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Interesting press conference in my building yesterday related to Rush Limbaugh (warning offensive language)


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So, I post a lot on the Tailgate, but I don't usually start threads, but I thought this was interesting and a little scary, so bear with me.

Yesterday as I was returning from lunch, there was a press conference going on in the lobby of my building. California State Senator Leland Yee, who has his office here, was speaking. I didn't pay much attention, because Yee does a lot of photo ops and stuff here, I see him all the time, and I'm not a fan of his (frankly I don't think he is the sharpest tool in the shed).

So, it was only today that I found out what the press conference was about. Apparently, it started when Rush Limbaugh was being his usual obnoxious self and Yee called him out on it. Here's a short clip of what Limbaugh said that aggravated Yee.


Yee is of Chinese descent, and he thought this was offensive, so he called on Rush to make a retraction. Rush of course refused to do so, and ripped into Yee on the air.

You would think that would be the end of it, but it wasn't. Yee has started getting death threats. This is one of the faxes his office has recieved.


And this is one of the voicemails he has recieved.


So the press conferecne was about the death threats, and the California Highway Patrol is investigating,

So here's the rub. After what happened in Tucson, I'm a little bit worried about angry crazy people ranting against politicians, especially those who work in the same building as me. I know it's unlikely that anything will happen, but it still rankles at me.

That's all.

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Hope it turns out to be empty worry. Ugly stuff you've shared with us.

This is what I hate about those who are leading a good portion of the American conversation these days and why I think Rush, Beck, Palin, Coulter, Savage, etc. are destructive.

And you don't see any on the left as destructive?? Go figure.

I suppose that fax can easily be traced and a visit from the local PD might be in order.

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He got fired. Who's the guy on the left you would choose with remotely the same platform and reach that you think is equivalent?

You seriously can't pretend that there aren't left wing radio stations. And that they inflame the liberals. And make jokes at the expense of conservatives, often labeling them all "dumb" "redneck" hicks" "hillbillies" ......

Again, the rhetoric comes from both sides. Examine the 8 years Bush was in office.

EDIT: Predicto, I can understand your feelings, but Tucson was less about political rancor and more about crazy. However, the faxes and calls Lee has received are deplorable.

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And you don't see any on the left as destructive?? Go figure.

I suppose that fax can easily be traced and a visit from the local PD might be in order.

Olbermann got rightly fired, name some left people who are equally as destructive/on the same level as Rush Beck and Coulter, in terms of the stupid, ignorant, over-the-top, harmful language as displayed by Rush Limbaugh in this thread.

I'm not a big fan of either side, but I just am not seeing the left equivalent of Rush, Coulter, Beck.

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Again, who?

If they're there they should be easy to name. There's no one on this board who doesn't know Rush, Beck, Coulter, Savage, and Palin. You say there are equivalents and the left is exactly the same... well, name 'em. Who are these national leftest muckrakers?

And Predicto, if you think I'm derailing the thread just say so and I'll immediately stop.

I think the threats of violence and language is unacceptable and I think almost every poster on this board would agree with that.

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Again, who?

If they're there they should be easy to name. There's no one on this board who doesn't know Rush, Beck, Coulter, Savage, and Palin. You say there are equivalents and the left is exactly the same... well, name 'em. Who are these national leftest muckrakers?

Maybe Howard Stern? (is he leftist? I dunno...)

And Predicto, if you think I'm derailing the thread just say so and I'll immediately stop.

It's just a thread. I don't own it. :)

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Again, who?

If they're there they should be easy to name. There's no one on this board who doesn't know Rush, Beck, Coulter, Savage, and Palin. You say there are equivalents and the left is exactly the same... well, name 'em. Who are these national leftest muckrakers?

And Predicto, if you think I'm derailing the thread just say so and I'll immediately stop.

I think the threats of violence and language is unacceptable and I think almost every poster on this board would agree with that.

Olberman, Krugman, EJ Dionne, Schultz, Moore, Matthews, Klein, Alterman, Katrina Vander...(Nation), Richard Cohen, Alter, Joan Walsh, Lawrence O"donnell, Stephanie Miller, etc, to start. of course these don't not necessarily have the reach or "abrasiveness levels" of those you mention but they are just as nasty, dismissive and myopic as those on the right. I can see it. I hope you can too.

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I saw that Limbaugh bit on Colbert. The head of the GOP should NOT be like that.

You really think that a radio personality is the head of the GOP?

Just because the Right Wing talking heads actually get ratings but none of the Left Wing talking heads can get ratings does not mean that there are not any Left Wing talking heads, it is just nobody knows about them because they are so insignificant on the ratings.

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Olberman, Krugman, EJ Dionne, Schultz, Moore, Matthews, Klein, Alterman, Katrina Vander...(Nation), Richard Cohen etc, to start. of course these don't not necessarily have the reach or "abrasiveness levels" of those you mention but they are just as nasty, dismissive and myopic as those on the right. I can see it. I hope you can too.

Actually, I'll add Bill Maher to the group. He's funny, but definitely goes over the top.

Michael Moore is from Flint, Michigan, he typically targets big business in large part because of what happened to that town. I think him playing whistle-blower to corporation misconduct pissed off Republicans and created the battle between the two. Plus, he does documentaries and though they are skewed, they are still researched well. He isn't blasting ignorant and divisive rhetoric like the others (including Chris Matthews) do.

I've never really heard of the others you listed though, though I have heard of Cohen but don't know enough about him to form an opinion.

I saw in your first post that you viewed Burgold as attacking the right only because of who he listed, and used it to go off on the left. But I'd like to hear your opinions on what Rush said.

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of course these don't not necessarily have the reach or "abrasiveness levels" of those you mention but they are just as nasty...

I'm sorry, but did you just read your own sentence? They lack the reach. They're not as abrasive. But they're just as nasty (dismissive, and myopic). If they're not as bad how are they as bad?

And you didn't create a list of liberal Shock jocks (with the exception of maybe Schultz, but just named every lib you could think of) Moore, I think is fitting btw. He's a pretty disgusting character and has a pretty big platform.

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I work in politics and my office gets letters, faxes and phone calls every week just like that VM.

This year, most of it has been really vile things about Hispanics or immigration issues. Last year it was a lot of calls where people dropped the N-word a lot while talking about President Obama. Or really racist pictures sent in the mail.

Some people just send crazy, crazy, crazy things. Like handwritten letters all backwards or random letters with 666 and crazy symbols all over it.

Most of it our Receptionist just ignores, but sometimes she has to call the police. There are so many sick people out there in the world - you can't be too careful.

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You really think that a radio personality is the head of the GOP?

Just because the Right Wing talking heads actually get ratings but none of the Left Wing talking heads can get ratings does not mean that there are not any Left Wing talking heads, it is just nobody knows about them because they are so insignificant on the ratings.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement for the right. The way you say it makes it seems like the left knows to ignore the talking heads, accounting for the low ratings, while the right laps up talking head rhetoric, given the high ratings. Is that the actual case? I don't know. But the way you state it there could be an inference made.

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I'm sorry, but did you just read your own sentence? They lack the reach. They're not as abrasive. But they're just as nasty (dismissive, and myopic). If they're not as bad how are they as bad?

And you didn't create a list of liberal Shock jocks (with the exception of maybe Schultz, but just named every lib you could think of) Moore, I think is fitting btw. He's a pretty disgusting character and has a pretty big platform.

The left (there are exceptions) certainly has a more fluid way of telling one "to go to hell" than the right (there are exceptions). The end result is the same it's just a matter of nuance.

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The left (there are exceptions) certainly has a more fluid way of telling one "to go to hell" than the right (there are exceptions). The end result is the same it's just a matter of nuance.

Oh, I completely disagree. We need the ability to disagree with our leaders and government or the various corporate superpowers. We need to be able to analyze them and vivisect and call them to the carpet when it's warranted. That's what a David Brooks, a George Will, a Krauthhammer does well and sometimes fairly. What we don't need is for idiots to throw torches into every haystack they can find and try to set the town on fire.

Most of the people you listed I would agree fall on the liberal side of the spectrum. Most of them also used reasoned debate. That's a difference and it's a very important difference.

It's the difference between--

I hate you! You commie, sleeper terrorist!


I disagree with your policies because I think they are short sighted and these are the likely effects.

One has value. The other is garbage.

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You seriously can't pretend that there aren't left wing radio stations

Oh, I assume that there are. Somewhere.

Now, show us the one where the Chairman of the DNC has stated that "John Doe is not the leader of the Democratic Party.

And been forced to go on nationwide TV, less than 24 hours later, to take it back.

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Oh, I assume that there are. Somewhere.

Now, show us the one where the Chairman of the DNC has stated that "John Doe is not the leader of the Democratic Party.

And been forced to go on nationwide TV, less than 24 hours later, to take it back.

Why do you cherry pick my quotes constantly? Quote the rest, where I clearly state that the rhetoric comes from both sides.

I am an independent. I don't vote on party lines. I like a divided govt. I didn't vote for McCain-Palin. I didn't vote for Obama-Biden. They are one and the same. So continue to try to pigeon-hole me as a right wing conservative Rep. My posting history will stand on its own.

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