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Have you given up on the 2010 Washington Redskins already???


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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Too many people on the Extremeskins site are of the "give them time" variety. I'm sick of that long-standing loser bs. As far as I am concerned, this is the most important game of Shanahan's career.

Right, because it's such a winner's mentality to demand and expect them to do what they can't do, then get all pissed off about it and call anyone who knows better a loser.

Wise up. It's a simple choice. Deal with reality or not.


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I have not given up all hope yet. I will say that there are tones of things that we need to work on, but not to the point where I give him. Philly should be a good game because McNabb will want to show the fans that they were wrong about him. We need to figure out a plan to shut the long passing game down. The run-stop isn't that much of a problem because most teams are passing on us. Jim Haslet needs to play his corners infront of the receivers on the short 10 yard passes. Why the corners play behind the receivers, I don't know. But, we need a plan on defense. Instead of sticking Joey Galloway out there, replace him with Wade, and put Moss in the slot. Add Devin Thomas and Wade as the wide outs. We need Moss more for the first down conversions because the long passes to him in double coverage just don't seem to work all the time. When he is 5 yards infront of his receivers, he gets the ball. But a short receiver in double coverage is not able to jump in the air and grab the bal;.

We need to sign Randy Moss when this season is done.

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We can afford probaly 4 more losses, maybe 5 depending on our division win-loss record. So to bail now makes no sense. Now if JC was still here I would be getting geared up for the Caps. But with Donovan here I think Ill stick around for the time being. Hail.

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We can afford probaly 4 more losses, maybe 5 depending on our division win-loss record. So to bail now makes no sense. Now if JC was still here I would be getting geared up for the Caps. But with Donovan here I think Ill stick around for the time being. Hail.

I agree. That's why I said sign Randy Moss so that Donovan McNabb would have a taller wide-out to throw to. I believe that if we had a taller wide-out then a lot more of the longer passes would be cought because someone like Randy can jump in the air and bring down ball down with him. Just think of how dangerous that would be. Moss in the slot and Randy as a wide-out. Almost like a tag team threat. The defense has to pick what Moss they want to die by.

As for Jason Campbell, I think he would have done well if Gibbs had remained the head coach. He needed more years on the same play book and a decent O-line. Over all the Vinny was the one that ruined it for the team because he went a long time without drafting O-linemen. Your receiver core will never get the ball if your QB has no time to throw it to them. Now he is dreading his misfortune in Oakland because he got benched. For example, just look at Colt Brennan. They replaced him with John Beck. Oakland signed Brennan and then got rid of him. Both Campbell and Brennan were good QB's.

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I voted no, but I guess I haven't given up hope, but didn't have hope for the season to begin with. Granted after the Houston game I started to believe we could be competitive but then a huge dose of reality struck. We have too many holes and need a couple years to get them fixed. We are not a very good team and it is OK to face that fact. I just hope the future is brighter than the past.

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I unfortunatly never give up, that is why I am still pissed about Sunday's game. Actually I was listening to the game on the radio in the car and when Mcnabb threw the pick in the 4th I did immeadiatly push the off button and sat there and fumed, that might have been giving up. I just feel like every year (I know, I know this year is different) there is that glimmer of hope, only to get punched in the stomach! Time to re-group, realize that we were never going to the SB or the Playoffs, just rebuilding like last year, and the year before, and before, and before. I don't have much confidence about the iggles, how could I? The skins will probably get my hopes up a few times during the game, and then I'll get punched in the stomach. It is beyond me why I don't have a stomach ulcer!

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I am about as excited now as I was after the Dallas win, maybe a little less, but I'm really excited we beat this team. This division is crazy and bipolar right now. I think we played a great half, and did enough to win in the 2nd half, but it was close (it wouldn't have been close in this OR the Dallas game if Rogers could catch).

I still have a hard time expecting more from this team than 6-10, maybe it's cause I'm used to getting burned when I get my hopes up. This strategy (expecting nothing), has also saved me fights with the wife and remote controls, during Skins games. I felt they were 6-10 all season so far, after last week, I thought maybe 5-11, but I really do think if anyone EXPECTS the team to make the playoffs, they're setting themselves up for disappointment, not because it's not possible, just because it would be remarkable for us. I'm not willing to trust the team enough to believe in the remarkable yet.

Hopefully next year.

For the record, I voted that I hadn't given up on the team, but I did set my expectations pretty low in the first place. Yeah for not being disappointed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i voted yes, i was so furious after this loss. some how though, this team woke up after this drubbing and has played well since then.

i still think we lack talent on offense and at crucial positions, and im not sure we make the playoffs or even have a winning record, but that rams game was clearly a huge wake up call for us. it seems as tho the organization as a whole has responded nicely. after the rams game we were 1-2. since then were 3-1 and that one loss was to the colts.

so ill gladly eat my crow for thinking this team was finished, but this game was downright awful. its the only game this season the team looked completely inept.

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