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Official Superman: Man of Steel Thread


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That's because you guys are young. In the late 70's/early 80's, there was nothing boring about the Reeve Superman. When they would premiere on ABC TV back in the day, the next day we all would be talking about it.

IMO, Superman The Movie is the holy grale of superhero movies. But I do understand by today's standard it would be too slow moving.

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We haven't had a Superman origin story in 35 years, don't you think it's about time for another? Heck, Spiderman has had TWO origin stories in 10 years

I think you can justify Spider-Man's two origin stories because Raimi went organic and the new one went with boy genius invents web shooters.

Everybody already knows Superman's origin story. There was a whole series dedicated to his youth on TV. Isn't there anything more interesting you can show? Do we have to see Zod again? I'm not interested in another rehash. Give me some new content.

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That's because you guys are young. In the late 70's/early 80's, there was nothing boring about the Reeve Superman. When they would premiere on ABC TV back in the day, the next day we all would be talking about it.

IMO, Superman The Movie is the holy grale of superhero movies. But I do understand by today's standard it would be too slow moving.

I can understand the difference in cinematic taste from then to now but I love old movies, even ones most people I know find boring.

But the Superman movie felt almost exactly like the comics in that dull sense to me. It's more a problem with the character than the movie I'd say. Though in 30 years, somebody may have the nerve to tell me the same about The Dark Knight trilogy, in which case, they would be flat out wrong. ;)

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I think you can justify Spider-Man's two origin stories because Raimi went organic and the new one went with boy genius invents web shooters.

Everybody already knows Superman's origin story. There was a whole series dedicated to his youth on TV. Isn't there anything more interesting you can show? Do we have to see Zod again? I'm not interested in another rehash. Give me some new content.

Are you really justifying two different franchises of the same character in a 10 year span while critisizing Man of Steel for having a "big screen" origin story 35 years after Superman: The Movie and having Zod, even though we haven't seen Zod on the big screen in about 33 years? Should The Dark Knight should not have had The Joker who has been featured way more than Zod?

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  • 1 month later...


I haven't been this excited about a movie in a long, long time. I have a feeling, THIS is the Superman movie we've been waiting for.

I am pretty excited too..


By the way, I can't see your video in the original post.  Only the reply.

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I am pretty excited too..


By the way, I can't see your video in the original post.  Only the reply.


Must be some bugs they have to work out because I can see the video in your reply.

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I haven't been this excited about a movie in a long, long time. I have a feeling, THIS is the Superman movie we've been waiting for.

After initial skepticism (going way back during early filming) I am very excited about this one. My positive expectations have significantly increased with each new clip.


I can tell "you guys" (say under 40) that "us guys" (say 40+) that if you grew up a comic/sci-fi fan of our era, and after so many lame quality movies representing the norm for such beloved genres, that the original Reeves film does stand within it's era as a monumental success. While I was already in my early 20's when it came out, it gave such a goosebump-factor during viewing and left us with such an inspired and fully satiated and exuberant feeling that most of us were blown away at how well someone had finally done such a thing. It was a very big deal to fans like us.


It was the same as what Star Wars did in it's day for sci-fi/space battle genre. For younger generations, the level of sophistication today in movie production values, tech, and size of budgets inevitably dates such movies and makes them hard to compare in many of the traditional areas of excitement/enjoyment for such genres (all things special effects related, primarily  which is a huge component in the draw of such movie genres to many of its fans). 


Even when I watch those beloved classics, I am now left with a large part of the experience comparing how "crude" they often appear in those areas, but when they appeared they were more state of the art. The other qualities hold up fine, but those budget/tech/effects deals can't be understated when comparing such movies' appeal across time.


30 years from now it will be the same with those representing today's pinnacles in those genres.



I do doubt I will ever see a better "classic" Clark Kent than Reeves' version. Plus, he really was the "original" Superman (I use that term because I know they're reshaping the persona of the character in the rebooting) in his portrayal IMO. He more than got it. While a good actor in general, he was born to play that one amazing role. I was actually more regretful than not about his sequels, but certainly don't blame him.



P.S. Yes, the rule 11 issues (pics being quoted) are among the many matters we'll be tweaking. Rick had customized the previous software to help by just giving the link and hopefully we'll be able to restore that feature.

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Superman The Movie was always the gold standard in comic book films.


I can't wait for this movie to come out.   It will likely be the only big blockbuster I make sure I see in the theaters this year.


Wow..I can't go that far. To me Monsters U, Despicable Me 2, Pacific Rim, The Wolverine (which looks fantastic!), Elysium, and Kick Ass 2 look like definite in the theatre experiences. 

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Are you really justifying two different franchises of the same character in a 10 year span while critisizing Man of Steel for having a "big screen" origin story 35 years after Superman: The Movie and having Zod, even though we haven't seen Zod on the big screen in about 33 years? Should The Dark Knight should not have had The Joker who has been featured way more than Zod?


So Zod to Superman is just like Joker to Batman? C'mon man. 

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After initial skepticism (going way back during early filming) I am very excited about this one. My positive expectations have significantly increased with each new clip.


I can tell "you guys" (say under 40) that "us guys" (say 40+) that if you grew up a comic/sci-fi fan of our era, and after so many lame quality movies representing the norm for such beloved genres, that the original Reeves film does stand within it's era as a monumental success. While I was already in my early 20's when it came out, it gave such a goosebump-factor during viewing and left us with such an inspired and fully satiated and exuberant feeling that most of us were blown away at how well someone had finally done such a thing. It was a very big deal to fans like us.


It was the same as what Star Wars did in it's day for sci-fi/space battle genre. For younger generations, the level of sophistication today in movie production values, tech, and size of budgets inevitably dates such movies and makes them hard to compare in many of the traditional areas of excitement/enjoyment for such genres (all things special effects related, primarily  which is a huge component in the draw of such movie genres to many of its fans). 


Even when I watch those beloved classics, I am now left with a large part of the experience comparing how "crude" they often appear in those areas, but when they appeared they were more state of the art. The other qualities hold up fine, but those budget/tech/effects deals can't be understated when comparing such movies' appeal across time..

Good post and well explained. I love older movies though my problem with the older Superman movies is that they are just kind of boring but I think that's mainly due to the plot and pacing than effects and all that. I can see and appreciate why they were so monumental in their own time though.

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After 1 disappointment (Iron Man 3) and one just so-so (Star Trek 2)... bring it on.


I am stoked big time. The previews look amazing... but then again, previews can make any film look awesome.


I yawned when I heard about yet another origin story - been done to death in film, tv, animated series, etc... but after seeing glimpses of the finished product - wow, cant wait.


I loved Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead is THE zombie movie... hated 300 - it looks like Snyder nailed this one, though.


Bring on Justice League. From what I have read if Man of Steel opens huge and is a big hit, Justice League will be green lit immediately. I would look forward to that even more than Star Wars 7.

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After 1 disappointment (Iron Man 3) and one just so-so (Star Trek 2)... bring it on.


I am stoked big time. The previews look amazing... but then again, previews can make any film look awesome.


I yawned when I heard about yet another origin story - been done to death in film, tv, animated series, etc... but after seeing glimpses of the finished product - wow, cant wait.


I loved Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead is THE zombie movie... hated 300 - it looks like Snyder nailed this one, though.


Bring on Justice League. From what I have read if Man of Steel opens huge and is a big hit, Justice League will be green lit immediately. I would look forward to that even more than Star Wars 7.


My only concern with a Justice League movie is that Nolan probably will have nothing to do with it, and I doubt Bale is going to come back as Batman, which would be essential right now, unless they're going to start a new Batman series before the JL movie, which doesn't seem like the smart option to go with.  If they do end up doing a Justice League movie, they have to get Nolan in some capacity along with Bale to play Batman.

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My only concern with a Justice League movie is that Nolan probably will have nothing to do with it, and I doubt Bale is going to come back as Batman, which would be essential right now, unless they're going to start a new Batman series before the JL movie, which doesn't seem like the smart option to go with.  If they do end up doing a Justice League movie, they have to get Nolan in some capacity along with Bale to play Batman.


I disagree completely. The Nolan/Bale Batman universe basically exists by itself. There is no way they could fit the Justice League into the same Bale/Nolan universe without coming off as cheap and nearly ruining TDK trilogy. What Batman/Bruce did throughout that trilogy is pretty minor compared to what Supes and JL would be doing in their movies. It worked for the TDK trilogy because it was a story about one regular man and his city. I don't see how you would fit JL into that.  


If a JL movie has to happen, a lot needs to be done prior to it such as getting a Wonder Woman and Flash movie out while also rebooting Green Lantern too since that movie was ridiculous. I would also think rebooting Batman into this same universe would be wise though I read that they may decide to introduce the new Batman in the JL movie by itself. Since everybody is so familiar with him, a reboot isn't necessary just a re-introduction to establish that this is a different Batman in a different universe. 


Honestly, I don't even care about JL all anyone wants to see is Superman and Batman. Make that happen creatively and effectively and it will be enough to compete with any Marvel franchise.  

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There's a bunch of new awesome TV spots out there for this movie but I haven't seen the latest few.  Each new TV spot or Trailer makes this movie look better and better and each one contains more and more action.


I'm done with the previews at this point and will just wait patiently the next two weeks for what looks like the movie of the year.

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After 1 disappointment (Iron Man 3) and one just so-so (Star Trek 2)... bring it on.


I am stoked big time. The previews look amazing... but then again, previews can make any film look awesome.


I yawned when I heard about yet another origin story - been done to death in film, tv, animated series, etc... but after seeing glimpses of the finished product - wow, cant wait.


I loved Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead is THE zombie movie... hated 300 - it looks like Snyder nailed this one, though.


Bring on Justice League. From what I have read if Man of Steel opens huge and is a big hit, Justice League will be green lit immediately. I would look forward to that even more than Star Wars 7.

Justice league was put on hold because the script and story was complete garbage, doesn't matter how good MOS does, the avengers set the standard by having a movie based on every major character and JL will have had 1 seeing as they're going to reboot batnan

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you are out of date - Warner has a script ready but are hesitant since Green Lantern and the last Superman movie were not received that well. Batman seemed to be the only sure-fire money maker, plus the movies were pretty good.

If Man of Steel is a hit - expect the green light for Justice league to be announced soon after.

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I'm scared of this movie.

I want it to be good, but I've been burned before, and as others have said, the retelling of the retelling of the retelling of the retelling of the origin is a bit much.


I predict it will go for too much EPIC, and fall flat.

it would be cool if they just did a Superman story without having to re-hash Krypton and Ma & Pa Kent. (Rehash Superman 2.. a good movie, but one that could benefit from new special effects greatly.)

As others have also said, Superman the Movie IS a very good flick, and frankly, is a good enough telling of the origin to last through the ages. Glenn Ford was excellent as Pa Kent, and should be the standard. Marlon Brando was excellent as Jor el, and should remain.

there's no need for new ones, both characters are dead.



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I don't think rehashing Superman 2 was the way to. One of the main complaints of Superman Returns was that it was a loose sequel to Superman 2. As much as I like Superman The Movie and Superman 2, I wanted Man of Steel to be a totally new take on Superman.

Superman The Movie was a great origin story that came out 35 years ago. Are we never supposed to get another big screen origin story?

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I think this movie is going to be Avengers level, possibly even Dark Knight level, and that's saying something because I'm usually quite reserved about predicting movies/getting hyped up and I'm a huge Batman fan and not really a Superman fan.

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I don't think rehashing Superman 2 was the way to. One of the main complaints of Superman Returns was that it was a loose sequel to Superman 2. As much as I like Superman The Movie and Superman 2, I wanted Man of Steel to be a totally new take on Superman.

Superman The Movie was a great origin story that came out 35 years ago. Are we never supposed to get another big screen origin story?

If they got it right, why?



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