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Interesting press conference in my building yesterday related to Rush Limbaugh (warning offensive language)


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Beause Asians are taking offense to it. I'll ask you the same question I asked another in here: what makes you more qualified to determine whether or not this is offensive to Asians than Congressman Yee who actually is of Asian descent?

Is it on Chinese state-run news? Are our Chinese members here on ES crying out in hysterics? Is there ANY widespread anger in the Chinese community about this? Or was it one, unknown state government official who saw an opportunity for name recognition, who is up in faux arms?

And to me, anyone who busts Rush's chops over this, and DOESN'T do so anytime ANY accent is mocked is just a hypocrite. And like I said, one that treats people differently based on race. It is what it is. You don't have to like it.

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Rush was poking fun at someone solely based on that person's ethnicity. He was trying to get people to crack up at his imitation of a guy simply because that guy speaks Chinese. Do you honestly believe otherwise? I realize that Asian Americans are totally fair game when it comes to racial stereotypes, jokes, etc., but I find this **** totally ridiculous.

PS - I love some of the comments in this thread, particularly those that essentially say, "liberals make fun of white people, so don't complain about conservatives making fun of minorities."

You may be correct about the context, but I can only go on the video that was provided. All I see is a guy making fun of a language barrier, not the language or culture itself. Maybe I'm naive, but I just don't see how he's putting down anyone with the impression. It's almost like when you watch a spanish morning show, but don't understand spanish. They can sound pretty ridiculous because they're talking so fast. Am I being racist or insensitive if I try to imitate that by speaking gibberish? I don't think so.

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Is it on Chinese state-run news? Are our Chinese members here on ES crying out in hysterics? Is there ANY widespread anger in the Chinese community about this? Or was it one, unknown state government official who saw an opportunity for name recognition, who is up in faux arms?

And to me, anyone who busts Rush's chops over this, and DOESN'T do so anytime ANY accent is mocked is just a hypocrite. And like I said, one that treats people differently based on race. It is what it is. You don't have to like it.

I didn't realize you had your finger on the pulse of the Asian community and knew they weren't offended by this.

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There are funny, non-offensive ways to get that point across. Imitating circa-1950s comedic gags on a syndicated political radio show is not a good way to get that point across. As PeterMP pointed out, if he's not going to apologize (which he should) he should at least be condemning the bad responses he has helped generate.

I'll agree with the part about condemning the bad responses, just to clear things up. The notion that saying "ching chong ching chong" is terribly hurtful and offensive, especially in the context he used it in, is just silly to me and I don't think that deserves an apology.

he's making fun of people he thinks are foreigners

**** him

How is the Chinese president not a foreigner and when does he make fun of foreigners in that clip?

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I'll agree with the part about condemning the bad responses, just to clear things up. The notion that saying "ching chong ching chong" is terribly hurtful and offensive, especially in the context he used it in, is just silly to me and I don't think that deserves an apology.

Fair enough, but as I've shown in this thread there are people of Asian descent who disagree with you.

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I didn't realize you had your finger on the pulse of the Asian community and knew they weren't offended by this.

Nor did I realize you knew they were.

With the Duke case, I heard the outrage from friends, colleagues, people on the street. With the Panther Poll Guards, same deal. Nappy headed hoes? Yep, talk of the town.

The first and only place I've heard about this story is here.

And yes, I see that other politicians, and activist groups have joined in to jump up and down about nothing. But I figure the next Dave Chappelle hour special making fun of white people (including the way we talk) will go unnoticed once again. I'll be laughing hysterically at that special, BTW, which I guess is why I hope that others can do the same. If not, we should just make it all off limits. If some skin colors aren't as thick as others, let's just make it all go away. I mean, equality used to be what we were after, right?

I thought it was interesting that Ms. Meng's frustration, in the article you quoted, was more based on the fact that he made fun of a foreign leader, rather than an ethnicity. Gotta get the outrage coordinated a little bit better, methinks.

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Fair enough, but as I've shown in this thread there are people of Asian descent who disagree with you.

You're right. And I'm not a Rush fan by any means, but just defend his right to speak without constantly having to apologize to people. It's not hate speech, and he's not starting an anti-Asian movement. With some things you just have to agree to disagree and not blow things out of proportion.

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Right, so because activist groups are displeased with it that means they don't have a valid reason. Simple fact of the matter is you don't think it's offensive so you won't accept that others are legitmately offended by this. Tell me, how many have to be offended before you think it's serious? "Jumping up and down about nothing" you couldn't be more disengenuous and dismissive if you tried.

I didn't realize Limbaugh and Chappelle had the same comedic formats for their shows. You do realize that the reason most don't take offnse to Chappelle and others making fun of white folks is because they're not only purposefully over-the-top to point out the ridculousness of stereotypes (contrasted with Rush who was using it as a legitimate criticism of the Chinese language and clearly had serious tones, he wasn't "just joking") but because they aren't rooted in oppression. White people stereotrypes and oppressed the heck out of minorities throughout the country's history, that is why minorities get offended when white people make ignorant and possibly racist comments.

And let's be honest, there are white comedians who get away with racist jokes also, however those are done so in comedic format, not as a means of breaking down a language on a political talk radio show. If you can't see the difference, and Rush certainly doesn't, then you'll never see why Rush's comments were offensive so there's no point in us discussing this any further. You are the expert on the Asian community and you know they aren't offended and anyone who is is just playing up an agenda.

---------- Post added January-29th-2011 at 01:06 AM ----------

You're right. And I'm not a Rush fan by any means, but just defend his right to speak without constantly having to apologize to people. It's not hate speech, and he's not starting an anti-Asian movement. With some things you just have to agree to disagree and not blow things out of proportion.

So if you had a radio show and started talking jive, and then had black politicians and activists tell you they were offended and want an apology, would you give them one?

Trust me, I agree Rush has the right to free speech just as the rest of us. But their is a responsibility that comes with it, especially when one is publicly broadcasted. It's the same responsibility that comes with people not shouting "fire" in a crowded area when there isn't one.

If he's constantly having to apologize to people, or being asked to apologize constantly, shouldn't that at least send up a red flag?

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This is so ridiculous I can't properly express it. But I'll probably give it another shot tomorrow. :)

---------- Post added January-29th-2011 at 01:19 AM ----------

So if you had a radio show and started talking jive, and then had black politicians and activists tell you they were offended and want an apology, would you give them one?

How bout with a southern twang instead of jive? What then?

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This is so ridiculous I can't properly express it. But I'll probably give it another shot tomorrow. :)

---------- Post added January-29th-2011 at 01:19 AM ----------

How bout with a southern twang instead of jive? What then?

I would apologize because I know many Southerners who do take offense to being ridiculed or viewed as dumb simply because of an accent, as would be the case in that situation.

I think a non-Asian trying to say that he knows what is and isn't offensive to them is ridiculous. You're disparaging people who feel offended based solely on your assumption that activists and others aren't being genuine in this all because you don't think it was offensive. Who are you to tell those people they are wrong in being offended? Do you even care to address my points about the differences in comedic style and context between comedians like Chappelle and radio pundits like Limbaugh? Or do you think Limbaugh's platform and delivery were the same as Chappelle's?

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So, how many of these conservatives who are laughing at Limbaugh's joke or defending it are going to make a fuss when we call tea partiers, "tea baggers"?

See, this is what I don't get. Why are people offended when the opposition makes fun of their positions? I'm a conservative and I could care less what Liberals call me. They're the opposition, that's what they do.

Conservatives should worry about cleaning up their act and getting their message out with compelling arguments. Sophomoric name calling will just makes those who poke fun look immature.

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Wow, I can't believe how this thread has evolved. Hopefully continue discussion will lead to understanding. Not something we seem to be witnessing today.

Now to the issue at hand.

Rush had every right to say what he did, but it was crass, in poor taste and unwise.

I was interested in the level of outrage when some on here intimated it's not as serious because Rush imitated or made a foolish attempt to imitate the Chinese language over a "hammed up" attempt to show frustration over the lack of a translator. So living in a community that has representation from all races/creeds and political leanings, I spoke with several members in choir practice last night.

5 persons of Asian decent thought Rush was foolish and offensive 1 person of Asian decent considered Limbaugh a dweeb and did not care. 4 black or of African American decent thought Rush was trying to be offensive but they don't follow him and don't care.

3 black persons were offended. ( disclaimer one black male is married to a Korean woman) 4 white people found Rush's words offensive. (disclaimer one white male married to Japanese female) 7 white people did not care about Rush and did not listen to him. They had not heard of the story.

So my choir is roughly 60 people including musicians and director and I only had the chance to speak with other tenors and some of the altos. But I do find it interesting who did find it offensive.

Rush has a right to speak his mind, but his position also dictates a responsibility. Rush crossed the line in the eyes of a segment of the population of the United States of America. His irresponsible actions of the moment and subsequent reactions towards the Asian community can be viewed as bigotry by the Asian community.

People say his words and actions were offensive to them. Rush won't make amends but he should consider the power of his influence and speak out against the violence and threats.

But he won't....

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So people were deeply hurt because he wasn't really speaking Chinese? I don't think the "jive" incidents compare well, because Rush Limbaugh actually knows how to speak English and was making certain black people sound dumber than they are. I can imagine being offended by that. But saying "This is what I was hearing as a non-Chinese person when the president of China was speaking..." and then exaggerating to try to be funny, is at the most ignorant or insensitive (since people were offended) but not racist. He wasn't saying anything (though I did like the Colbert translations). If you take it at face value, which people never seem to do these days, he didn't put down any race or culture.

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Jnhay: I was not offended by Rush's comments but I did think them crass.

However, I did speak with people who did find his actions offensive. Are their feelings less valid than mine or yours?

Obviously, there are those who found his remarks and actions offensive. The question is, what percentage of the population has to be offended for it to be considered offensive?

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Jnhay: I was not offended by Rush's comments but I did think them crass.

However, I did speak with people who did find his actions offensive. Are their feelings less valid than mine or yours?

Obviously, there are those who found his remarks and actions offensive. The question is, what percentage of the population has to be offended for it to be considered offensive?

Someone being offended isn't automatically a reason to apologize though. He feels he said nothing wrong, and from what I can tell through the video he didn't. With the show he runs, he'd need to apologize every day because someone somewhere will be offended. I think people just aren't giving Rush the benefit of the doubt. People have their preconceived notions about him, and I don't think it's right to read into what he's saying in this instance.

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So Rush lampoons Hu, a guy who is murdering, torturing and imprisoning millions of Chinese, and Yee wants an apology from Rush for insulting the Chinese. It's a wacky world.

So, let's just assume for argument's sake that Hu is a total ****. What your post is essentially saying, "If one guy is a ****, it's fair game to make fun of the entire ethnic group to which he belongs." Awesome.

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