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Michele Bachmann is first GOP presidential candidate to sign pledge banning gay marriage, porn.


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Here are the cliffnotes:

Baculus: I hate Bachmann. She is an *******.

Techboy: She might be an *******, but not for the reasons you describe

Baculus: Why are you defending her?

Techboy: I'm not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: **** you

Techboy: **** you too

Henry: I think Techboy is winning

Sounds about right. :)

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Here are the cliffnotes:

Baculus: I hate Bachmann. She is an *******.

Techboy: She might be an *******, but not for the reasons you describe

Baculus: Why are you defending her?

Techboy: I'm not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: **** you

Techboy: **** you too

Henry: I think Techboy is winning

These sorts of contests aren't so much based on merit, but tenacity, who ever has the last last 2+ page post wins by default

but yeah TB is still winning based on that metric too

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These sorts of contests aren't so much based on merit, but tenacity, who ever has the last last 2+ page post wins by default

but yeah TB is still winning based on that metric too

Well, he does have the advantage of being correct, too.

Remember, what they're arguing is the claim that a politician is a hypocrite if said politician claims to want to reduce the government, and if any one who is in any way related to that politician has any dealings with the government at all.

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Well, he does have the advantage of being correct, too.

Remember, what they're arguing is the claim that a politician is a hypocrite if said politician claims to want to reduce the government, and if any one who is in any way related to that politician has any dealings with the government at all.

That last part ("any dealings with the government"), is, I think, a broader interpretation of his position.

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I don't know why we are arguing technicalities with Bachmann when she is stone-cold ****ing insane.

And that is not artistic license. I think she is clinically insane. Like, we need to put her in a room and look at her through a little window for 20 years-level insane. She thinks God gave her a vision of her husband and simultaneously gave her a husband a vision of her. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for that kind of thing.

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I don't know why we are arguing technicalities with Bachmann when she is stone-cold ****ing insane.

Kristen Wiig has that wild-eyed stare down pat. In the interest of equal time, she also nails Pelosi's weird eyes too.

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I think she is clinically insane
Generally' date=' professionals are discouraged from diagnosing "from a distance", but it's often less problematic than some may think. The encouraging thing, in a time where there is little to be encouraged about in Partisan Pinheadland, is that many folks on the right [i']and[/i] left still have sufficient cognitive competence to declare Bachmann a nutbowl.
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Do you guys think the Bachmann clinic can really change people from being gay to straight?

Wasn't there some gay preacher who had a church group pronounce him "completely heterosexual"? (Just as soon as he gave up all control of his megachurch to other megachurches?)


Actually I have to admit that I'm surprised that the GOP doesn't have the government funding "gay cure treatment centers".

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It reminds of me of when she said the President was going to create reeducation camps.Now I guess we understand she knows all about those.

She is a person of unlimited ironies.

---------- Post added July-14th-2011 at 07:13 PM ----------

Here are the cliffnotes:

Baculus: I hate Bachmann. She is an *******.

Techboy: She might be an *******, but not for the reasons you describe

Baculus: Why are you defending her?

Techboy: I'm not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: Are too

Techboy: Am not

Baculus: **** you

Techboy: **** you too

Henry: I think Techboy is winning

And hence, the reason why I decided it was best to agree to disagree. :-) If we cannot even agree upon the definition of basic words such as "hypocritical" or "defending," then it's a fruitless exchange.

---------- Post added July-14th-2011 at 07:19 PM ----------

Do you guys think the Bachmann clinic can really change people from being gay to straight?

Apparently so. But not only that, but her husband's clinic took federal dollars to do so, which is against the law since they are offering faith-based counseling. So not only is Bachmann a hypocrite for taking federal monies while decrying federal spending, but her family possibly broke the law in doing so.

And people believe she should be president?

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. . . not only that, but her husband's clinic took federal dollars to do so, which is against the law since they are offering faith-based counseling. So not only is Bachmann a hypocrite for taking federal monies while decrying federal spending, but her family possibly broke the law in doing so.

Uh, I'm not certain that either of those statements are true. (Frankly, I've seen a lot of claims of "took taxpayer money" that seem to be a real stretch.) I don't suppose you've got some support for either statement?

(I'm not saying that I'm certain you're wrong, either. Just somewhat surprised that, if it's true, that it hasn't been mentioned before this.)

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Baculus may be combing the clinic with the family farm. The family farm took federal dollars. The clinic should not be eligible for federal dollars.


She had a vision of God telling her who she was going to marry. A vision that her husband had at the exact same time.

Obama may have a Messiah complex, but he has never gone on record as saying that God directly speaks to him.

And the Lord then led me to this man...Marcus Bachmann, my husband — led me to him, and showed me that this was also part of my calling, that my calling was to marry this man...We were praying one night, a girlfriend and I, not Marcus, and the Lord gave each one of us [Michele and Marcus] the same exact vision. And it was this: it was a picture of me, marrying this man in the valley where his parents have a farm in western Wisconsin."


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For the record, I like both of you guys but I think techboy is winning.

Do you count as a "neutral party", or are you another member of Bachmann's campaign staff? :silly:

Interesting side note: A real defender of Michelle Bachmann would probably stop posting here, because bumping this thread does not help the cause. At all. :ols:

Actually, he's not calling you a liar. He thinks you are lying.

There's a difference. :D

Touche. :ols:

Techboy: **** you too

The rest of your summary seems accurate, but for the record, I have never gone here. :)

I don't know why we are arguing technicalities with Bachmann when she is stone-cold ****ing insane.

It's what I do. :ols:

Well' date=' it's what I do if there's not a larger point I actually care about, anyway.

Uh, I'm not certain that either of those statements are true.

Why do you love Michelle Bachmann so much? Don't you support gay rights? :silly:

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Baculus may be combing the clinic with the family farm. The family farm took federal dollars. The clinic should not be eligible for federal dollars.

But apparently it did receive federal dollars; Bachmann claimed it was for "training purposes' date='" whatever that means.

Here is an article about the Medicaid money is has received.

"Michele Bachmann has been highly critical of the Medicaid program's alleged swelling of "welfare rolls," but recently circulating figures show the mental health clinic founded and operated by her husband has received annual Medicaid payments topping $137,000 for the better part of six years for patient care."

"Marcus Bachmann's Bachmann & Associates clinic -- a Christian counseling service with offices in Lake Elmo and Burnsville -- collected six-figure annual sums, and state records show Marcus Bachmann, a clinical psychologist, also applied for and received $24,000 in federal and state grants to provide mental health and chemical dependency treatment with the provision that the money not be used for religious activities."

Read more: Bachmann Clinic Accepts Medicaid Money http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/news/politics/congress/Bachmann-Clinic%3A-$137K-Gov't-Funds-Annually-jun-29-2011#ixzz1S7M7noLd

All of this wouldn't be an issue if she didn't loudly declare herself against such programs (which was the source of the conflict between TB and me).

Now, we're not talking about millions of dollars a year, here, but the amount isn't the point, either.

She had a vision of God telling her who she was going to marry. A vision that her husband had at the exact same time.

Obama may have a Messiah complex, but he has never gone on record as saying that God directly speaks to him.

Sarah Palin and Rick Perry say the same thing. So is God just messing with them, or is he a socialist, redistributing the love around? :-P

---------- Post added July-14th-2011 at 09:46 PM ----------

Uh, I'm not certain that either of those statements are true. (Frankly, I've seen a lot of claims of "took taxpayer money" that seem to be a real stretch.) I don't suppose you've got some support for either statement?

(I'm not saying that I'm certain you're wrong, either. Just somewhat surprised that, if it's true, that it hasn't been mentioned before this.)

This stuff has been all over the news, especially due to the "gay therapy" nature of her (husbands) clinic. Use Google -- it's a marvelous invention!

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