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Super Conferences first proposed by SI's Andy Staples in Feb 2010:


I know mine is flawed....but I think his is even worse....you can't split up OU and TX and West VA is way too North to be part of the SEC. I'd actually probably put VA Tech back into the ACC in the one I did up and move Clemson to the SEC. Might also have to put the Florida schools back into the ACC to make them more competitive in football.

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Georgia Tech just made like Neo in The Matrix and dodged a bullet.

Ohio State's next.

As usual, BCS cheaters win. They damn sure don't lose -- not postseason eligibility or TV appearances, which is the only punishment that would leave an actual mark.

Way to be firm, NCAA. I've already noted the strongly worded sentence in the statement by the Committee on Infractions, but the follow-through was flaccid. As usual.

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This is pretty funny:


Our friends at ESPN The Magazine embarked on quite the task -- finding the friendliest college football coach in America. How exactly could this be accomplished?

Ryan Hockensmith tells us all about it. The magazine invented a superfan named Jim Smith with a simple request. In a letter to all 120 college football coaches, Jim asked for a voicemail to be left in his inbox to be used as his outgoing greeting. A handful of coaches actually took the time to fulfill the request.

But like a bumbling idiot, Jim deletes all the voicemails he receives. So he makes a second request for another voicemail. Two coaches come through, but one stood out.

So the friendliest coach in America is ...

Syracuse coach Doug Marrone.

I dont really give a **** about who the friendliest coach in America is. Nice guys finish last. However, I am now embarking on a mission to get my voice mail message to be Dana Holgorsen. I would like there to be a ton of background noise as if he is actually standing in the center of a bar or casino, and yelling "Hey! You got PleaseBlitz's voicemail! He's ****ing busy, so leave a goddamn message!" And then, as if he was yelling in another direction and not into the phone "Hey sweetheart! Get me another double turkey and put some liquor in it this time!"

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This is pretty funny:


I dont really give a **** about who the friendliest coach in America is. Nice guys finish last. However, I am now embarking on a mission to get my voice mail message to be Dana Holgorsen. I would like there to be a ton of background noise as if he is actually standing in the center of a bar or casino, and yelling "Hey! You got PleaseBlitz's voicemail! He's ****ing busy, so leave a goddamn message!" And then, as if he was yelling in another direction and not into the phone "Hey sweetheart! Get me another double turkey and put some liquor in it this time!"

There couldn't be a more perfect head coach at a college than Holgorsen at WVU right now lol

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STupid ESPN suspending Bruce Feldman

Everyone tweet with hashtag #Freebruce


One of the finest writers in the profession was suspended today because of a company's own irresponsible journalism. #freebruce

---------- Post added July-14th-2011 at 10:00 PM ----------

I hate ESPN so much sometimes. ****. Those big wigs up at ESPN don't know ****.


Senior writer at ESPN the Magazine Bruce Feldman has been suspended indefinitely by the Worldwide Leader in yet another display of muscle-flexing from the head honchos in Bristol. Via Sports By Brooks:

(ESPN Vice President and Director of News Vince) Doria, (ESPN the Magazine Editor-in-Chief Gary) Hoenig and (ESPN.com Editor-in-Chief Pat) Stiegman informed Feldman today that he has been banned from writing for any ESPN entity, is forbidden from appearing on any ESPN platform, is not allowed to Tweet from his Twitter account nor participate in any promotion of a recently-released book in which Feldman played a role ...

... Multiple management and editorial sources at ESPN have told me in recent months that Feldman would only participate in the Leach book project upon direct approval from ESPN management - which Feldman indeed received.

ESPN is that typical non-offensive PC corporation. Ugh. To paraphrase Gundy, "Makes me wanna puke"

Not only has ESPN not forgiven Leach for these apparent injustices, it also apparently seeks to exile Leach from the sporting world, Robinson Crusoe-style.

Soul-less corporate entity

So mad

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The Feldman story is pretty incredible, based on how it's come out so far anyway.

Feldman is arguably their most notable college football writer, and they suspend him like this, for this?

Especially in 2011, when the media backlash is coming out instantaneously thanks to Twitter and sports blogs? Unless ESPN has another major side of the story to this, their head guys just look like complete jerks.

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It would be so awesome if BSPN got some cominguppance from this.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of America won't even register this episode and will be back tomorrow for Reillys latest pile of dog ****.


My first thought was, if they are suspending Feldman for THIS, they should have suspended Bill Simmons years ago for sexual improprieties with the Red Sox.

Hopefully Feldman will move to Yahoo, SI, or somewhere else. That way everything he writes wont require Insider.

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You will never convince me ACC expansion worked out.


The ACC wanted to be the SEC. It wanted the money, the clout, the conference championship game, the TV contracts and pollsters to give mid-level ACC teams the benefit of the doubt because, well, they were in the ACC.

But once again, the ACC looks like a souffle that keeps collapsing.

Georgia Tech lost to Georgia Saturday. Clemson lost to South Carolina. So both halves of next week’s ACC championship game in Tampa lost to mid-level SEC teams that are headed to third-tier bowl games. That’s not how a conference gets money or clout or a big TV contract or the benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, the SEC title game matches No. 1 Florida vs. No. 2 Alabama.

While Tech coach Paul Johnson tries to figure out how to motivate his players after Saturday’s lost to the Dogs, ACC commissioner John Swofford needs to figure out how to spin this almost annual disaster into a positive. Good luck with that.

The conference has never received the marquee Miami-Florida State match-up it was hoping for when it expanded and split into two strangely divided geographic divisions (Atlantic and Coastal). Here’s the ACC’s brief championship game history:

The good news is with FSU coming back the ACC now has 2 legitimate programs instead of one!


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It would be so awesome if BSPN got some cominguppance from this.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of America won't even register this episode and will be back tomorrow for Reillys latest pile of dog ****.


I don't know what can be done. They pretty much have a stranglehold over sports television in this country.

It's ironic, in a way. With cable, there are supposed to be options; but is seems like the three major networks were able to share the wealth more effectively.

Nothing will happen with ESPN because this is just one little ol' college football coach and the only people taking his case are those wacky "bloggers." ESPN has the name and the resources to spin it any way they please.

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