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Why is gas still expensive?


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Oil is now around $78 per barrel. I know there is not a direct correlation between gas and oil prices but there is a certain point where you have to wonder if something fishy isn't going on.

Every time oil goes up in price, gas prices go up to but when oil prices drop significantly, they don't, hmm...

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when was the last time you read about a new US refinery coming on-line?

was it in YOUR back yard?

its my understanding that refineries are running pretty close to capacity, and while oil is certainly the single biggest expence... if supply is constrained for a product with an inelastic demand curve, then price is gonna be high.

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when was the last time you read about a new US refinery coming on-line?

was it in YOUR back yard?

its my understanding that refineries are running pretty close to capacity, and while oil is certainly the single biggest expence... if supply is constrained for a product with an inelastic demand curve, then price is gonna be high.

The new regs are certainly not gonna lower the price either

It is kinda funny they need to pipe crude all the way down here from Canada though....already a lotta refineries in my backyard.:silly:

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Because we are a selfish lazy and wasteful country. We drive whenever we want. We buy foreign goods, without hesitation, the things we do buy are surrounded by garbage we call packaging and if you make an effort, a real serious effort to change your ways, people call you a hippy or a loon, instead of responsible or accountable.

It's the same with healthcare. We are fat and lazy and have some of the worst diet and exercise habits on the planet.

Who do we expect to change it? The government? They get paid tons of money to leave the system the way it is. The company owners? That's why they started the business.

Things are more expensive then they need to be, because of one reason. You.

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when was the last time you read about a new US refinery coming on-line?

was it in YOUR back yard?

its my understanding that refineries are running pretty close to capacity, and while oil is certainly the single biggest expence... if supply is constrained for a product with an inelastic demand curve, then price is gonna be high.

Why would they add any more reineries? They are making billions in profits as it is. It benefits them to keep supply low and prices high.

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when was the last time you read about a new US refinery coming on-line?

was it in YOUR back yard?

its my understanding that refineries are running pretty close to capacity, and while oil is certainly the single biggest expence... if supply is constrained for a product with an inelastic demand curve, then price is gonna be high.

Over the last few years, they've closed refineries not to far from where I live (and not from pressure from the government).



Doesn't seem to make sense for anybody to invest in opening new ones if they are closing the ones that are here.

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Or get a more fuel efficient car

Or move closer to work

Or find a job thats closer to where you live

Or use public transit

All three of your suggestions are not usually options.

On topic, because for some reason pride gets in the way of reason. selfishness and entitlement adds to it. Stupidity, etc.

EDIT: How did you end up with 4 ?

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Over the last few years, they've closed refineries not to far from where I live (and not from pressure from the government).



Doesn't seem to make sense for anybody to invest in opening new ones if they are closing the ones that are here.

It makes sense if you can do it cheaper or more efficiently .

Does pressure from the govt include tightening emission rules or extreme hurdles to expansion of existing plants?....right to work laws ?

Is it pressure to have hurdles or simply obstruction?

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gas is expensive because it can be.

back on Memorial Day friday.. I saw a report on the local news of how crowded 95 was leaving town,, heading south. It was solid cars crawling for miles... the reporter walked between the cars and all of them said they didn't care about the gas prices, they were going to have their vacation...

They then shifted to a marina where they interviewed the owner, and he expected a ton of business over the weekend,, estimated his average customer would spend 1200 bucks to fill their boats with gas to tool around in the Potomac.

Then they shifted to a gas station that had prices over $4.. and then another one that was at 3.80, and had a line-up.

The oil companies see these things. They know that we will not change our behavior. They saw right then and there that $4 a gallon would not make us pull back at all.

And what do you know.. gas is hovering around 3.50.. and soon it will crep to 3.75 and 3.90 and we'll accept it. So long as it doesn't hit 4.25, or the next BS ceiling we put out there that will make us finally change.

Gas is expensive because it can be. We won't do anything about it.


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It makes sense if you can do it cheaper or more efficiently .

Does pressure from the govt include tightening emission rules or extreme hurdles to expansion of existing plants?....right to work laws ?

Is it pressure to have hurdles or simply obstruction?

To my knowledge, none of them wanted to expand. Everybody is interested and keeping them, and they are close together (right next to one another), and I'd be shocked if anybody had any problem with one staying open and expanding into the one(s) closing.

Clearly, if they can do it some where where the government is bad and the people are poor and they can pollute without being worried about the consequences and add to their net worth by paying their workers peanuts, they are going to do it there.

It probably has the added bonus of allowing them to pretend like they are two different companies, and one is selling it to another and making money, but not associated with the US so they don't pay US taxes on it too.

But hey, then let's not pretend then the reason our prices are high is because there are no refineries here. At least with Wal-Mart, they pass some of their savings with respect to using cheap labor and lack of pollution control onto the consumer in terms of lower prices.

The oil companies don't even seem to be able to make that claim.

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