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Kermit The Frog: strung out, broke and addicted to pain pills.


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How the slimy hath fallen- Kermit the frog is sick. He is sick in mind and spirit. He says he wants another movie; friends just want him to clean up before he "croaks."


He doesn't remember the 80's....he didn't even act like he knew where he was. He nodded off several times while talking.


He asked where "Jim" was....then he asked for $10.00 so he could buy some Bull.


Kermit the frog is sad. He won't get help until it is very sad.

His children will no longer speak to him. Miss Piggy has filed a restraining order against him. The big question is "why?" Why did he let this happen?

He was making six figures back in 1992, which was the most money taken in by any amphibian that decade. "Fame did him in," lamented Ernie, one of his few friends. "He unraveld slowly since Jim passed. He never got over that."

Drugs, booze and porn, fuel his unstable life. DDT's and T.D. guide his unsteady hands. It makes you tear up to see him like this. His eyes have no more life than a hammerhead shark.

All we can say....is why?


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May 1st: The body of the revered Muppet was found in a Tijuana alley known as La Choulia in the Zona Norte district. Early reports suggest he succumbed to an especially virulent case of the H1N1 variant of influenza, commonly known as swine flu. No suspects. Miss Piggy missing. Parents urged to keep their Muppets indoors until further notice.


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