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WE: La Plata, Maryland tells Westboro Baptist Church to go to hell

Commander PK

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My community really did a great thing this morning. Kudos to everybody involved. I wish I could have been there.


This morning in La Plata, Md., the hate group's parade of absurdity received quite a response: More than a thousand counter-demonstrators showed up early, established themselves on the rights-of-way around the church, and prevented the "God Hates Fags" crowd from getting anywhere near the funeral of Marine Lance Cpl. Terry Honeycutt.
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Actually, I have to say that at least as described, I'd have a problem with that.

Yep, the counter-protesters have the right to express their opinion, too. But I'd assert that any group's right to protest ends when the group deliberately acts to deny other people the right to use public right of way.

(Although I'd also admit that if somebody were to punch the morons, maybe even shoot one or two, then Larry The Juror would be leaning real heavily towards a "temporary insanity" verdict.)

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Shortly after finishing their protest at the funeral of Army Sgt. Jason James McCluskey of McAlester, a half-dozen protesters from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., headed to their minivan, only to discover that its front and rear passenger-side tires had been slashed.

To make matters worse, as their minivan slowly hobbled away on two flat tires, with a McAlester police car following behind, the protesters were unable to find anyone in town who would repair their vehicle, according to police.

Read more from this Tulsa World article at http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20101114_11_A12_CUTLIN105145

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Actually, I have to say that at least as described, I'd have a problem with that.

Yep, the counter-protesters have the right to express their opinion, too. But I'd assert that any group's right to protest ends when the group deliberately acts to deny other people the right to use public right of way.

(Although I'd also admit that if somebody were to punch the morons, maybe even shoot one or two, then Larry The Juror would be leaning real heavily towards a "temporary insanity" verdict.)

They non-violently blocked these *******s from disrespecting this soldier's funeral. With no punches thrown, and no shots fired. The bigger group won. The way I understand it, they just saw the number of people assembled, and gave up and left. At least they weren't dumb enough to try to force their way through a thousand people.

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When they came to my father's funeral, only like 3 people from Westboro were there...its being blown out of proportion.

I really dont see why people get so worked up over them, all that does is enable them. If you just ignore them, they'll drift back into their hole and disappear since they cant get any money from their lawsuits.

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Actually, I have to say that at least as described, I'd have a problem with that.

Yep, the counter-protesters have the right to express their opinion, too. But I'd assert that any group's right to protest ends when the group deliberately acts to deny other people the right to use public right of way.

(Although I'd also admit that if somebody were to punch the morons, maybe even shoot one or two, then Larry The Juror would be leaning real heavily towards a "temporary insanity" verdict.)

i disagree with this. the counter-protesters had EVERY right to do what they did. it's Westboro's option to show up to these funerals, and everyone elses option to show them they don't want them there.

that's America.

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Actually, I have to say that at least as described, I'd have a problem with that.

Yep, the counter-protesters have the right to express their opinion, too. But I'd assert that any group's right to protest ends when the group deliberately acts to deny other people the right to use public right of way.

Wrong, Larry.

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the counter-protesters had EVERY right to do what they did. it's Westboro's option to show up to these funerals, and everyone elses option to show them they don't want them there.

that's America.

Agree 100%. If Westboro Church has the right to assemble and preach their form of hate so does everyone else that wants to honor their local soldier.
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