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The Official Washington Basketball Thread: Wizards, Mystics etc


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That was the best quarter of the season. Just kept the foot on the gas the whole way. On both ends.

Man when this team clicks and plays together like they have the past couple games, they are good. They can play with anyone.


This is going to be one fun season.  I know you're not a Caps fan (though you should be) but this is like the 2008-09 season for the Caps.  Coming off a playoff run that ended maybe before it should have and now you really start to see the fruits of your labor and things get clicking.  They ended up finishing second in the East that year.  I would love that result for the Wiz this year but honestly, there's no team in this conference that they literally cannot beat. in a series. 

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Late call.

Watching the Denver feed of this game and their TV guy just said while going over the stats of Wall, Teague, and Lowry and was able to say without laughing that to paraphrase "I don't really care for any of them"

I'm not gonna insult Ty Lawson or anything but damn this dude is dumb.

They've been gushing about our defense, marveling at how physical it's been.

They're used to watching soft ass west teams play "defense"

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JaVale comes in and makes two splashy plays--the oop and that block where the ball was like three feet above the rim. That's why teams will always give him chances.

And he also gives up four baskets right at the rim, three of which he was completely out of position for. Two from Seraphin and two from Nene. That's why teams that rely on him will never win.

Embarrassing them!

Professor holding office hours.

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