming that the suit was Tony Wyllie's idea. And that he personally did not read the article. Geez..........

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