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The Moors - what was their ancestry?

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So....figured I bring this debate to the tailgate where we have plenty of knowledgeable people.

What is the ancestry of the Moors from the areas of North Africa like Morocco? From my classes I've taken, it was always clear to me that they were of Berber descent (meaning they were lighter skinned Mediterranean people like Greeks/Sicilians).

Others have stated that the Moors were Black and the Arabs kicked them out and took the land from them. They claim that Tarik ibn Zeyad, who led the Moors into Spain in 711, was not a Berber, but of African descent from the Arabian Peninsula.

Hopefully Redskins4ever can come in here and add his insight on the topic.

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So....figured I bring this debate to the tailgate where we have plenty of knowledgeable people.

What is the ancestry of the Moors from the areas of North Africa like Morocco? From my classes I've taken, it was always clear to me that they were of Berber descent (meaning they were lighter skinned Mediterranean people like Greeks/Sicilians).

Others have stated that the Moors were Black and the Arabs kicked them out and took the land from them. They claim that Tarik ibn Zeyad, who led the Moors into Spain in 711, was not a Berber, but of African descent from the Arabian Peninsula.

Hopefully Redskins4ever can come in here and add his insight on the topic.

According to Wikipedia (which is never wrong) the answer is: all of the above: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors

The description Moors has referred to several historic and modern populations of Berber, Black African and Arab descent from Northern Africa, who came to conquer, occupy and rule the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 800 years.

Although most of the time "Moor" has referred to the Islamic Berbers that conquered Spain and Portugal around 700.

I now return you to your Seinfeld frivolity.

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So....figured I bring this debate to the tailgate where we have plenty of knowledgeable people.

What is the ancestry of the Moors from the areas of North Africa like Morocco?

I did a little searching and found this on the Moops....;)

Essentially, the Moors were a mix of Caucasian Berbers and Arabs with some black Berber tribes like the Tuareg. The Spanish records list which tribes were black, and what land was given to each tribe as a reward. It also records the fighting after the conquest, as the Arabs were given all the best land, and they gave the Berbers the less fertile hills and mountainous area.


The fact that that episode aired 15 years ago and is still relevant proves our conversation is not frivolous :)

That's not Moops you jerk, it's Moors, it's a misprint.

:) Yep. That shows you how influential good writing/television can be.

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According to Wikipedia (which is never wrong) the answer is: all of the above: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors

Although most of the time "Moor" has referred to the Islamic Berbers that conquered Spain and Portugal around 700..

According to my debate counterpart, Redskins4ever, that's not true. The Moors were black.

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**** it - enjoy:

The Moors were a race of people who ruled Spain from 711 to 1492. After they lost Spain and were pushed back into Morocco, the slave trade began to take place. If you know geography, then you know that the southern tip of Spain is just above Morocco. George Washington took the Nationality of the Moors away from them in 1774 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and dubbed them negro, black, and colored people so 280 years later, people of Moorish descent do know know their history, the history of their forefathers, or their divine creed because it was stripped from them during slavery. The first batch of slaves that came from west Africa came from Morocco. Morocco is in West Africa, not North Africa like you stated.

The berber that occupies Morocco today wasn't there 500-600 or even a thousand years ago.

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Where the hell is that from? George Washington "took their nationality away" all around the world? And he did it a year before the Revolution even happened, when he assumed an executive role in relation to a portion of all 13 colonies (their armies)? Man, that George Washington was a world-rulin', time-travelin' dude, huh?

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Where the hell is that from? George Washington "took their nationality away" all around the world? And he did it a year before the Revolution even happened, when he assumed an executive role in relation to a portion of all 13 colonies (their armies)? Man, that George Washington was a world-rulin', time-travelin' dude, huh?

I asked the same question....this was the response:

George Washington was a Grand Mason and a racist slave owner who convened at the Odd Fellows Convention. The popular name of this convention according to European history books became known as the First Continental Congress, and George Washington was elected chairman of this this convention. In Masonic terms, he was elected as Grand Master.The two main issues, which were discussed, and debated was (1) how were the 13 colonies going to form a united front against King George III of England. (2) How were the 13 colonies going to justify the institution of perpetual slavery of the Moorish inhabitants and population whom were renamed by the European Nations negro, black, and colored people, cutting the so-called Black people off from the illustrious history of their forefathers. This happened on September 5, 1774, long before Washington was elected President.
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