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2010-2011 NBA Playoffs Thread Pt.2


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    • Under 40 - Sofia Vergera
    • Under 40 - Jeisa Chiminazzo
    • Over 40 - Catherine Zeta-Jones
    • Over 40 - Naomi Watts
    • Olympic - Romy Tarangul
    • Olympic - Alona Bondarenko
    • Reality Star - Katherine McPhee
    • Reality Star - Mallory Snyder

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I never heard any of that. And if its true, then why wasn't he locked up?

'ESPN’s Page 2 yesterday published one of the bizarre stories I’ve seen in a while. According to the report, former NBA legend and the man who lays claim to the ugliest game in the world, Karl Malone “The Mailman” Malone maybe the ugliest father figure as well. ESPN’s Jemele Hill revealed that Malone fathered a child at the age of 20 with Gloria Bell, a girl who was only 13 years old when she became pregnant…a story unto itself but it goes deeper.

Remarkably, the child is Demetrius Bell, the 7th round draft pick for the Buffalo Bills. Malone reportedly has never been an active member in Demetrius’ life. How fitting that “The Mailman” would drop off the package and be out.

“I treat it as if my mother went to the sperm bank,” Bell said about his father. “I don’t hate him for [not being in my life]. It made me a better person.”

According to the Salt Lake Tribune Bell’s grandparents sued Malone for paternity in 1986, requesting he pay $200 a week but Malone didn’t respond. A Louisiana judge accepted the results of a paternity test and ruled he was Bell’s father and ordered Malone to pay $125 a week, plus past and future medical expenses. Malone claimed that was “too much money” but later settled out-of-court with Bell’s family between 1988 and 1989."

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Yeah, the Malone being a deadbeat father and a pedophile is really old news. I thought everyone had heard about that.

Now that I read the article Cali posted, I do think I remember hearing something along those lines awhile back. But I wasn't aware she was only 13. That's pathetic. Dude should have been locked up.

---------- Post added June-13th-2011 at 10:09 PM ----------

Parents didn't press charges, I think...I'm guessing back then the parents had to do so, maybe?

Maybe. But since she was 13, I think it shouldn't have been their decision.

Speaking of deadbeats: Wasn't Bird a bad father, too? Thought I had read that he and his daughter didn't have a relationship. I could be wrong though.

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But his life is better than everone elses! he said so, we have to wake up and go to work tommorow, he's still gonna be rich and famous.............my life is great Le******, I have a beautiful wife, daughter, great job and tommorow........you still lost big like you always do and you have to deal with your alcoholic mother who beats valet parkers.....LMFAO! YOU SIR ARE A SUPER ******!!!!

So.. I'm a Lebron fan and I usually don't mind people ripping him, actually alot of it is hilarious ( but this is uncalled for.. I'm sure some of your words shouldn't be used here.. My boy gets on the site and reads along with me, I don't think you'd like your daughter reading this kind of language, so you might want to think before posting something like this again. Thanks.

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Man I am hating on you RP. I know you are so boosted right now. I could steal your car, wife, and your first born and you wouldn't even care. :ols:

yeah probably not. :ols:

Although this morning, my car broke down while I was getting ready to leave for work, and it is gonna cost me a little over $1K when I pick it up from the shop tomorrow. If there is ever a time for that to happen, it was today. :ols:

If it was last week, I would have gone ape****.

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yeah probably not. :ols:

Although this morning, my car broke down while I was getting ready to leave for work, and it is gonna cost me a little over $1K when I pick it up from the shop tomorrow. If there is ever a time for that to happen, it was today. :ols:

If it was last week, I would have gone ape****.

smh, gotta take the bad with the good I guess.

Honestly, I would pay 1k for a Redskins Super Bowl or a Wizards Championship.

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Seriously, and wonder why they're hated so much. That pic makes them look like lazy idiots.

I bet Bosh is just off camera, walking. :ols:

smh, gotta take the bad with the good I guess.

Honestly, I would pay 1k for a Redskins Super Bowl or a Wizards Championship.

Hey I'd cheer for the Wizards to win it next year considering we got Stevenson, Haywood, and Butler from y'all. :D

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I bet Bosh is just off camera, walking. :ols:

Hey I'd cheer for the Wizards to win it next year considering we got Stevenson, Haywood, and Butler from y'all. :D

I swear I am getting tired of Wizard/Bullet players winning rings with other teams, I am happy for them all though.

Speaking of the Wizards, Dwight said he is going to test the market in 2012. Wall to Howard sounds good to me............

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I had Lebron James pegged as an arrogant jerk way before everyone else (well actually people pulling for the 'zards saw it); but even so, people are making him out to be worse than OJ. The quote about "people will wake up in two months or whatever..." was like the 4th or 5th question from a hostile media.

Below I compared the questioning of Lebron on his last game of the season to that of Durant (with Hardin) and Rose. Please tell me what other teams losing in a Championship have ever been treated as harshly. It's true, that America is eating up the WWE-style heel heat on this guy... but seriously, this all feels like media fabrication. It's true, he might be easy to fabricate heat on, but still... who else gets interviewed in this way!

LeBron, given your performances late in games in these Finals, what's your assessment of your ability to play well under pressure?
LeBron, what in this Finals round were you personally unable to do that you wanted to do?
Considering all that you went through this past summer and all the effort you made to get here to specifically win a championship, what are your emotions losing The Finals now?
LeBron, obviously you've dealt with so much criticism for the last year that wasn't at all to do with basketball. When you're getting criticized for what's happening on the court, does that bother you?
Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

Followed by...

One for LeBron and Dwyane Wade, same thing: You guys were favored to win this series, you're expected to win tonight. I'm sure you guys expected to win. It's an overused word, and I don't mean this in any disrespect, I want to know your feelings, do you feel you choked in this series?
LeBron, with all the pressure, the criticism, the expectations, did it ever get to a point where it just weighed heavy and affected you in any way?

Let's see how they treated the losing stars in the WCF and ECF:

Here's questioning of OKC (Durant and Hardin):

Can you kind of compare your feelings tonight compared to last year? You lost here last game like everybody else is going to do except for one team, but you went further this year. Can you kind of compare the feelings you have?
Both of you guys, can you talk about the decision to use that small lineup in the fourth quarter? It really seemed to play, James, for you and Russell to get to the basket and the advantages and disadvantages ultimately to go with that somewhat smaller lineup?
Kevin, it seems like the last couple days we've seen Russ take some heat for some perception from the outside about whether he was doing this or that the right way. Talk about how big his game has been for you all season?
Can you talk about what happened coming down the stretch for a second straight game? Is it going to take being successful next year to kind of get over that, or what's going to take to get over the hump with correcting that?
Kevin, now that you've been through a longer Playoff run, can you describe how the game changes as you get into the second and the third rounds?

Really, Durant didn't struggle late in games either? He was getting punked by Kidd and the Dallas defense during the last games of that series.

Here's the ECF, Derrick Rose:

Derrick, can you kind of give your overview of the series and try not to blame yourself too much in the process.
Derrick, what specifically can you learn from it from watching LeBron and Wade and kind of the way they were taking over at the end of the games?

What does it say about the Heat that Dwyane Wade can have nine turnovers midway through the third quarter, be almost totally out of the game, but he has LeBron James, he has Chris Bosh? What's that like going against when you shut down a superstar and there are other guys there to help push this team through?

Derrick, along those lines, down the stretch, were you kind of feeling you needed somebody else to help you try to assume the offensive load, assume the scoring load, whatever it might be, if nothing else, just to take a little of that kind of pressure off you?
Derrick, I know you don't want to make excuses at all, but by the time the fourth quarters came around and stuff like that, were your legs tired? Were you tired in the series? Did that come into play when it comes to jumpshots or fouling or whatever?
I don't know if you already answered this already, but a game like this, how do you feel like you can grow from it, learn from it, how it's going to help your career progress?

---------- Post added June-13th-2011 at 09:13 PM ----------

Celtics weren't interviewed after Game 7 last year (or the transcript wasn't at the source I used):

Here's Steve Nash being interviewed last year after his team lost to the Lakers in the WCF:

Would it be fair to say that the best team won this series? Talk about your emotions after, what you and your teammates discussed after the game?
Is it your hope to keep this group together? Is there anything you can do about it?
How does it feel from your perspective knowing what it took to get to this point, knowing you don't get too many chances to get two victories away from the finals, how many more chances you feel like you'll have to get to this point?

Of course, here's classy Steve Nash's answer:

You know, I know everyone makes a deal out of I've never made the finals. You know, maybe I won't. But if I play with teams like I played with this year, the guys I played with, you know, I'll be satisfied with that. It's phenomenally rewarding to be part of a group like this. I think some of the years we made the Western Conference Finals, truth be told, it was the final. Our teams in my career here, the last six, seven years, has been rewarding even though I haven't got to the finals or won a championship. We have no one to blame, but on the other hand we were phenomenal. We have a lot to be proud of. There will be a lot of disappointment a lot of sting. Really proud of my teammates, coaches, staff, organization, fans, it was great.
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Come on, he's German, for Snyder's Sake.

He can probably tolerate more alcohol than every person who's posted in this thread, put together.

Exactly what I said a few pages back. But he has been known to get his pic taken while wasted before. :ols:

edit: just noticed your sig. :ols:

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