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Worse debacle: 2009 Redskins or 2010 Cowboys?


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Bottom line its defineately Dallas they were predicted by most to win the superbowl and there 1-7 there coach already got fired and theyve shown no heart and gave up the past 3 games. The 09 redskins were coming off a 6-10 season and predicted to be last in the division...It was a debacle but not like in Dallas. Either way were comparing a turd to a fart bottom line is both teams stink.


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Have to say the 2010 Cowboys because they were a playoff team last year with big expectations.

To be fair, though, while the Cowboys shouldn't have had a 1-4 record before Romo sits to pee went down, at least the games they lost weren't to the dregs of the league. The 2009 Skins couldn't have had an easier schedule at the beginning of the season last year, and how they managed to only achieve a 2-4 record in the first 6 (and only barely beat the Rams and Bucs) was just unbelievable.

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the entire story has not been written on the turds ... but if look back at our entire season and their half season, i mean dude? the bingo caller? swinging gate? the signs at fedex debacle? haynesworth getting benched? the detroit loss?

2009 skins so far was worse than 2010 turds.

Thanks for reminding me of all those things. For a while, all I remembered is how bad the skins were on the field, and how they could not get a break in a kit kat bar factory.

Twice, a player trying to get out of the way of a punt, and the ball swerves in mid air to hit the guy. An intereception gets fumbled and returned for a touchdown. The swinging gate that closed on the coach's foot.

How many plays did the skins have go against them in the Saints game? I remember there were 6.

The point I'm trying to make is not only were the skins playing bad, the coach was a useless figure head and the front office not only screwing things up but stripping the screws as they went along. Last year was as complete a debacle as there could possibly be in the NFL.

The skins debacle wins. Sorry Dallas fans, but ya gotta have a lot more crap than that to one up last year's skins

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While the 2010 Cowboys definably failed expectations worse than the 2009 Redskins, I still think the 2009 Redskins is the worst debacle, in terms of general franchise awfulness.

The Cowboys did not bring in a "extra set of eyes" from a Bingo hall and end up resorting to a play-calling trapezoid

The Cowboys have not had a swinging gate moment to show the whole country how pathetic our coaching was. The Cowboys have had bad plays, sure, but nothing on the level of the drooling idiocy of that swinging gate abortion.

Jerry Jones can be out there, but nothing he has done has come close to the false bravado and ass covering of Vinny Cerrato during 2009.

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How can anyone think our season was worse? We had been struggling for a few years, and it wasn't a big surprise. The cowboys went from playoffs to garbage with virtually the exact same personnel.

The swinging gate was too blown up. It was basically going for it on 4th, down by 24, but in an ugly way. The last time zorn drew up wacky stuff like that, it worked, vs Denver. And that time he showed his hand too, calling a time out during the shift. So basically, he's 1 for 2 on trick plays. I really hate how people use that to define our season. "the swinging gate year" give me a break. it wasn't a big deal. It was far more embarrassing to get whooped in all other aspects of that game.

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2009 Redskins. For this reason:

<Insert swinging gate play>

I still fail to see why the swinging gate was soooo bad. It was dumb, I agree, however, we were down 24-0 at the half towards the end of a losing season. Why not do it? What did we have to lose at the point?

I'd be much happier if, if we are getting stomped, we start pulling out the 'annexation of puerto rico' and other crazy ish.

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Personally for me, the 2009 Redskins. I'm having a great time with the current Cowboy sucktitude. Now, for the unbiased fan, I think this year's Cowboy implosion is WAY worse. Dallas was hyped up to be Superbowl winners, they have all this talent, "blah, blah, blah," all the commentators were enamored by them. So yes, their season is way worse.

2009 Redskins. For this reason
A little piece of me just died watching that again...
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By far the Cowboys. How many were predicting that they'd be in the Superbowl? They finally broke the hump of never winning a playoff game, everyone said their roster was stacked, and they were ready for take off. They just didn't expect that they're coach was Dr. Zachary Smith and now they're LOST IN SPACE.

We hoped the Redskins would be good, but feared they would be average to dreadful.

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The Cowboys have been getting blown out repeatedly. We were only blown out twice, and they both came at the end of the year. A lot of jokes have been made about the "bingo caller," but the fact is that our offense was respectable during the 7 games he called, and that came against some good teams. Even if the Super Bowl expectations for Dallas are taken out of the equation, we had 4 wins, which is more than Dallas is on pace for.

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2009 Redskins. For this reason:


Sweet Christmas. That was a crap inducing godawful moment for me.

But I have to say the Cowturds. It was expected being the fact its America's team with the opportunity to play at home. What more can you ask for? And they failed. All this will mean a wet fart if for some odd reason we need a win to advance to the playoffs by beating them turds. Just imagine if we lose to them. I couldn't take it.

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Gotta go with the pukes on this one. They were a playoff team last year plus with all the hype this year, with the whole Super Bowl in their own "palace". You know the t shirts and hats had already been made are still in a warehouse somewhere...just in case. A total debacle, especially after that pounding by the Packers.

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