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The Awesome Magical Adventures of Herman Cain Thread (aka.....Herman news)


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Cain says no endorsement soon

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CNN Political Producer Rachel Streitfeld

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN) – A defiant Herman Cain told former staffers Monday his endorsement was not likely to come in the next several days, and blamed his opponents and the media for causing his wife's migraine headaches and forcing him to suspend his presidential campaign, according to a source with knowledge of a Cain conference call.

On the conference call for campaign staffers, Cain said he would weigh his options carefully and would not rush to endorse one of his former opponents, the source said. He credited his policy ideas with pushing other GOP candidates, including Mitt Romney, to be bolder in their plans to overhaul Washington.

Cain suspended his campaign Saturday after a series of allegations about sexual misconduct.

Cain also said on the call he hoped to be able to pay his employees through December. He thanked them for their work and pledged to continue advancing his economic message, according to the source.

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Not relevant to Cain at all, but worth posting I thought without creating a new thread.

I could find relevance, but who cares. It's good enough anyway.

Reminds me of one my old favorites:

Guy goes a shrink and says, "doc, I keep trying to have a meaningful relationship with the prostitutes I hire for sex, and it keeps going nowhere. I just end up hurt and broke each time and I've tried it with dozens of them. What's wrong with me?"

The shrink looks at him and says, "Well, frankly, you're being stupid."

The guy's mouth gapes open and he says indignantly, "Gee doc, if you don't mind I think I'd like a second opinion." The shrink looks at him and says "Alright. You're really ugly too."

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North Star Writers: Everything You Think You Know About Herman Cain is Wrong

The hardest thing about seeing a friend of yours run for president was not the scandalous allegations, although that was hard. It’s just that the allegations were so absurd for anyone who knows him, they were honestly more a source of amusement than anything else. Thinking of Herman fooling around on Gloria or grabbing some woman’s crotch in a car – it was like trying to imagine Kwame Kilpatrick taking responsibility for something. You just couldn’t.

But what would this type of political article be without the awesome comments!

So, I present to you, the comments section (a couple of nice excerpts!). I left a comment, but it was expunged. Essentially I said of all the GOP candidates I liked Cain because he was the most disruptive force out there (ie. appeared to be least status quo). Although Bachmann and Santorum are also vying for that position. However, if this Ginger White lady was lying, he should stay in the race and not be daunted by this.

What's even scarier is that I bet this article could be written by those close to Tiger in the golf media prior to his scandal coming out, or the former Penn State football coach and current Syracuse basketball coach regarding the scandals involving assistants.

Okay, so here are the comments:

Thank you so much for the insight on Herman…however, I didn’t need you to tell me he wasn’t guilty as charged. It was something I could just sense about him. I was in Atlanta with him Saturday when he made his announcement and was honored to be able to shake Herman’s and his lovely (and beautiful) wife, Gloria’s hand! Thanks again, so much!


As I’m still writing him in have no problem believing your Herman Cain story. There were many people from that period with the NRA who said Herman wasn’t like that, and they had their positive stories but the MSM didn’t want to push those. Much more gossipy and juicy to do a bimbo-perp walk.
Thank you, Dan, and I don’t have a shred of doubt about the integrity and character of Herman Cain. Like him, I know God’s standard from His Word and Mr. Cain exemplifies those standards.
I believe you Dan, I have only met the Cain’s briefly, but I know a lot of people who know them, and being from GA, I feel like I know them too. It saddened and disgusted me that people listened to all these lies.
Many of us already realize nothing the media say can be trusted. Least of all what they publish about a good, principled, intelligent, conservative man. Specifically, we are the people capable of thinking for ourselves and coming to our own conclusions without the help of some supposed “expert” pundit.
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