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The Awesome Magical Adventures of Herman Cain Thread (aka.....Herman news)


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Personally, I'm finding this guy fascinating. I wouldn't vote for him.....but the last few weeks have been awesome for him, and there are a lot of articles on it. If he keeps it up, it would be nice to have a thread for the latest news from/about him.


NBC/WSJ poll: Cain now leads GOP pack

Fueled by Tea Party supporters, conservatives and high-interest GOP primary voters, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain now leads the race for the Republican presidential nomination, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. And in yet another sign of how volatile the Republican race has been with less than three months until the first nominating contests, the onetime frontrunner, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, has plummeted to third place, dropping more than 20 percentage points since late August. “Cain is the leader ... That’s the story,” said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff.

Read the full NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll here (.pdf)


Iowa Warms to Cain

Herman Cain hasn't visited Iowa since the Ames Straw Poll in mid-August, but voters there are apparently in a forgiving mood. Two new polls show the businessman surging.

According to an NBC/Marist survey, Mr. Cain is now in second, trailing Mitt Romney 23%-20% in the state. Public Policy Polling is even more optimistic, showing the pizza magnate with a 30%-22% lead over his Massachusetts rival, while Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Ron Paul hover around 10% in both polls.


Herman Cain 999 Plan: Did It Come From SimCity?

WASHINGTON -- In Herman Cain's America, the tax code would be very, very simple: The corporate income tax rate would be 9 percent, the personal income tax rate would be 9 percent and the national sales tax rate would be 9 percent.

But there's already a 999 plan out there, in a land called SimCity.

Long before Cain was running for president and getting attention for his 999 plan, the residents of SimCity 4 -- which was released in 2003 -- were living under a system where the default tax rate was 9 percent for commercial taxes, 9 percent for industrial taxes and 9 percent for residential taxes. (That is, of course, if you didn't use the cheat codes to get unlimited money and avoid taxes altogether.)

A screenshot from the game's default settings:



Herman Cain: I've been in the pizza trenches

Herman Cain, in Cincinnati, drew a distinction between himself and the other former CEO in the race, Mitt Romney:

Both Cain and Romney are former corporate executives, but Cain said the difference between he and his rival from Massachusetts is simple.

“He’s more of a Wall Street guy,” Cain said. “I’m more of a Main Street guy.”

Cain said that as CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, “I actually made some pizzas myself.”

The GOP presidential candidate – who was making his first visit to Cincinnati – said he is “catching on with Republican voters because of my enthusiasm and positive attitude.”

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When did raising people's taxes get to be so popular among conservatives....

When it's poor people's taxes.

---------- Post added October-13th-2011 at 02:05 PM ----------


Cain’s 999 ‘Plan’ is Just a Slogan

October 12th, 2011 at 5:02 pm

At last night’s Republican debate, Michele Bachmann said “If you turn 999 upside down, the devil is in the details.” It was a clever line. Problem is that when it comes to Herman Cain’s 999 plan, there are no details, because there is no plan. What there is is a slightly longer list of talking points, with something that looks like the protean stirrings of a plan sandwiched between them.

One look at the plan itself proves this. And to any readers who clicked on the link, yes, that is the entire thing. That’s not just an abbreviated talking points-oriented summary. It’s the entire plan. 1140 words, of which only 378 relate to the immediate effects of the plan, or what it consists of. The rest are devoted to bromides (“We can not spend our way to prosperity”), tactical rather than practical reasons for supporting the plan (“unite the “Flat-Taxers” with the “Fair-Taxers”) or bizarre policy non sequiturs whose connection to these specific tax rates is never explained (“launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities”).

Other than implementing the advertised tax rates (which Cain somehow expects to be passed by the Super Committee in spite of the fact that these rates are revenue neutral at best), what does the plan do? Answer: Nothing.

In spite of the presence of the Fair Tax – allegedly a “Phase II” of the plan – the 999 plan offers no concrete steps that will be taken to avoid abuse of what critics like Bachmann and Freedomworks already fear will turn into a VAT. Moreover, its explanation for how Cain will get public opinion on his side raises multiple questions. Cain writes, “I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.” How? With what resources? Will taxpayer dollars involved? Is that legal?

Presumably, Cain means he’ll use the bully pulpit. Apparently the fact that this strategy failed when President Obama tried to use it to promote Obamacare or his jobs bill doesn’t register. Either way, this phase of the “plan” is at best optimistic, and at worst magical thinking.

In essence, the 999 plan is a slogan masquerading as a plan. You could quote the tax rates from it and not have missed anything…well, anything except revenue projections, a political strategy to pass it, job creation projections or methodology. When it comes to economic reform, America needs The Works, and Herman Cain is only offering crazy bread.

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" high-interest GOP primary voters"

What exactly is that?


People who have enough interest that they'll vote in the primary, not just the general election. It must be a fairly small number considering the low turnout for the general election.


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People who have enough interest that they'll vote in the primary, not just the general election. It must be a fairly small number considering the low turnout for the general election.


Maybe it's the people who will switch parties to try and unbalance the primaries.

You know,, cheaters and such.


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Besides the whole anybody but Romney factor, It's hard to understand why he's rising in polls.

He has not made the public aware of his stance on pretty much anything but the tax code. Even then he hasn't elaborated on his 999 plan, or about the realistic chances of it ever becoming the staple of our tax code.

I want to hear from him what his stance is on Israel/Palestinian issue. How does he plan on dealing with Pakistan with the unstable government, the over powerful ISI and maintaining a check on their nuclear weapons. How about China? The revolts in Middle East countries? Our dependence on the Middle East for energy needs? He's already put his foot in the mouth once on the topic of Muslims, how informed and aware is he of the relationship between us and Middle East/South Asian countries?

They need to start questioning him on more diverse topics. But it amazes me that he's risen this much when he's not shown much substance IMO.

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The powerhouse economist who helped Herman come up with his 9-9-9 plan...is an investment adviser at a Wells Fargo office in Pepper Pike, Ohio who has no real qualifications? Come on now this has to be a joke.

The 9-9-9 plan combines elements of both ideas. But it is little more than a sketch of what would be a radical and complex overhaul of the tax system. In developing it, Mr. Cain relied heavily on Rich Lowrie, whom he calls his lead economist. Mr. Lowrie is an investment adviser at a Wells Fargo office in Pepper Pike, Ohio. Although he is an unpaid member of an advisory board of the American Conservative Union, he has never worked for a policy research group or an academic institution, or made a name through economic analysis.

In an interview, Mr. Lowrie said he had a bachelor of science degree in accountancy from Case Western Reserve University. On his Facebook page, he describes his political views as “free markets.” Mr. Lowrie said he had been inspired by two well-known proponents of supply-side thinking: Arthur Laffer, often considered the father of the concept that lower tax rates help pay for themselves by generating additional economic growth, and Jude Wanniski, who promoted the idea among politicians. Mr. Lowrie became involved with the Ohio chapter of Americans for Prosperity, the conservative organization supported by the billionaire Koch brothers.

The plan could have major economic and political challenges: It might result in a substantial revenue loss for the government and shift the tax burden toward lower- and middle-income people.

In an interview, Mr. Cain, a math major in college, said he had asked Mr. Lowrie to do a “regression analysis” that would allow the government to eliminate all existing taxes, including those on capital gains and estates, and collect the same revenue from just three streams. “The number came up to be 9 percent,” Mr. Cain said. “And that’s how we came up with 9-9-9.”

Mr. Lowrie, who met Mr. Cain at a conference sponsored by the conservative Club for Growth, dismissed the notion that his own understanding of economics was limited by lack of a Ph.D. “I don’t list myself as an economist,” he said. “I have an accounting degree, and I’m an investment adviser. I’ve never hung out in a faculty lounge.”

A former staff member for Mr. Cain in Iowa described his and Mr. Lowrie’s relationship as “buddy-buddy,” adding, “They were just like two executives palling around together.”


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Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan is simple: you'll simply pay more

By John W. Schoen, Senior Producer

When it comes to Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's proposed 9-9-9 tax plan, there’s one thing all sides agree on: it’s very simple

If you're a corporation, own a small business or count yourself among the richest Americans, you'll simply love it. If not, you'd simply pay a lot more in taxes.

Everyone hates the current tax code. A Congressional supercommittee is attacking the mess as part of a broad proposal to balance the federal budget. President Barack Obama wants to pay for his jobs stimulus package by raising taxes on the wealthiest households. Corporations are agitating for a “tax holiday” for over a $1 trillion in profits stashed overseas to avoid the IRS back home.

Now Cain, who has recently surged to the front of the pack of GOP presidential contenders, is drawing attention to a radical idea. Rather than slog through the political morass of overhauling the existing system, just scrap it entirely. No more deductions, exemptions, incentives and tax loss carry forwards

n its place, Cain wants the government to pay its bills with three sources of revenues held to single-digit rates: a 9 percent tax on all consumer purchases, a 9 percent “business” tax and a 9 percent income tax.

Cain claims the plan is already generating popular support among voters, which will make it much easier to implement in the political quagmire that has numerous tax reform proposals.

“I can be walking through the airport going through security and a TSA agent will say, ‘Hello Mr. Cain: 9-9-9,'” Cain recently told CNBC. “If the public understands it, they will support it and demand it. That is going to be the difference. It is not a complicated piece of legislation.”

But the odds are much higher that, when the public understands it, the vast majority of taxpayers will be horrified to realize they face a huge tax increase. That assessment comes from Bruce Bartlett, a senior official in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, who described the plan as a “distributional monstrosity.”

“The poor would pay more while the rich would have their taxes cut, with no guarantee that economic growth will increase and good reason to believe that the budget deficit will increase” Bartlett recently wrote in the New York Times. “Even allowing for the poorly thought-through promises routinely made on the campaign trail, Mr. Cain’s tax plan stands out as exceptionally ill conceived."

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I want to hear from him what his stance is on Israel/Palestinian issue. How does he plan on dealing with Pakistan with the unstable government, the over powerful ISI and maintaining a check on their nuclear weapons. How about China? The revolts in Middle East countries? Our dependence on the Middle East for energy needs? He's already put his foot in the mouth once on the topic of Muslims, how informed and aware is he of the relationship between us and Middle East/South Asian countries?


His lack of foreign policy understanding shines through, which is why he pretty much never talks about the subject at unless he has to (other than to praise Israel as much as possible). In that way he is much smarter than Sarah Palin.

As far as I can see, Cain is just a basket of slogans with no substance at all. I guess that can seem like great leadership to people who themselves don't understand complicated issues either, and think that slogans are policy. He's kind of like a conservative John Edwards (and that is not a compliment).

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Bufford like I said it's regressive. The less money you can afford to spend the more of it that will be taxed. Meaning those lower on the scale will have every dollar they earn taxed. The higher you move up the less income that is taxed. Basically you'd take the current wealth gap and drop a load of dynamite in it... while destroying the federal budget. Not to mention that it is a 9% inflation to the price of everything. The poor in this country don't pay income tax currently so for them it's just a straight up increase to the prices of everything they buy.

But hey let's take a look at the plan from the guys own website.

Phase 1 - 9-9-9

Current circumstances call for bolder action.

The Phase 1 Enhanced Plan incorporates the features of Phase One and gets us a step closer to Phase two.

I call on the Super Committee to pass the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan along with their spending cut package.

The Phase 1 Enhanced Plan unites Flat Tax supporters with Fair tax supporters.

Achieves the broadest possible tax base along with the lowest possible rate of 9%.

It ends the Payroll Tax completely – a permanent holiday!

Zero capital gains tax

Ends the Death Tax.

Eliminates double taxation of dividends

Business Flat Tax – 9%

Gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses and all dividends paid to shareholders.

Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for payroll employed in the zone.

Individual Flat Tax – 9%.

Gross income less charitable deductions.

Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for those living and/or working in the zone.

National Sales Tax – 9%.

This gets the Fair Tax off the sidelines and into the game.

Phase 2 – The Fair Tax

Amidst a backdrop of the economic boom created by the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.

The Fair Tax would ultimately replace individual and corporate income taxes.

It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it.

The Fair Tax makes our exported goods and services the most competitively internationally than any other tax system.

Phase 1 Enhanced Plan – Summary

Unites all tax payers so we all pay income taxes and no one pays payroll taxes

Provides the least incentive to evade taxes and the fewest opportunities to do so

Lifts a $430 billion dead-weight burden on the economy due to compliance, enforcement, collection, etc.

Is fair, neutral, transparent, and efficient

Ends nearly all deductions and special interest favors

Ends all payroll taxes

Ends the Death Tax

Features zero tax on capital gains and repatriated profits

Lowest marginal rates on production

Allows immediate expensing of business investments

Eliminates double taxation of dividends

Increases capital formation. Capital per worker drives productivity and wage growth

Capital formation will aid capital availability for small businesses

Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities

We all know the Fed has tripled the money supply since 2008. They have been printing money out of thin air to finance the Obama spending machine. While true Fed reform that restores sound money may have to wait for my election, the best thing we can do now is to pursue policies that increase the DEMAND for dollars to help mitigate the risks associated with the increase in the supply.

Pro-growth economic policies equal a strong dollar policy

So in summary. Raises taxes on the poor, this is undeniable. Cuts taxes on the wealthy in the form of: Death Tax, Income Tax, and Capital Gains Tax. Allows for no deductions at all, looking at you charity organizations. All while greatly slashing federal revenue.

And don't forget that during phase one there will be a massive increase in the cost of goods for those that currently pay little to no income tax with no offset. You think those people do much shopping? They do. Phase one will immediately limit that shopping and cause a dramatic loss in to businesses operating in those areas.

Typical poorly thought out plan from republicans. They might as well call it the "how to fool people into accepting a massive tax increase so we can cut almost all taxes the wealthy currently pay". It's just too long for marketing purposes so they flipped the mark of the beast over and called it a day.

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His lack of foreign policy understanding shines through, which is why he pretty much never talks about the subject at unless he has to (other than to praise Israel as much as possible).

As far as I can see, ????? is just a basket of slogans with no substance at all. I guess that can seem like great leadership to people who themselves don't understand complicated issues either, and think that slogans are policy.

WOW. Amazing how 4 years go by and the same stuff is said about the potential challenger to the incumbent.
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WOW. Amazing how 4 years go by and the same stuff is said about the potential challenger to the incumbent.

Here's Obama's web page almost to the day as compared to Cain and this election.


Compare it to Cain's


One clearly has vastly more developed ideas than the other.

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Here's Obama's web page almost to the day as compared to Cain and this election.


Compare it to Cain's


One clearly has vastly more developed ideas than the other.

Get outta here with all your facts and truth and whatnot.

Next thing you know you're going to be showing me "mathematics" about why Cain's tax plan won't work like that uppity Destino.

I don't need no science to tell me what i don't know. Cause it's a LOT.

All I need to know is which guy has a R by his name, cause that's the one i'm-a-votin' fer no matter what.


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WOW. Amazing how 4 years go by and the same stuff is said about the potential challenger to the incumbent.

Ahhh, 2008 when the economy was something the GOP didn't want to touch. It was all about foreign policy and how Obama couldn't handle the war on terror. A few years later.....a dead Bin Laden, a new Gov't in Egypt and Libya turning over......and nobody wants to blast him for it anymore.....well, not "nobody". Those who do just seem way out there.

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