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Why is gas still expensive?


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Not enough to balance the budget so we shouldn't do it all ;)

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 05:03 PM ----------

Ah yes the good old the millions of acres we have leases out on aren't enough we need those other of acres of land too argument.

(And again, on the east coast, they care closing refineries in areas and at economic times when nobody want them closed.)

Ah yes the good old hell no we won't allow drilling where we know oil is cause ya'll ain't drilling somewhere else

Ask the refiners there why they are closing and who is cheering it

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Ah yes the good old hell no we won't allow drilling where we know oil is cause ya'll ain't drilling somewhere else

Ask the refiners there why they are closing and who is cheering it

If by "know", you mean an area where nobody has ever even drilled an explatory well so there is no real idea how much oil is there, what quality it is, or how much it'll really cost to extract, yeah just like that.

Nobody that has any control over the process is cheering it, and we've already talked about why. Like any industry that has left the US, the profit margin isn't there.

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Yeah we will never 'know' with the fools in charge(except off Florida when Cuba's side is tapped)

what drives refining margins in those places to the point they would rather close them,while US refining capacity is expanding?

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Yeah we will never 'know' with the fools in charge(except off Florida when Cuba's side is tapped)

what drives refining margins in those places to the point they would rather close them,while US refining capacity is expanding?

Sure. Let's ignore the will of the Floridians. What happened to states rights?

Because, as you've already stated in this thread, it isn't a true expansion. Refining capacity in this country is still not at its historic highs. It is a combination of unmothballing existing facilities/bringing them back on line, limited expansion, and consolidation of facilities.

The difference is where they get oil from coupled with the local costs.

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I fished a couple of weeks ago with a very big CEO of Exxon & had a very good talk with him. In not too many words he said we are being screwed. He swears the US has as much oil as any middle east country, but the environmentalists won't let us get to it. I mentioned the refinery topic. He chuckled and said, how fast do think we snap one of those things together. He said we could build one of them over the weekend., but no one wants them around. He said this is basically a stand off.

news for your neck of the woods


The Senate energy panel is examining the U.S. preparation to combat oil spills in nearby foreign waters, as the publicly traded Spanish oil company, Repsol, prepares to drill an exploratory well near the Florida straits, once its chosen rig, Saipem’s Scarabeo 9, arrives on site later this year. Partners on the project include Norway’s Statoil and India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp.

The planned drilling project just 50 miles away from the Florida coast has sparked fears about what might happen in case of an accident, since models show that a spill in the region could send oil washing onto southeast Florida beaches in three days.

Repsol has taken steps to assure U.S. regulators it will abide by America’s offshore drilling regulations as well as “the highest industry standards,” Bromwich said.

Repsol has pledged to keep federal regulators aware of its oil spill preparation, and recently let U.S. officials witness a table-top spill response exercise conducted in Trinidad. Bromwich said the company also has invited U.S. agencies to inspect the Scarabeo 9 rig that would be used at its site.

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Gas prices go up in the summer because apparently "demand is high", and then gas prices stay up in the other months because the oil companies need to compensate for decreased sales...conclusion, gas prices will stay up because the oil companies want the money and they know they have us bent over a barrel, and if anyone thinks that drilling in ANWR is going to miraculously drop oil prices, I have some nice oceanfront property East of Lexington, KY to sell you.

Exactly right, there is more than enough supply to meet the demand even during the heavy travel months, anyone driven past a gas station that was out of gas lately? Nope...didn't think so, the gas companies can save their breath about the demand curve, the prices are high because they want them high. If it was truly based on supply and demand then their profits would remain the same percentage wise over time, but they don't instead the oil companies are making more than ever. And they can save me their sob story that "oil is a volatile market" wahhhh, how they can say that with a straight face just proves how little they care, but then capitalism allows them to not care about anyone but themselves. Their job in this system is not to do what is best for the country, their job is to get rich or die tryin'.

We are in agreement,but I would view differently is the role of the oil company.While it is their job to make money they should do so reponsibly.When oil prices increase further they could help topple this already struggling economy.Where will they make their billions at that point?

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firms have no "obligations" of that sort. That said, it is the role of government to regulate anti-competitive behavior... if people think that some segemtn somewhere along the oil to gasoline value chain is illegally constricting the market... then either compete with them (and make a fortune) or specifically document HOW they are manipulating the market, and regulate it.

what i see is a scarce resource with rapidly increasing demand....

(but the "we have all the oil we need right here inteh goooood ole u, s of a... if they would untie our derned hands....!" are even MORE full of crap!)

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are you afraid to open it up and see just who is full of crap?

if no one is interested the leases won't sell

if they do sell and no oil,ect is discovered/produced ya still profit

if oil ect is produced you profit even more

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