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The Generic Movie Thread (Includes Misc. New Movies Coming in the Future) MET


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Re this past weekend openings -

The Lincoln Lawyer was excellent. Very good movie. Definitely worth checking out.

Limitless was good as well. Can't recall my expectations going in, but I was pleased when I left. Very entertaining.

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I have a thread, but damn Sucker Punch looks made of win. As Hubbs said:

Okay, just to be clear, we have a movie that has samurais, machine guns, a building full of hot chicks, dragons, bullet trains, a sensei that turns into a WWI soldier, biplanes with more machine guns, exploding balls of fire, undead samurais, robots, jet packs, robots with jet packs, super swords that can cut through robots with jet packs, tanks, missiles, undead samurais with still more machine guns, nun-chucks, Molotov ****tails, Led Zeppelin, actual zeppelins, and oh my God my head just exploded with awesome.

Been waiting for months. Can't wait to see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hope this pans out. :)

Okay, Megan Ellison's awesome. Granted, we haven't seen much of the results of her foray into Hollywood production yet, but she pulled Paul Thomas Anderson's rear out of the fire and his new movie is going ahead with her blessing (and money), so she automatically gets something of a geek pass. And according to Deadline, she's secured the rights to at least two more TERMINATOR films in a bidding war between her Annapurna Films and Lionsgate.


Have never read this series (Dark Tower), but hear so much about it.

Shooting on the first feature was supposed to begin this summer; now the start has been delayed at least until February.


Along with Lost Boys, one of my favorite fun vampire flicks (remake in play).


GN has our first trailer for the much-discussed and frequently unwanted remake of Tom Holland's FRIGHT NIGHT.


If you've never seen the original, do yourself a favor and make it so. ;)

The remake of Sam Peckinpah's STRAW DOGS has a trailer.


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I think I heard that of all the movies scheduled to be release this year, over 90% are supposed to be sequels or reboots. There may be some good movies, but the recession has pushed Hollywood into a cheap, money making machine, and sequels are pretty cheap to make.

I avoid going to see sequels in the theater like a punch in the balls. It's generally true that sequels are cheap money making efforts that flat out suck.

There are a few exceptions to this rule:

Anything Pixar does

James Bond flicks

Godfather 2

The Exorcist 3

The Empire Strikes Back

Cheesy, low budget horror flicks

Nightmare on Elm Street 3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just saw an amazing Indian movie called "3 Idiots" this weekend (it's available on netflix dvd, not streaming)

It's an Indian movie about 3 college students at a prestigious engineering college and the pressure they deal with from family. it's a comedy, drama, and romance all in one. GREAT MOVIE. There were a few Bollywood dance scenes, but they were actually pretty good. I woulnd't be surprised if there was eventually an American Remake.

It is currently getting a 92% of rottentomatoes.com, and 4.5 out of 5 stars on netflix ratings.

This is a FANTASTIC movie: hilarious, tragic, insightful, witty, beautiful, quirky, disturbing and fun. It is amazing that Aamir Khan can play a college student just as well as he did 20 years ago in QSQT and create a likable, believable, interesting character. The romance is lacking but there is abundant bromance and Kareena is surprisingly good. The entire cast is strong, even the actors I have not been particularly impressed with before, and the story is awesome. It is engaging from the very beginning and just keeps getting better. Watch it. Immediately.

To enjoy this movie you need to have the patience it takes to sit through 168 minutes in one or two sittings. That warning aside, this is wonderful movie about friendship and loyalty Bollywood style. It combines humor, romance, mystery, friendship, class struggle, Indian music and culture, some phenomenal scenery, ingenuity and runaway brides and birthin' babies. Well worth the effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another good movie last night. A dark comedy "In Bruges." Colin Farrel, Brendadn Gleeson, Ralph Fiennes. Cocaine, silenced pistols, midgets, and a medieval setting.

Having just carried out a particularly difficult hit in London, two hitmen seek shelter in Bruges, Belgium, only to find their views on life and death permanently altered by their interactions with the locals, the tourists, and a film crew. Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes star in an action comedy from director Martin McDonagh

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I really liked In Bruges--seems like a few years ago that I saw it. Going to see the Conan and Fright Night remakes this weekend. Hope they can do justice to Fright Night---that and Lost Boys are two of my fave vamp movies.

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