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Official Superman: Man of Steel Thread


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My man Richard Roeper agrees with me that another origin story is boring and unnecessary


And I disagree with you and Roeper. Again, that's why some people are getting on some of these critics. Some are just disappointed that it's not the Superman movie they wanted so they're giving it a bad review.

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Incredible Hulk tells the origin story 5 years after Hulk did.


No it didn't. It skimmed over the origin VERY briefly during the opening credits, and then jumped right into the story, assuming the audience already knows the deal with the Hulk. That's why the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are so good. They know what to tell and when to tell it.



 Batman Begins does the origin story. 


Batman Begins didn't re-tell the origin story, though, because Tim Burton never went into it in his movies. He jumped right into the present day action, with a flashback in the middle of the movie to explain Batman's motivation. 


The Spiderman movie REALLY should have jumped right into the actual story rather than re-hash. You don't want a superhero movie to become an exercise in checking off the boxes of a story we all already know.


After reading the reviews of this Superman movie, and knowing Nolan and his ponderous and often exhausting style of allowing the villain to mete out wholesale death and destruction before Our Hero saves the day (what's left of it), and knowing Snyder's propensity for homo-erotic self-indulgence, I am not overly excited about this one. My son wants to see it so I'm going and hoping for the best. Not really expecting it at this point though.

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Considering there hasn't been a Superman origin movie in 35 years..why is it unnecessary?


I don't understand that either. Superman doesn't have a lot relevance to young people today outside of a few series which didn't really flesh out that stuff anyway. There is nothing wrong with a fresh take on a story that was last done in cinema 30+ years ago. 


How can you expect to make Superman movie this far along and just hop right into a new cast and universe with an origin. It makes no sense to not have a new origin story to establish this new universe and characters they have created. 

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Incredible Hulk tells the origin story 5 years after Hulk did.


No it didn't. It skimmed over the origin VERY briefly during the opening credits, and then jumped right into the story, assuming the audience already knows the deal with the Hulk. That's why the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are so good. They know what to tell and when to tell it.



> Batman Begins does the origin story. 


Batman Begins didn't re-tell the origin story, though, because Tim Burton never went into it in his movies. He jumped right into the present day action, with a flashback in the middle of the movie to explain Batman's motivation. 


The Spiderman movie REALLY should have jumped right into the actual story rather than re-hash. You don't want a superhero movie to become an exercise in checking off the boxes of a story we all already know.


After reading the reviews of this Superman movie, and knowing Nolan and his ponderous and often exhausting style of allowing the villain to mete out wholesale death and destruction before Our Hero saves the day, and know Snyder's propensity for homo-erotic self-indulgence, I am not overly excited about this one. My son wants to see it so I'm going and hoping for the best. Not really expecting it at this point though.



Batman established that the Joker murdered Bruce's parents and prompted him to become the crimefighter that he is today. It changes his origin pretty significantly without expanding on any real significance of his origin. It also states Batman created the Joker more or less. 


Begins completely changed that whole entire notion so I don't see how you wouldn't view those as two separate origins. 

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My man Richard Roeper agrees with me that another origin story is boring and unnecessary


And I disagree with you and Roeper. Again, that's why some people are getting on some of these critics. Some are just disappointed that it's not the Superman movie they wanted so they're giving it a bad review.

If this movie wasn't a remake, it wouldn't get the comparisons. There's plenty of fresh material to cover, isn't there? Why retell the story everybody and their mother knows again? Why? Reboots are lazy unless it fundamentally changes the character. You can make the case for Batman deserving a reboot and even Spider-Man. The Hulk being rebooted was garbage. This Superman reboot idea is garbage. You should want more. 


I will complain whenever they try to reboot Iron Man. There is nearly 100 years worth of material you can comb through to produce a new and fresh story. But no, we have to see Krypton get blown up again and we have to watch Superman fight boring ass General Zod. C'mon man. 

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Incredible Hulk tells the origin story 5 years after Hulk did.


No it didn't. It skimmed over the origin VERY briefly during the opening credits, and then jumped right into the story, assuming the audience already knows the deal with the Hulk. That's why the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are so good. They know what to tell and when to tell it.



> Batman Begins does the origin story. <



Batman Begins didn't re-tell the origin story, though, because Tim Burton never went into it in his movies. He jumped right into the present day action, with a flashback in the middle of the movie to explain Batman's motivation. 


The Spiderman movie REALLY should have jumped right into the actual story rather than re-hash. You don't want a superhero movie to become an exercise in checking off the boxes of a story we all already know.


After reading the reviews of this Superman movie, and knowing Nolan and his ponderous and often exhausting style of allowing the villain to mete out wholesale death and destruction before Our Hero saves the day, and know Snyder's propensity for homo-erotic self-indulgence, I am not overly excited about this one. My son wants to see it so I'm going and hoping for the best. Not really expecting it at this point though.


Batman established that the Joker murdered Bruce's parents and prompted him to become the crimefighter that he is today. It changes his origin pretty significantly without expanding on any real significance of his origin. It also states Batman created the Joker more or less. 


Begins completely changed that whole entire notion so I don't see how you wouldn't view those as two separate origins. 


I thought batman was kiled by a random stranger on the street in the movie

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Incredible Hulk tells the origin story 5 years after Hulk did.

No it didn't. It skimmed over the origin VERY briefly during the opening credits, and then jumped right into the story, assuming the audience already knows the deal with the Hulk. That's why the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are so good. They know what to tell and when to tell it.


> Batman Begins does the origin story. </span>>

Batman Begins didn't re-tell the origin story, though, because Tim Burton never went into it in his movies. He jumped right into the present day action, with a flashback in the middle of the movie to explain Batman's motivation.

The Spiderman movie REALLY should have jumped right into the actual story rather than re-hash. You don't want a superhero movie to become an exercise in checking off the boxes of a story we all already know.

After reading the reviews of this Superman movie, and knowing Nolan and his ponderous and often exhausting style of allowing the villain to mete out wholesale death and destruction before Our Hero saves the day, and know Snyder's propensity for homo-erotic self-indulgence, I am not overly excited about this one. My son wants to see it so I'm going and hoping for the best. Not really expecting it at this point though.

Batman established that the Joker murdered Bruce's parents and prompted him to become the crimefighter that he is today. It changes his origin pretty significantly without expanding on any real significance of his origin. It also states Batman created the Joker more or less.

Begins completely changed that whole entire notion so I don't see how you wouldn't view those as two separate origins.

I thought batman was kiled by a random stranger on the street in the movie
Not sure if serious but, that is how Bruce's parent were killed. In the 1989 Batman, Jack Napier as a teenager kills the Waynes then grows up and later becomes the Joker.

Bruce doesn't realize this until he is at Vicki Vale's apartment and the Joker makes the "you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight" which was the same thing his parents murderer said to him after killing his parents. Being the worlds greatest detective, Bruce then deduces that the two are the same person.

Begins completely changed that and stuck more tl the comics.

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Just got in from seeing it.... I must say after all the hype this movie received I can't be but a bit disappointed by the end product. .... not saying that it was bad, but just felt like something was missing. ... def recommend it though

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Just got in from seeing it.... I must say after all the hype this movie received I can't be but a bit disappointed by the end product. .... not saying that it was bad, but just felt like something was missing. ... def recommend it though


I kind of feel the same way. I just didn't feel as attached to it as I think I should have. But I did love it. 


Full review:

The movie is not at all what I thought it would be. It is missing a lot of the typical Superman ideas/story points everyone has come to expect. Do not go in expecting the Superman you've come to know.


Having said that, I loved the setup of the movie. It establishes pretty early on what kind of universe this is and what is acceptable in it. Superman is big, mythical and this movie definitely is deserving of that in every regard. I am glad that they embraced that aspect for Superman. It is definitely the biggest, baddest superhero movie that I have seen. It is massive in scope. 


I think it is really hard to make a compelling Superman movie but they do accomplish it by humanizing him in the Kansas family settings. I really enjoyed those parts and they are quite touching as they are in the trailers. It definitely has a lot of heart. 


Character wise, Superman and Zod are awesome. Their fight is fantastic and huge, think Dragon Ball Z style destruction. Again, I think that sticks with the scope of Superman and what has been missing from his previous movies. The fight was fun and memorable. Shannon nails Zod, he kicks ass. I loved him. Cavil is excellent as Superman too. Costner finally turns in a decent performance as Pa Kent too.


There was just something about the movie that didn't connect with me. Maybe its because I have never been a huge fan of Superman before but it did feel like something was just a bit off in the movie though. That doesn't stop it from being a great movie and story its just not quite right for some reason. I thought the ending scene fell a little flat too but I elaborate on that in the spoilers.



Lois Lane kind of got on my nerves in some points. Leave Superman alone let him do what he has to do. Don't make it about you woman...typical lol. 


I was really surprised the entire Clark Kent double identity did not even come up at all and basically doesn't exist at all in the movie until the last scene. I like that they did that though but it felt tacked on and fake at the end that nobody would recognize him at this point after everything that had happened in the movie prior but I guess that's one thing that has never made sense to me about Superman. 


I don't care for and have never liked the "ghost" that can have intelligent conversations with someone currently living thing. I hated that they did that with Jor El. It never makes sense to me in any movie. What the hell is that, why can he talk and carry on like that with Supes and Lois? Why wasn't any other ghost in the genesis chamber? Stuff like that annoys me about any movie. If its a vision or a pre-recorded message, ok I can accept that but it got ridiculous in this. 


There was a DC universe tie in. On the satellite Supe and Zod go crashing through, it says "Wayne Enterprises". So that connection has been created already. This obviously cannot be the Nolan/Bale Batman though. I will deny that link as long as I live lol. 


End Spoilers**

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Great movie.  My pick for the movie of the Summer of 2013. This relaunch of the Superman franchise is even better than the relaunch of Batman franchise with Batman Begins and The Spiderman franchise with The Amazing Spiderman.   Superman is back and I can't wait for the sequel.




I see I  got a different kind of vibe than others.  This movie retold the Superman origin story in a new way and basically put the stories of Superman 1 and 2 into one movie.  I'm not as picky as some are.  I went into the movie feeling a little uneasy about the movie but left it very satisfied.  For me, it was the best movie so far this summer.

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Great movie.  My pick for the movie of the Summer of 2013. This relaunch of the Superman franchise is even better than the relaunch of Batman franchise with Batman Begins and The Spiderman franchise with The Amazing Spiderman.   Superman is back and I can't wait for the sequel.




I see I  got a different kind of vibe than others.  This movie retold the Superman origin story in a new way and basically put the stories of Superman 1 and 2 into one movie.  I'm not as picky as some are.  I went into the movie feeling a little uneasy about the movie but left it very satisfied.  For me, it was the best movie so far this summer.


I'm really happy they did a reboot and new origin story and I loved how this turned out. Just some things bothered me on it that's all. I guess I am a little picky.



Like when he got his suit. Was Jor El in all the genesis chambers just making suits with capes for everyone for no apparent reason? Just seemed silly. Why wouldn't other families have their armor in those chambers with their name crests on the chest too? 

End Spoilers


I'm probably a little biased and I don't really want to get into it but I don't think this was at all better than the reboot of Batman Begins. I am looking forward to more though for sure and I will definitely see this many more times. 

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Not sure about seeing this movie.  To be frank, I hate Zack Snyder.  He's a hack whose just competent enough to keep from getting laughed out of Hollywood but does not have the taste to ever make a good movie.  Of all comic books, Superman deserves a great movie and all of the movies and TV shows since Superman II have been a disappointment.


So is it a typical Snyder big stupid blockbuster or is it worth seeing?  My expectations have been pretty low ever since I heard he was directing it.  

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Not sure about seeing this movie.  To be frank, I hate Zack Snyder.  He's a hack whose just competent enough to keep from getting laughed out of Hollywood but does not have the taste to ever make a good movie.  Of all comic books, Superman deserves a great movie and all of the movies and TV shows since Superman II have been a disappointment.


So is it a typical Snyder big stupid blockbuster or is it worth seeing?  My expectations have been pretty low ever since I heard he was directing it.  


I think it is worth seeing. Again, though it is not anything like what you'd expect from a Superman movie or story imo which is why I think so many Supe fans have been turned off by it. It definitely has Snyder's fingerprints all over it too. The last hour+ is nothing but full on chaos and destruction. I personally didn't mind Metropolis being laid waste to but I know a lot reviews weren't happy with it. It also made up for the slower buildup in the first half. I enjoyed the dynamic though and I thought the battle and destruction was fitting of a hero with Superman's ridiculous powers. 


I wouldn't call it stupid at all. It knows what it wants to be and hits it pretty dang well. It's definitely a big blockbuster type movie but it has quite a bit of heart too.

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I went in with no expectations and loved it!  It really tells Superman's start in life etc so I can only imagine what 2 & 3 will be like.  Lots of action, good plot that keeps your attention and just a great movie!

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Can't wait to see this! I'll have to go early tomorrow since I'm DJing tonight and tomorrow. Thank to the previous posters for the ninja texting of  any  potential spoilers... you guys rule!


As someone who didn't absolutely hate (though was mildly disappointed with) Superman Returns, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one.


I'm still holding out hope that in one of the sequels, they'll bring in Bizarro. I'm seeing  a govt/ rogue nation sanctioned attempt to replicate Superman gone wrong. Part of the plot would be ensuring the creators cannot do it again, and the other would be dealing with Bizarro himself who could end up being a tragic figure with more depth than originally thought (a la Frankesteins Monster).

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Can't wait to see this! I'll have to go early tomorrow since I'm DJing tonight and tomorrow. Thank to the previous posters for the ninja texting of  any  potential spoilers... you guys rule!


As someone who didn't absolutely hate (though was mildly disappointed with) Superman Returns, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one.


I'm still holding out hope that in one of the sequels, they'll bring in Bizarro. I'm seeing  a govt/ rogue nation sanctioned attempt to replicate Superman gone wrong. Part of the plot would be ensuring the creators cannot do it again, and the other would be dealing with Bizarro himself who could end up being a tragic figure with more depth than originally thought (a la Frankesteins Monster).


I think Lex Luthor will be the next villain and they'll likely call it the "Last Son of Krypton" and play Lex like the comics Lex.  Billionaire that thinks he's saving the world from the alien invader "Superman".


Then they could call the third film the "Man of Tomorrow" and have Brainiac the villain.  


I'd imagine Darkseid would be saved for a Justice League movie.

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Can't wait to see this! I'll have to go early tomorrow since I'm DJing tonight and tomorrow. Thank to the previous posters for the ninja texting of  any  potential spoilers... you guys rule!


As someone who didn't absolutely hate (though was mildly disappointed with) Superman Returns, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one.


I'm still holding out hope that in one of the sequels, they'll bring in Bizarro. I'm seeing  a govt/ rogue nation sanctioned attempt to replicate Superman gone wrong. Part of the plot would be ensuring the creators cannot do it again, and the other would be dealing with Bizarro himself who could end up being a tragic figure with more depth than originally thought (a la Frankesteins Monster).


Hope you enjoy it. I liked it a lot. I think from what they have laid out in this movie they could have any selection of Superman enemies in future movies and I don't think it would be feel unrealistic. They really did a great job in this one upping the ante so to speak for Superman. 

Can't wait to see this! I'll have to go early tomorrow since I'm DJing tonight and tomorrow. Thank to the previous posters for the ninja texting of  any  potential spoilers... you guys rule!


As someone who didn't absolutely hate (though was mildly disappointed with) Superman Returns, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one.


I'm still holding out hope that in one of the sequels, they'll bring in Bizarro. I'm seeing  a govt/ rogue nation sanctioned attempt to replicate Superman gone wrong. Part of the plot would be ensuring the creators cannot do it again, and the other would be dealing with Bizarro himself who could end up being a tragic figure with more depth than originally thought (a la Frankesteins Monster).


I think Lex Luthor will be the next villain and they'll likely call it the "Last Son of Krypton" and play Lex like the comics Lex.  Billionaire that thinks he's saving the world from the alien invader "Superman".


Then they could call the third film the "Man of Tomorrow" and have Brainiac the villain.  


I'd imagine Darkseid would be saved for a Justice League movie.


I thought they might tease a villian in this but I didnt pick up on any. I think that might be the way they go as well but people might be tired of Lex by this point. I know I am. It will be interesting to see how the next one shapes up. 

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