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Lmao @ Gilbert Arenas faking an injury.

Good ol' Gilbert. LOL.

Gilbert Arenas says the knee injury that kept him out of the Wizards' preseason home opener wasn't an injury at all, but a ruse designed to get a teammate more playing time.

Washington coach Flip Saunders said before Tuesday night's game against the Atlanta Hawks that Arenas' knee was bothering him. "His knee is acting up and is a little sore, and it looks like he's going to sit this one out," Saunders said.


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Lmao @ Gilbert Arenas faking an injury.

Good ol' Gilbert. LOL.


I don't find it very amusing. Sure, it sounds like he is being a good teammate and helping out Young. But he is also undermining Saunders and this becomes just another typical Gilbert quirk. You had your moments Gilbert and you got us back to the playoffs and for that I thank you. But most of the time we just put up with you being a psycho and repeatedly injuring yourself. Peace out after this year.

Edited by DoGood28
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It's really not that serious. It's a meaningless preseason game and apparently Saunders didn't really care. The coach isn't stupid. Gilbert has looked excellent so far in the preseason.

Im inclined to agree with you. I just don't like that this was coming from arenas. Why can't he just ask the coach to sit him in favor of young this game. He doesn't have to go through a song and dance with the fake injury.

Its not really a big deal so whatever but I love the look of this team. And now they have a real leader at point guard and some one they can build around.

All they really need now is a dominant center. I live Mcgee a lot but I still think its gonna be a few years til we see the best of him and we could use help at that spot. However, I will say that with such an atheltic roster, Jwall will have a lot of toys to play with in transition. We might not be the most solid team but we damn sure are gonna be hella exciting.

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Flip said on 980 they fined Arenas

Which is what you'd expect. But in the grand scheme it's not really that relevant. Gilbert is just looking for a way to help out a struggling teammate. If he doesn't come out and say this in the media, he doesn't get fined. The team has to take it's due course now that it is public knowledge.

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Not so innocent anymore, is it? I'm sorry, GA is just too weird for his own good. Many of his antics have proven that his judgment is sorely lacking. It's too bad because I used to love Gilbert the player.

in his present form, Gil is poison.

the sooner he's gone, the better. we're stuck with his ass unless he violates the personal conduct policy

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We signed Adam Morrison? When did this happen? Haha, the dude has TWO Championship rings. WTF

I must have missed this signing when it happened. Is he supposed to be sharp shooting type role player for us? I recall him essentially being a bust for Charlotte considering he was taken so high, plus he tore his ACL. Does anyone have any insight or expectations for him?

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How have Seraphin and Booker looked? I'm excited about both of them. Especially the latter. I heard someone on the radio the other day comparing him to Nene. But they said he's further along at this point than Nene was.

I work and go to school evenings so it's hard for me to catch games right now.

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Seraphin is REALLY raw. He's a physical specimen (and this is without ever being in a proper work out program) but his game is not developed at all. But in the few minutes he's gotten so far, you can see that he just wants to bully people out there. He'll put his back to the basket and back people down with ease. He aggressively attacks rebounds and runs the floor very fluidly. But his game is just not developed at all for him to be part of an NBA rotation.

Booker hasn't impressed me. He didn't impress me in the SL and he hasn't so far in the preseason. He's really short for a PF and has no game on the offensive end to be run as an SF. He doesn't attack rebounds and he can't shoot and has no offensive game. Not liking him at all so far. Seems out of place in the NBA. He won't be able to use his speed and hops like he did in college. His best hope is to develop a 3 pt. shot so he can be used as a big defensive SF. He looks like Ron Artest but plays like Michael Ruffin (ok well not THAT bad on offense but he's a self check at this point).

Edited by No Excuses
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Yeah Booker was pretty invisible in the summer league. Which isn't a good sign from a 1st round pick. I think the draft strategy of the Wiz was to take the BAA. Best athlete available and hope they can mold him into a legitimate NBA basketball player. I think too that they envision Wall as an Isiah Thomas type of player and just surround him with tough, hard nosed bigs that will bamg with the other team. And Gil can be Joe Dumars.

If I have ever extras, I'll shot you a PM :).

That will be sweet man. I'm working six days a week but if I can find a way to get there, I'm there for sure.

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I railed on the Booker trade at the time so I'm sticking with it. Despite the fact that he played 4 years in the ACC he doesn't seem that polished to me. Maybe he'll come on though.

Gilbert is a straight up retard. He has a mental illness and it's going to be a long 3 more years.

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I see it as him trying to be a mentor and a leader. Young had 24 points, so I can't say that I'm mad at Gilbert.

Yup, Flip had praising words for him:

“You know one thing I think everyone has to understand some … Gil, in the two years I’ve been here, has been the easiest guy I’ve had to coach. Okay? So people say, ‘Gil, Gil…’ He is receptive and he will do whatever I ask him to do from a coaching standpoint. And I’ve said that from day one,” exclaimed Saunders.

“So whatever role I give him … I think it’s more the opposite where he’ll defer more than he will try to do too much, especially with the group that we have,” the coach continued. “So I think if I ask him to score, he’ll score. If I ask him to set people up, I think he’ll try to do that. And he did that last year and he’s continued to do that through training camp this year. I think that’s one of the reasons that our younger players have been so committed to what we’re trying to do because how he’s gone about his approach to doing things too.”

I don't think a coach who hasn't been shy of trashing his own team would praise someone like that without good reason. Doesn't seem like praise for you know a "poisonous player" or someone suffering from a "mental illness".

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After scoring 24 points in the win, Young said that Arenas sacrificed on his behalf in order for Young to play. When asked to clarify, Arenas said, "Yeah, I told him I'd sacrifice playing tonight so he'd get some time. Because I know he's kind of frustrated not getting a chance to crack the three position, especially since we're going three guards. So I told him I'd fake an injury or say something's wrong with me, so he can start."

That didn't sit well with the Wizards or Saunders, who said Arenas told him at the morning shootaround that he was sore and couldn't play. Saunders said he addressed the situation in meetings with Arenas and the team. "I told him, I most disappointed personally, because I believe in you. There has been a trust factor. I told him, 'You have to be honest with me,' " Saunders said. "In my conversation with both him and in front of the team, was when you guys indicate to me that you're in a situation that you can't play, I can't judge when someone is hurt or not hurt. Only you can tell us that. When you indicate and say that to me, that's what I go by."

Arenas apologized for not being forthcoming with Saunders, but said he was only trying to help a teammate get more playing time. "I was trying to be a good teammate. Nick wanted to play, and since we are guard-loaded, I felt I'd take the day off, and I lied to coach and told him my knee was sore so he could start Nick," Arenas said. "Obviously, no one's taken it well. I was just trying to help out Nick, get some playing time under his belt because he's been working hard at practice. I screwed up again, so I just want to say, 'Sorry.' "

"I messed up again," he said. "I'll never do it again."

Arenas said he probably should've handled the situation differently. In hindsight, yes, but I wasn't really thinking that this was going to be another media outburst. It's like everything I do now, someone tit for tat, try to blow it out of proportion. At the end of the day, Nick is happy. He got to play, got to show that he can play, and I'm out here taking all the heat again. I made my teammate happy."

He added, "Better way? If I wouldn't have made any comments, you guys wouldn't have known, right? Let's just say I blew it again."

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Dude, Gil you can't do that **** man.

You are on thinner than thin ice right now. If you think Nick needs more playing time, tell Flip that. Lobby for him, talk him up, whatever but don't lie to your coach about it...and then admit to it!?

I mean, I don't want to defend him lying, but no one can prove/disprove soreness so why didn't you just keep it at that?

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If any of you would like to attend the game today (Thursday) against the Bucks, then shoot me a PM. I have an extra set of tickets that I need get rid off. I actually bought these online but I got a hook up to better seats so I don't need these anymore. Since my hook up gave me his tickets for free, I'll give mine away for free as well. The seats are in Section 419 but it's preseason so you'll be able to sneak into the lower level with ease.

Shoot me a PM if you are interested. First person to do gets the tickets. I'll email them directly to you.

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