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Time to trade Haynesworth (Please)


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What are you? Some sort of smartass? The guy is not going to play here so why let him play anywhere else where it could come back and bite us in the rear? It's already pretty darned evident that most of the players in the NFL do not agree with his actions so why would benching this punk sway ANYONE from coming to DC??? ...and BTW, I don't see anything petty about it...business is business, remove the potentially growing cancer.

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AH played horrible last night. He was constantly out of position .

Constantly out of position? He may not of dominated with multiple sacks, but he was far from playing "horrible".. And he sure as hell is better then Kemo!! Love the guy or hate him, he's all we got at the moment!! And the only ones he seems to distract are the media and the Haynesworth "axe grinding" fans.. I've heard nothing of the such from coaches or players.. Hall was just on Sportscenter and said the only distraction he causes the team is them having to keep answer questions from the media about it. Said he didnt even know he was standing by himself on the sideline. (which from what Ive heard is normal for AH anyway) Its time the fans/media get over the AH drama and worry about the "real" issues the team has..

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The Redskins are far from a finished product that is going to go 14-2 and dominate the league.

We do have a number of players though in Brian Orakpo, Trent Williams and some others that you can see coming together to form part of the core of such a team in the future.

In terms of Haynesworth, he is not part of the future here. There is no way the Redskins are going to bring him back for 2011 and pay him another salary of $5.6M do sulk on the bench.

And tonight's game showed that the team didn't need Haynesworth (as some here prophesied) to win in the NFL.

Would it be great if a guy like Haynesworth was emotionally mature and had the competitiveness to go out and want to win at all costs?


But that's not the player we have. And we have to first of all admit that to ourselves.

Then you can look around and understand why others are not willing to pay us as if he were.

He is a talented headcase.

And so he falls in the same bucket with other guys like Keyshawn Johnson in the past or a Jeff George that has shattered locker rooms with their selfishness.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. His heart's just not into the game right now, and IMO, you have to trade/cut someone like that before he rubs off on his teammates. It's a long season and I have a feeling he's just going to get worse as the season goes on.

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imo unless someone makes an offer we absolutely cannot refuse then we keep him because like it or not he is great player. another reason that i would keep him is because i dont want to see him "win" by getting 30+ mil from the skins and then pout his way out of town. **** him as a person.

He's not a "great player". He could be a great player but he chooses not to.

I'm sick of watching him pout and half-ass it. Get him the **** outta here.

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And tonight's game showed that the team didn't need Haynesworth (as some here prophesied) to win in the NFL.

If you are judging by last night's game, what they need is to face a team that beats themselves to win in the NFL. :silly:

Here is the reality: Haynesworth is behind everyone else on the team and is playing catchup. Admittedly, a lot of that is on Haynesworth, but that doesn't mean that he isn't doing what he needs to do to adjust to his new positions and responsibilities. I believe that if Shanahan thought he was goldbricking, he wouldn't have been out there playing. He'd be keeping the bench warm. Instead, he was out there and while he hasn't gotten to the point to where he can be a force, he's at least contributing right now.

I think making any pronouncements about this team based on one game is premature. This team is going to be a work in progress for most of the season. That was obvious last night when seeing that many parts haven't come together yet. It is still unknown which parts will work and which parts will have to be changed. That is going to be the narrative of this season: where are we and where will we need to go. Haynesworth is one of those pieces.

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its pretty obvious they have been trying to trade him since even before the draft.

This is just like the Jason Campbell situation where the skins are doing a great job devaluing the player publicy so much that they don't get any good offers for him. Why offer the skins a 2nd round pick when you know hes a problem they are trying to get rid of and isn't in there long term plans?

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People are making a bid deal about almost nothing. I agree with the poster who said that he played about as many snaps as other reserves. Hanynesworth was not being a malcontent when Collinsworth and Michaels were mouthing off about him not being with the rest of the players. Check the video, most of the DL were not in that group with the coaches. Holliday, Daniels and other DL were visible on the bench area. Shanahan is managing this situation and you want Haynesworth to be mad that he isnt in the game. Its a learning process, when he learns that he will play and get the accolades he "believes" he deserves when he learnes the defense and practices effectively then he will play. If Albert didnt care I'd be more ticked at him. That was also the point taken by Doc Walker. IMHO back up and observe..... let the coaches do their motivational tactics and watch him be a regular and a starter before the bye week.

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if by great you mean we allowed 5ypc and only lucked out because the cowpies blinked and went away form the run.

That had more to do with the speed of the 3-4 DE's out there last night and the inability of the OLB's to cover RB's in space. The vast majority of the Cowboys runs were off tackle, not down the middle. Absolutely nothing to do really with Haynesworth as he's been relegated to NT.

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He still owes us $21mill worth of play, and if he doesn't want to conform to the program, then make him suffer. Hopefully, he'll get that pissed off that he'll offer to pay back half the money on the condition we trade to whoever makes the best offer.

Make him realise that the game is always going to be bigger than the individual!


Haynesworth's sideline demeanor last night was absolutely infantile. He's a spoiled rotten child. Get onboard, Albert... or pay back the money and leave town.

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Jim Haslett is like a little kid. It's not that he wants to fit square pegs in round holes out of pride. I honestly think he is unaware that not all pegs and not all holes are the same.

If it were just Haslett trying to play Haynesworth at nose, then maybe I'd think Haynesworth was being a jerk. But Haslett also thinks that Adam Carriker is a nose tackle, that Vonnie Holiday would make a good nose tackle, and that Andre Carter can start at LB.

I think part of the problem is that Haslett doesn't understand defensive linemen very well.

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AH's role as a 3-4 NT is to eat up blockers. It's the job of the LBs behind him to make plays. If you go back to a lot of those running plays last night, you will see that Dallas ran to the opposite side of AH's gap. A G and C combined to block AH and the other G/TE/FB handled our LBs with ease. Albert's job was to eat up blockers so the LBs could make plays but they couldn't shed blocks. Safties and corners were doing a lot of tackling on run plays last night and we got beat for the only TD for that very reason...Reed Doughty coming up to make a tackle on a run play that turned out to be play-action. If you hate AH's attitude or the fact that he took the $21 mil or the fact that he said screw the team in the offseason or even because he demanded a trade, then say so. Saying that he did not do his job last night or that the team is better off without him is just being dishonest.

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Here is Albert Haynesworth's latest facebook post

Albert Haynesworth I wish I could go home!!!

3 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · View Feedback (22)Hide Feedback (22)



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Ricky Humphries keep your head up and be strong...rely on Christ to give the strength and support you need....God Bless

about an hour ago


Matt Trulio Hang tough, Albert. The Miami Boat Show Poker Run isn't that far off.

about an hour ago

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Jim Haslett is like a little kid. It's not that he wants to fit square pegs in round holes out of pride. I honestly think he is unaware that not all pegs and not all holes are the same.

If it were just Haslett trying to play Haynesworth at nose, then maybe I'd think Haynesworth was being a jerk. But Haslett also thinks that Adam Carriker is a nose tackle, that Vonnie Holiday would make a good nose tackle, and that Andre Carter can start at LB.

I think part of the problem is that Haslett doesn't understand defensive linemen very well.

What? Is this a serious post or a joke?

Jim Haslett's pinky contains more knowledge about a 3-4 defense than any of us could ever hope for. You can't transform the personnel of a 4-3 defense to a 3-4 in one offseason. His schemes are all about disguising the plays and catching the offense offguard.

I am much more satisfied with that defensive performance than with any under Greg Blache.

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