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I think it was a good move even without Brantley.

The spread is so widely used now that two things are happening, 1) the pool of really good spread QBs is getting severly depleted, and 2) defenses are going over board to stop it.

Staying ahead of the curve and going to a modern pro style will keep you ahead of the curve in both competing for recruits and countering defensive evolutions.

Also, it's always better to play to your best players strengths.

I disagree for the same reason....there are more pro style offenses out there competing for QBs year after year than Spread teams. The good news (for us) we got the #1 QB recruit this year (who could likely play either pro or spread)

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I think you think that FSU's name-recognition is better than it really is. Most people think that about their own school.

Miami isnt a "marquee" win unless they really turn it around this season. C'mon, they were barely .500 last year and got thumped in their bowl. Beating VT in the ACC championship would be a marquee win, beating any other ACC team would not be. Will Florida be a huge win? They finished 8-5 and unranked last season and arent the same team without Tebow. It'll still be a big win, but it wont be a top 10 win.

I think if anything, the polls tend to overrate both FSU and Miami from how I'd personally rank them. History has shown this time and time again. Which is why I think they'd get a better boost than you think they would, maybe better than they'd deserve.

Miami is marquee enough that Ohio State has been able to use it as one of their notable OOC wins.

And UF, even after a down year, is still one of the SEC's premiere programs. I'd like for that not to be the case, but it's true. Last year the wheels really fell off, but that's not going to be the normal season for them going forward.

I mean no, we're not talking about overcoming a legendary, brutal SEC type of schedule that would make Gary Danielson tremble in awe.

But on average, FSU's schedule has stacked up well with the schedules that programs like OU, Texas, and Ohio State have been using to get BCS Championship shots lately (arguably too well, which is why Jimbo Fisher is actively trying to lighten FSU's scheduling for the future). This scrutiny over FSU's resume is an exercise that could be applied to just about any of the major power players in recent history.

Here's something of note- going by SOS ratings on Football Outsiders, from 2007 to 2010, these are the average SOS ratings for each program:

LSU- 7.75

Ohio State- 36

Alabama- 12.75

FSU- 10.75

Texas- 53.5

If FSU could actually hold it together and go undefeated in a season, their resume would hold up well enough for the polls. Beating teams like UF, Miami, Clemson, VT, and another couple of average to above average ACC teams (let's say UNC and maybe NC State) would do the job.

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I disagree for the same reason....there are more pro style offenses out there competing for QBs year after year than Spread teams. The good news (for us) we got the #1 QB recruit this year (who could likely play either pro or spread)

Last year, I counted 36 of 120 FBS teams that ran a pro style offense. Now that might change, and my list could be off, but the vastly more college teams are spread than pro style.

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You guys heard about the Yahoo Sports story that is going to break soon about a SEC West school scandal not named Arkansas and Ole Miss. It is supposedly a big story...

Bama or LSU?

I'm presuming its not Auburn because it seems like that investigation is dead for now.

And if it were Mississippi St I wouldn't give a ****.

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You guys heard about the Yahoo Sports story that is going to break soon about a SEC West school scandal not named Arkansas and Ole Miss. It is supposedly a big story...
Bama or LSU?

I'm presuming its not Auburn because it seems like that investigation is dead for now.

And if it were Mississippi St I wouldn't give a ****.

I saw a rumor a week or two ago that one of the Florida Big 3 schools was being investigated. Who knows how credible that rumor is though. I would guess that between UF, FSU, and Miami, all three are guilty of some NCAA issues (Miami probably a little less so, since they ran a pretty tight ship under the Shannon era).

Here's the thing that bothers me about all of these investigations: every school competing at a high level is breaking a rule here and there. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. Not every school is doing it at Ohio State, UNC, USC, or even Oregon levels, but there are still some shady things going on nonetheless. Digging up dirt on these schools appears to be the new big sports reporting fad, and I wonder at what point it goes from exposing systemic problems like at Ohio State, to just a witch hunt where schools are getting caught for anything simply to create a story.

Obviously, major cheating shouldn't be tolerated. But realistically, the NCAA system isn't perfect, and is it going to take a bunch of schools getting brought down before some changes are made to the NCAA to help things meet in the middle and actually control and prevent some of these problems? Or it just going to be a bunch of schools getting brought down and that's all that comes of any of this?

It's getting to the point where even playing for the BCS Championship casts a spotlight on your program that you may end up regretting.

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Bama or LSU?

LSU has ties to Lyles, but I don't think that's it.

I'm presuming its not Auburn because it seems like that investigation is dead for now.

Stewart Mandel (@slmandel)

7/13/11 9:06 PM

Wow. Great details here. RT @PeteThamelNYT: NCAA enforcement to Chizik and Auburn football: Investigation isn't over. http://nyti.ms/nX8yBh

And if it were Mississippi St I wouldn't give a ****.

while it may surprise ppl, MSU is going to be legit this year. They're going to **** up someone's trip to Atlanta.

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Last year, I counted 36 of 120 FBS teams that ran a pro style offense. Now that might change, and my list could be off, but the vastly more college teams are spread than pro style.

I have a feeling your list is off...I'm just too lazy to research all 120 teams and prove you wrong....not to mention just because a team doesn't run a pro style offense doesn't mean they run a spread.

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while it may surprise ppl, MSU is going to be legit this year. They're going to **** up someone's trip to Atlanta.

I wouldn't be surprised if they went to ATL.....LSU would be my pick, but I'll take MSU over Bama....I don't think people realize that Dan Mullen was pretty much responsible for both our national championships during the Urban Meyer era. If Dan Mullen was the offensive coordinator in Tebow's last year, you can't convince me that we don't go undefeated and win it all again. Addazio has to be the most incompetent offensive coordinator ever....yet we still managed a one loss season that year.

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Oh, so NOW they continue investigating the War Tigers :rolleyes:

Would you like daily e-mail updates from the NCAA on the investigation?

The NCAA just tends to move super slow on things like this. The only time things get sped up is when a school self-reports an issue or hands over anything substantial in cooperation (which actually doesn't tend to give the school a lesser punishment, which is why schools usually don't go out of their way to do things like that).

I wouldn't be surprised if they went to ATL.....LSU would be my pick, but I'll take MSU over Bama....I don't think people realize that Dan Mullen was pretty much responsible for both our national championships during the Urban Meyer era. If Dan Mullen was the offensive coordinator in Tebow's last year, you can't convince me that we don't go undefeated and win it all again. Addazio has to be the most incompetent offensive coordinator ever....yet we still managed a one loss season that year.

I think it'd be pretty unwise to take MSU over Alabama this year.

I think Mississippi State should have a solid year, but Alabama is arguably as loaded as they were in 09 and will likely finish as a top 5 team. Dan Mullen is a heck of a coach, but he's not Nick Saban, and MSU certainly isn't Alabama in terms of athletes or resources.

And not to nitpick about it, but I'd say UF's BCS Championships were a fair split (coordinating wise) between Mullen and Charlie Strong, although at UF's peak, Meyer was an excellent head recruiter (as dirty as he was) to help close on the talent they needed. Strong's been doing a hell of a job so far at trying to get Louisville back on track.

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UNC is going to be in major trouble

Marvin Austin tweets

anchormanaustin marvin austin

Twitter I'm not bitter I just don't like the way my friend, teammate,brother was mislead,misued, and ostrisized from the program for the

anchormanaustin marvin austin

Same reasons that others got suspened and are able to play for because I know exactly the details in each case and its noway that this young

anchormanaustin marvin austin

Man should have his dream snatched from him like the #ncaa has done.I can tell you so many stories that would be mind boggling in comparison

anchormanaustin marvin austin

I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely

anchormanaustin marvin austin

Trust me I know....I love my school..I chose to come here when nobody thought it was smart to do..but I just wish the administration stood

anchormanaustin marvin austin

And stop the cowardly acts when the are in front of the ncaa just tell them what you told us...don't turn and twist your story to look

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I think if anything, the polls tend to overrate both FSU and Miami from how I'd personally rank them. History has shown this time and time again. Which is why I think they'd get a better boost than you think they would, maybe better than they'd deserve.

Miami is marquee enough that Ohio State has been able to use it as one of their notable OOC wins.

And UF, even after a down year, is still one of the SEC's premiere programs. I'd like for that not to be the case, but it's true. Last year the wheels really fell off, but that's not going to be the normal season for them going forward.

I mean no, we're not talking about overcoming a legendary, brutal SEC type of schedule that would make Gary Danielson tremble in awe.

Miami was not great last year, but of course a team that beat them like OSU is going to point to every win as better than it really is. Y'know, Youngstown state is actually pretty good. :ols:

Florida is of course one of the elite programs in the country. Last year, they were not good. If you are looking at a resume, you have to look at the teams THAT YEAR. Thats really my whole point. The name-brand teams get a lot of credit, and some years they don't deserve it. I think (i didnt check) that Notre Dame has started each of the last 4 years ranked in the preseason polls. Think about that for a minute.

And as to your overall point, ok, FSU schedule isnt terrible when you look at only their schedule if you claim Miami is way better than they really are and if you assume the ACC has a better year this year overall and assuming UF reverts to where they typically are in their first year under Muschamp. But compare it to any SEC team, maybe any Big10 team if you make some similar assumptions, and FSU is fighting an uphill battle.

And believe me, way too many WVU fans are talking undefeated season, beating LSU who otherwise goes unbeaten, and all of a sudden Maryland is a marquee game. :rolleyes:

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I don't have high expectations for this year, but considering our schedule, and our recent ACC dominance, I wouldn't be stunned if backed into an undefeated season prior to the ACCCG

At this point, without having seen a single drive, I expect WVU to average 500 yards and 40 points per game.

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If you run the table you will be fine, regardless of conference. 3 undefeated teams only happened in 2004.

Its when you get a year like 2007, with a bunch of 2 loss teams that things got tricky

Or 5 undefeated teams (pre-BCS Bowls) in 2009.
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Texas A&M predictably not happy with the Big 12 and being Texas' *****:


Maybe super conferences will end up happening after all.

If they are tired of being little brother in Texas, they won't like what it feels like playing in the SEC West. LSU, Alabama and Auburn will have top 10 recruiting classes most years. A&M seems to be losing commits left and right this recruiting cycle.

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I don't have high expectations for this year, but considering our schedule, and our recent ACC dominance, I wouldn't be stunned if backed into an undefeated season prior to the ACCCG

This isn't a very educated prediction, because I'm not really familiar with the state of UNC and GT's teams....but those back to back Thursday night games against those two teams looks dangerous. I can see Tech losing at GT or going into the Thursday night UNC game undefeated and disappointing in that game. I'll pick tech to go 11-3 this year with loses in the ACC CG and their Bowl game. Just a wild guess though.

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Texas A&M predictably not happy with the Big 12 and being Texas' *****:


Maybe super conferences will end up happening after all.


I wasn't big on this idea when it was first being discussed, but it would make a playoff format a lot easier to pull off. 4 Super conferences:


north: Washington, Washington State, Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford, Cal, Colorado, Utah, BYU, Boise State

south: Arizona, Arizona State, UCLA, USC, Texas, OU, Oklahoma State, Baylor, Texas Tech, TCU


Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, FSU, Miami, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, USF, UCF

Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss, MSU, LSU, Texas A & M, UK, Vandy, Tenn

Big 18

Minnesota, Iowa, Iowa State, Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska, KU, KSU, Illinois

Penn State, OSU, Cincinnati, Purdue, Michigan, MSU, ND, NW, Iowa


Maryland, BC, Uconn, Rutgers, WVU, Pitt, Cuse, Navy, Army

Duke, UNC, NC st, UVA, Clemson, Louisville, ECU, Wake Forest, Troy

Before all the backlash.....I realize ND wouldn't join a conference, Boise State's accedimic standards aren't high enough to get into the PAC-12, I was really reaching with the ACC....that conference would really suck for football.....but I had to rape and pillage their conference for the good of the SEC. ACC here would be pretty awesome in basketball though.

I really like the way the Pac-20/SEC/Big 18 turned out. You could have a the winner of each of these super divisions make the playoffs. Would be fun to watch....but I know it would never happen the way I set it up.

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