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TMZ: Miley Cyrus Video -- Partying with a Bong


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Happy Friday. Yes I used TMZ as a source.


Click link for vid (prob NSFW):


Miley Cyrus celebrated her 18th birthday by experimenting with a bong and catching a case of the giggles -- but sources say she was not smoking marijuana.

The video was shot during a party at Miley's L.A. area home 5 days after her 18th birthday.

According to a source connected with Miley ... the smoke filling the bong is a natural herb called salvia which has psychedelic qualities. Possession of salvia is legal in California.

As for the video ... the source tells us it was shot by one of Miley's friends -- and the theory is someone stole or copied the video from that friend's camera.

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The nude shapshots from last week were more interesting....

or so I hear. :paranoid:

---------- Post added December-10th-2010 at 02:14 PM ----------

And if she's really smoking salvia like the source says, I'd say that's actually worse than weed.

Definintely worse than weed. Or at least much less understood.

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The nude shapshots from last week were more interesting....

or so I hear. :paranoid:

---------- Post added December-10th-2010 at 02:14 PM ----------

Definintely worse than weed. Or at least much less understood.

At least she's 18 now....PM your friends...except me of course.


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The Hannah Montana thing is over. She's moving on to more adult fare, as well she should if she wants to sustain a career and not be stuck being an unemployed teenybopper role model the rest of her life. DISNEY RUINS EVERYTHING.

She's not smoking pot in that pic. She probably told her friend to leak the pic to make her look cool and badass and to get people talking on the Internets. She probably does smoke pot and she's not a virgin.

Sweet, silly girl who is neither the antichrist nor worthy of such scrutiny.

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Two thoughts--- Miley may think these are her friends. They are not. Clearly not one of them thought enough of her to either stop her or to prevent the video taping. Thought two--- that's a great product placement for Frosted Flakes. Kellogs must be happy with the celebrity endorsement.

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Yeah and she seems like a really really annoying person to smoke with.

Until she takes everyone out to the Waffle House and buys the entire menu.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Miley Cyrus' public downfall is going to make Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan both look like sensible, saintly people by comparison.

Hitting a bong < going crazy & shaving your head/getting busted with blow/crashing into things intoxicated.

She still has a ways to go IMO.

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The thing is, if this wasn't Miley Cyrus then no one would care. Salvia is just the new "trendy cool" thing kids do, and may experiment with a few times. Most people don't keep doing it over and over. There really isn't even that much too it.

It gives you the giggles for a few mins and then it's over.

Big Deal.

I think it is pretty hypocritcal cause most of the celeb bloggers are just wannabe celebs that probably frequent the same clubs and streets as Miley Cyrus, but they are anonymous cause they aren't famous. They are probably drinking, smokin' partying as well and no one gives it a second look.

Some of the better blogs can be witty and funny, but others just take it over the top.

A lot worse things then Salvia out there. And I remember the "dirty dancing" controversy a few months back...it's like Wow TMZ....you've never seen a high school dance? Really? The girls there are acting just as slutty if not way more....

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Two thoughts--- Miley may think these are her friends. They are not. Clearly not one of them thought enough of her to either stop her or to prevent the video taping. Thought two--- that's a great product placement for Frosted Flakes. Kellogs must be happy with the celebrity endorsement.

Miley is claiming someone "hacket" her friends camera.

I personally would not be surprised if she leaked these photos.

A big "YAWN" from me. I never got the fascination over celebs, though I would love to have some of the ad revenue some of these blog sites bring in.

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