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TheHill.com: CBO: Taxing mileage a 'practical option' for revenue enhancement


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Typical gov't thought process at work. Here in J'ville the local gov't mandated by the state and perhaps nudged by the Feds (not sure) mandated severe watering restrictions. Media campaigns all over the place- TV, print, radio direct mail etc telling you you can't water but1-2 days a week etc we Floridians need to CONSERVE water. One year later the local utility raises water rates by 20% because they claim they were not "selling"enough water. It's just unbelievable that we continue to elect moron after moron after moron or shyster after shyster after shyster or some combination of both.

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The report was requested by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), who held a hearing on transportation funding in early March. In that hearing, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the Obama administration is hoping to spend $556 billion over the next six years, much of which would go to federal transportation improvement projects.

How much of the stimulus package went to infrastructure? It seems like we could have addressed our infrastructure needs then.

Hmmm. I'm a delivery driver while I'm still in school now. I can't imagine they wouldn't account for people like me. And if that's true, I most certainly would prefer this to a larger gas tax which is completely indiscriminate.

As long as they tax other people instead of you, you're cool with it? :ols:

Anyway, I disagree that we need a whole new tax stream.

On how to implement the idea, CBO said it is unclear how much it would cost to "install metering equipment in all of the nation's cars and trucks."

Uh huh. No thanks.

I drive an SUV that consumes a lot of gas and I think we should just raise the gas tax if we need more in the Highway Trust Fund. No new overhead costs and it rewards less gas consumption. The Fund collects about $40 billion a year now. If the government needs $92 billion a year to maintain and expand our transit systems just raise the gas tax more than double to make up the difference. This would reward drivers of higher mileage cars, punishes those of us who driving gas guzzlers, and would quickly reduce our consumption of oil as consumers bought vehicles that consume less gas.

Eventually, when receipts start to fall significantly because we are consuming a lot less gas, we can start taxing electric and hydrogen vehicles at whatever rate is needed to make up the difference in falling receipts.

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Eventually, when receipts start to fall significantly because we are consuming a lot less gas, we can start taxing electric and hydrogen vehicles at whatever rate is needed to make up the difference in falling receipts.

Or with more people car pooling or using trains and buses you may end up with less wear and tear and thus lower the cost of maintanence

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Don't like this at all. I don't like the intrusiveness I don't like more taxes I don't like the thought of the government tracking my driving, I don't like the idea that the government won't end these wars and yet cries how broke the nation is and instead of doing things that cut spending they dip deeper into my pocket to fund their waste. I don't mind paying my taxes, but when they won't cut the crap out of the budget then don't ask me to dig deeper.

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Don't like this at all. I don't like the intrusiveness I don't like more taxes I don't like the thought of the government tracking my driving, I don't like the idea that the government won't end these wars and yet cries how broke the nation is and instead of doing things that cut spending they dip deeper into my pocket to fund their waste. I don't mind paying my taxes, but when they won't cut the crap out of the budget then don't ask me to dig deeper.

If you and I agree something is a bad idea, you can be sure it's a bad idea. :cheers:

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In addition to a gas tax, or energy consumption tax, a simple option to have vehicles pay more of their share toward road construction costs and maintenance is to pay a tax based on weight per axle.

If I recall correctly, the relative damage to roads caused by heavier vehicles is the ratio of their weights to the fourth power. So, a vehicle with double the weight per axle does 16 times more damage.


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No new ****ing taxes! In fact it's time to roll back property taxes (which shouldn't exist IMO) and give self employed folks a tax breaks that evens out the so called "self employment tax". While you're at it lower corporate taxes by a ton but seal every loop hole tight so that all of them pay and receive a penalty not a tax incentive for off shoring profits and jobs.

This is yet another "trickle down" tax idea. Now you're going after people that drive a lot and SO THEY CAN AFFORD IT buy an efficient car. "tax the civic spare the SUV" thanks CBO!

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As long as they tax other people instead of you, you're cool with it? :ols:

Absolutely. Gas prices are completely raping my life right now. I pay for my own gas for the most part and some days it's eating 50% of my pay. Other days I feel like I'm acually losing money. So yeah, screw a gas tax. Tax mileage and give me a break.

(I really need a new job but with school four days a week, split between early-afternoon and evening classes, I can't get anything meaningful. And I'm not going to trade one **** job for another. Life's a *****.)

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I fully support this.... Of course by that I mean, I'm buying a book on how to roll back odometers

This response makes no sense in context of the thread. So you are rolling back your odometer, so you wont be reimbursed for your mileage, which pays for your gas, which means you are out of more money than had you gotten the mileage reimbursement and paid taxes on that?

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How about spending less money as a means of revenue enhancement as opposed to installing a GPS mileage/find you whenever we want to nanny device in our cars? I don't know, just a crazy thought.


This is the raise tax not lower spending crowd.

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This response makes no sense in context of the thread. So you are rolling back your odometer, so you wont be reimbursed for your mileage, which pays for your gas, which means you are out of more money than had you gotten the mileage reimbursement and paid taxes on that?

LOL WOW I'm an idiot... I thought the link said that they'd tax you for MILES THAT YOU DROVE... Therefore I was going to learn how to roll back odometers so that I wouldn't have to pay that tax... I'm such a drunk idiot

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