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The Generic Movie Thread (Includes Misc. New Movies Coming in the Future) MET


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Ok, this is really bothering me. I recall seeing a movie a couple times (it must have been made back in the mid to late 80s) about a house full of kids whose parents are out of town. They do something to piss off some sort of underground supernatural gremlin type thing (I think they accidentally bury their dead dog in a hole that opens up, thereby fulfilling some sort of dark ritual to bring about the coming of this monster thing). So all I can remember is that the movie had one of the kids fall down into the underworld, etc.

DOes anyone know what Movie I'm talking about?

EDIT: Seriously guys, this is bugging the hell out of me for some reason. Another hint, I seem to remember one of the kids was wearing a jean jacket (so it must have been the 80s, I know for a fact it wasn't 2008 when jean jackets rather shockingly became popular again for like 6 months). I also remember the monster thing busting through a wall while the kids are watching TV.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Comic-Con 2012: Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’ rides into town

Another morning of Comic Con brought another mother of a line for Hall H, with rampant fans queuing up to see Quentin Tarantino's sneak peek of his epic western "Django Unchained," Or maybe they were more excited to hear from the famously quote-worthy director and members of the cast, including Jamie Foxx.

The moderator introduced Foxx first, who plays Django, the freed slave turned bounty hunter, who exacts serious revenge on the Antebellum south; Walton Goggins, who plays Billy Crash, the man who helps keep Leonardo DiCaprio's plantation "Candyland" in line; Don Johnson -- sporting shades, a samurai pony tail, and a salt n' pepper Fu Manchu — who plays plantation owner/Colonel Sanders look alike Big Daddy; Christoph Waltz, who actually received the biggest applause and plays the dentist turned bounty hunter Dr. King Shultz; and Kerry Washington, lovely and beaming, playing Foxx's wife, Broomhilda.

Looks good....from Comic-con...more at link, including pic of main cast and trailer video.

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DOes anyone know what Movie I'm talking about?

EDIT: Seriously guys, this is bugging the hell out of me for some reason. Another hint, I seem to remember one of the kids was wearing a jean jacket (so it must have been the 80s, I know for a fact it wasn't 2008 when jean jackets rather shockingly became popular again for like 6 months). I also remember the monster thing busting through a wall while the kids are watching TV.

The film you are after is called The Gate :)


---------- Post added July-14th-2012 at 09:23 PM ----------

The new PTA film called The Master


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Man With The Iron Fists

They put the F U in Kung Fu...

May be very, very slightly NSFW, but there's nothing really in it that I think would qualify...only saying that because it's a red band trailer.

---------- Post added July-14th-2012 at 07:40 PM ----------


David Cronenberg always gets the benefit of the doubt from me :yes:..

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Iron Fists looks cool. At first I thought it might refer to the Marvel title, but that's "Iron Fist." Seems to me I did hear about maybe one for that being in the works somewhere. I would love to see Shang-Chi (one of many Marvel titles I once had the whole run of) and Iron Fist get a movie.

Now, Mel Gibson is yet another one of those actors who may have a huge helping of douchiness in his personality, but makes a lot of movies I like (dammit). This looks interesting and I hadn't hear of it before:


< trailers and more at link>


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Now, Mel Gibson is yet another one of those actors who may have a huge helping of douchiness in his personality, but makes a lot of movies I like (dammit). This looks interesting and I hadn't hear of it before

< trailers and more at link>



GTG is actually a pretty good film. Mel did a great job in this :)

I think you'll enjoy it.

It was a nice surprise for me. Very well made film.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This looks interesting. Multi-award winning sci-fi book. 6 min trailer at link.

Will Cloud Atlas be the next Inception?

The lavish cinematisation of David Mitchell's sci-fi yarn could become the first genuine art-house blockbuster.




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I haven't read the book, but I saw the trailer earlier today. Looks interesting. Should I read the book first, and potentially be disappointed by the movie, or watch the movie, possibly like it only to read the book later and then realize what I was missing?

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Ted is awesome.

When I went, there was a lady with about a dozen kids tagged along, the youngest being around 8 years old. Im sure she saw the poster and thought "oh look, a movie witha talking teddy bear".

She was horrified when the bear was screwing a girl on screen.

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Ted is awesome.

When I went, there was a lady with about a dozen kids tagged along, the youngest being around 8 years old. Im sure she saw the poster and thought "oh look, a movie witha talking teddy bear".

She was horrified when the bear was screwing a girl on screen.

That's hilarious, how did she not know when its rated r

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Just saw Savages and really like it, though the ending will draw a lot of dislike I expect. I will wait a bit before I even say how I ended up regarding the matter since it's hard to talk about it without spilling something one way or another. So don't anyone else spoil it for others, either. ;)

But it was worth it. Benecio plays a great villain/creep, the cast is good all the way around, great action, locales, sets, and production values, and Salma Hayek's still got it.

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I was really disappointed in Savages. Of course, I may have over hyped it in my brain. I looked forward to it for months. I typically love those style of movies. I agree that Benecio and Hayek were excellent. In fact, I think Hayek is getting better with age.

Maybe I just don't like Blake Lively. Really not a fan of hers and she is a focal point. I did like her in the Town, but she was not a dominating character.

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That may have been an advantage for me, Fan---I didn't know about the movie until about a week ago. I was surprised I hadn't heard about it given the people involved, but I was sort of happily surprised it was there as an option and didn't have any particular expectations. Still, it's only the one plot device that I'd question.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kerouac's "On the Road" is coming out.

Have you read the book? I was thinking about picking it up. I've heard a few people say the book is excellent but aren't too thrilled about the casting choices. Then you have the people dying to see it because they wanna see a nekkid Kristen Stewart.

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Have you read the book? I was thinking about picking it up. I've heard a few people say the book is excellent but aren't too thrilled about the casting choices. Then you have the people dying to see it because they wanna see a nekkid Kristen Stewart.

What a classic, definitely read the book. I'm looking forward to the film, but as always books and movies always differ from each other.

I like the choice of Kristen Stewart as MaryLou. Also, Walter Salles (Motorcycle Diaries) is a great Director.

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Juts new heard about the new "Die Hard" movie...Bruce is getting too old for this. :)

Clint's the only one who really pulls that old-but-still-bad-ass off well, and Sly's "Expendables" stuff might be sending a delusional message to the action-genre dinos.

It's getting like rock stars. They'll still be doing their thing with walkers, wheel chairs, and oxygen tanks.

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First pic of Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln from the upcoming Spielberg biopic. Amazing!


Lincoln focuses on the last four months of the president’s ’s life and the political strategizing he undertook at the close of the Civil War to ensure that slavery would be forever outlawed. “Our movie is really about a working leader who must make tough decisions and get things done in the face of overwhelming opposition,” Spielberg says.

He said the film begins with “Lincoln’s realization that the Emancipation Proclamation, the thing he is most known for, was simply a war powers act that would easily be struck down by any number of lawyers after the cessation of hostilities after the Civil War,” Spielberg says. “He needed to abolish slavery by constitutional measure — and that’s where we start.”

Among the other central characters are David Strathairn, as Lincoln’s loyal Secretary of State, William Seward; Lincoln’s sons, Tad (Dark Shadows‘ Gulliver McGrath) and Robert (Joseph Gordon-Levitt); his wife Mary Todd Lincoln (Sally Field); and “one of his most engaging and challenging adversaries, Thaddeus Stevens (Tommy Lee Jones), a radical member of Lincoln’s own party,” Spielberg says.


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