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Interesting press conference in my building yesterday related to Rush Limbaugh (warning offensive language)


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Per one topic in the thread, and without parsing whether the left nutjob talking heads are as "bad" (hateful, vitriolic, inciting, whatever) which is a real debate, it leaves me to wonder, given that virtually every statistical survey and even elections show no large percentage differences between total number of lefties vs righties, why does one group of nutjob talking heads have such a hugely larger audience than the other. It can't simply be attributed to enormous numbers of independents leading solely one way. Is it that the much broader portion of the "fan base" of the one is closer in nutterism than the other? I wouldn't assume so. Interesting, though.

I don't think "more people closer to nutterism" is it. It's a combination of things, I would guess. #1 - the personalities themselves. You can't just talk politics that people want to hear, you have to have the right kind of personality to make it work. Which is why people like Randi Rhodes and Al Franken, who said the right things for the base of hyper liberals, were never able to gain that much traction. On the other side, it's why the attempt by Fox "News" to create a conservative Daily Show was such a miserable failure. It's not because there are no intelligent conservatives who would appreciate political satire in that medium. The hosts/writers they went with weren't talented enough. Simple as that. Second, and a related point, is access. While there are some liberal radio hosts out there, very few of them get the level of syndication that the conservative ones get. I can't think of one liberal equivalent that is accessible on AM radio where I live. There are a ton of conservative ones. Can't build a following like that on Sirius/XM

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Seems a number of Asain Americans are upset



I think if Limbaugh and Beck what to do this sort of thing and then compare themselves to comedy they should start calling their shows comedy and move their shows to a comedy network

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Understandably so. What Rush did wasn't comedy. It was mockery.

Problem is he then says it is okay for comedians to do this why not him?

Same with Beck

But for the all time comedy gold was Palin getting upset with Family Guy for their joke but saying Rush calling people retarded is okay because he is using satire

Does this mean Limbaugh Beck et al are nothing more than jokes who should not be taken seriously?

Should they turn their show more into a Daily Show/Colbert type of show and quit making themselves seem like beakons of truth and real news?

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Problem is he then says it is okay for comedians to do this why not him?

Frankly, that's an excuse most outgrow by the time they are in middle school. Mom, they get to do it why can't I? It's pathetic the lengths many go to excuse and even extole bad behavior.

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