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Time to trade Haynesworth (Please)


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Thomas showed what it was about today. He was demoted, didn't even play in the multi-receiver packages, but did you see how excited he was on kickoffs? Did you see how happy he was for the team?

AH is the worst example of me-ism. You get the sense of it on the field and in interviews. His play may not have been abysmal, but it certainly didn't force the coaches to keep him in or demand extra time. He hasn't shown that he needs to play or that he is a playmaker or even that he gets this defense. If he did... he'd be starting.

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I have to agree....i want AH to be what we thought he was going to be when we gave him the big pay day. I keep saying, this is it....he will finally see the light, well my man must be blind, because i dont ever see him getting along with this new staff. Im actually soooo sick and tired of hearing about AH everywhere i read/look.

I really was a little disapointed the way his body language was after the game. If beating Dallas on prime time to doesnt put a smile on your face nothing will! He looked like he was pissed walking off the field after the game!!!!

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I am on board with the direction of this team in every aspect. Except the way they have handled Haynesworth. At this point it's hard for me as a fan to understand why he wasn't out there being the most talented d linemen the Redskins have. This is getting stupid. Play the man or cut him Shannahan. You have made your point about the offseason. Stop being a ***** about this and just swallow your pride and see how he does out there. I am willing the bet the boys wouldn't have pulled off most of those longer runs.

Is Al a big baby ? Yes. Did he basically steal this offseason and miss most of camp? You bet. A lot of players skip camp for a variety of reasons though and Al is better shape than he's ever been.

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He just doesn't have the mindset, nor does he want to even consider it. How many times did you see him try to sidestep (like he's in a hurry to get through a turnstile at a subway station) between the C and G only to be completely pushed to the side? Not once did I see him stand his ground and devour blocks like the space-eating monster he SHOULD be! His job is to take on the entire middle of that O-line and keep them from getting to the next level so his LBs can make plays. He's too damned selfish for that!

Because of the 20+ million bucks I wouldn't allow him to play for any other team...instead, I'd inactivate him until further notice and see if he even cared about not suiting up...

they said that was fine with the redskins coaches because it still takes two men to do that to him, and that way the linebackers are able to make plays. the whole point of being nose guard is to eat up blockers

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I am on board with the direction of this team in every aspect. Except the way they have handled Haynesworth. At this point it's hard for me as a fan to understand why he wasn't out there being the most talented d linemen the Redskins have. This is getting stupid. Play the man or cut him Shannahan. You have made your point about the offseason. Stop being a ***** about this and just swallow your pride and see how he does out there. I am willing the bet the boys wouldn't have pulled off most of those longer runs.

Is Al a big baby ? Yes. Did he basically steal this offseason and miss most of camp? You bet. A lot of players skip camp for a variety of reasons though and Al is better shape than he's ever been.

When Haynesworth does what the coaches want him to then he'll start, until then he's gonna ride the pine. What he doesn't understand is that the longer he keeps insisting on doing it his way the more damage he does to his career. He may have talent but no coach wants a toxic influence in the locker room. The bottom line is that Haynesworth is not the boss and the sooner he figures that out the better the 'Skins will be.

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Just to clarify one thing that the commentators got wrong last night during the coverage. Bert never huddles with the rest of the defense on the sidelines even when he was in Tenn or last year with us. That thing he does where he paces the sidelines with his game face on is part of his routine, which is generally accepted by the players (or so they say). You could argue that its not very team oriented, and I agree, but the point here is that its nothing new and not related to this year's ongoings.

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they said that was fine with the redskins coaches because it still takes two men to do that to him, and that way the linebackers are able to make plays. the whole point of being nose guard is to eat up blockers

Exaclty right, his job is to occupy the center so the linebackers can rush, he wants to rush the passer when that's not his job.

Do your job Haynesworth!

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People need to come to their senses. Trading Haynesworth for "anything we can get" is absurd as we are likely to get similar value in the off season. By keeping him you get quality depth that can play all three of the positions on the DLine. That is worth far more to the team than a 4th round pick (which we can still get after the season).

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Just to clarify one thing that the commentators got wrong last night during the coverage. Bert never huddles with the rest of the defense on the sidelines even when he was in Tenn or last year with us. That thing he does where he paces the sidelines with his game face on is part of his routine, which is generally accepted by the players (or so they say). You could argue that its not very team oriented, and I agree, but the point here is that its nothing new and not related to this year's ongoings.

All the more proof that Haynesworth isn't interested in doing what the coaches want him to do, he wants to do his own thing...no I in team Haynesworth but there is in "sit down Bert".

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Albert, is that you?

You just keep proving yourself wrong, they yanked him and we didn't see him again, and he stood all by himself crying in his own self pitty...BTW if he is as good as you say then why isn't he starting? Oh that's right because he refuses to play the system just like it's been said since even before training camp...he doesn't want the 3-4 he didn't want to play it, and he still doesn't play it. He wants to rush to passer and hit gaps when that's not his dang job...and yet you want to defend him?

Ha Ha chuckle Chuckle because i actually watch and understand football i must be AH. . . i never he said he was so good. He is a decent to above average NT. He shouldn't be making the kind of money he is making for the kind of football he is playing. He wasn't playing becasue no NT's where playing. again, i am sorry that doen't fit in your agenda. I agree that until the coaching staff is fully pleased with him he wont be on the field a lot, but that has more to do with his off field stuff than his on field performance. (which again wasn't spectacular, but was decent and much akin to that of Ratliff) All this "and yet you want to defend him" crap. please. get a tissue if you have an issue. He wasn't "owned" and i am tired of this crap popping up every week even when he played ok is all that i have said.

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If you read Mike Shanahans book he talks about dealing with Trevor Price, a very talented guy who just didn't get it. He was late all the time, wasn't a good practice player, etc, etc. He rode him so much, that eventually Trevor Price just started doing the things he was asked to do. He figured it was just easier to become a professional than clash with the coaching staff. Haynesworth is a talent but he has been enabled and allowed to not be a professional because of his raw talent. That cannot be allowed to happen and rehabilitating Albert Haynesworth is not an overnight project, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy and simply giving up on Haynesworth is not an acceptable answer, especially considering how much the team invested in the guy. So give Mike Shanahan time to work on Albert and hopefully Albert will see the light, it is so much easier to be a professional than to pout, whine, or whatever else he has been doing lately.

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Ha Ha chuckle Chuckle because i actually watch and understand football i must be AH. . . i never he said he was so good. He is a decent to above average NT. He shouldn't be making the kind of money he is making for the kind of football he is playing. He wasn't playing becasue no NT's where playing. again, i am sorry that doen't fit in your agenda.

Fit my agenda...whatever :doh: I have been completely silent on AH since he was signed, I wanted him to be worth the money, so don't act like I have an agenda...that's just weak.

I agree that until the coaching staff is fully pleased with him he wont be on the field a lot, but that has more to do with his off field stuff than his on field performance. (which again wasn't spectacular, but was decent and much akin to that of Ratliff) All this "and yet you want to defend him" crap. please. get a tissue if you have an issue. He wasn't "owned" and i am tired of this crap popping up every week even when he played ok is all that i have said.

His off the field performance is that he doesn't want to play NT in the 3-4 D, that's an on the field issue, and it's been the issue since Shanny was hired.

My message to Haynesworth, "Shut up, play the dang position and do your fricking job!" If he does that then all these complaints against him will stop.

Oh and rick, you're not the only one watching, seeing or understanding...there are a whole lot of people with a lot more experience than you have telling him to just shut up and play the NT with pride.

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wow just wow.

1- he wasnt that bad, as a matter of fact one time collinsworth was talking about how bad he was just as he threw gurode off and even though gurode was holding him he jumped back into the gap and the other announcer laughed and said he looked pretty good on that play.

2- hes not a NT never has been, anyone who thinks that any Dlineman can play any spot on the Dline is a moron, there are so many factors that play into this.

3- we got lucky that Dalass blinked before we did and quit on the run game because our ILBs couldnt stuff the run at all and we looked pathetic against the run.

4- I think most of you are watching Holiday, he played inside a lot and got hammered out, he looked old slow and was slow off the ball.

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Fit my agenda...whatever :doh: I have been completely silent on AH since he was signed, I wanted him to be worth the money, so don't act like I have an agenda...that's just weak.

His off the field performance is that he doesn't want to play NT in the 3-4 D, that's an on the field issue, and it's been the issue since Shanny was hired.

My message to Haynesworth, "Shut up, play the dang position and do your fricking job!" If he does that then all these complaints against him will stop.

Oh and rick, you're not the only one watching, seeing or understanding...there are a whole lot of people with a lot more experience than you have telling him to just shut up and play the NT with pride.

I played football every year from the time a was 8 untill i was 23. i have more football experience than most. I keep telling you he ate blockers and generally held the line which is what a NT does. you keeping saying he didnt. I can't help but think you didnt watch the game. Again, not saying he was "a force" or any other specific compliment. You say he got "pulled" he didn't. he just didn't play in packages he wasn't specifically in. Again most of the fourth was played without a conventional NT. You clearly do have an agenda, because you are arguing against valid points because they don't agree with you. That is agruing with an agenda. He needs to play better. Completely agree on that, but jumping all over him for this game is silly.

on another note i played fullback most of my playing life, and not the pass catching type, and truthfully i never wanted anyone to talk to me during the game unless it was specifically about my assignment. i sat alone and focused on how much i wanted to make the MLB start to cringe when he saw me coming through a hole. I wanted to be Chuck Bednarick. . I was all "kill, kill, kill" and visualizing just destroying LB's all game. My team mates got that and generally considered me to be a good teammate. Not everyone is a Keith Brooking rah rah rah "FOR EACHOTHER!!! (LAME)" player. Sometimes the quiet intenisty is better. It's certainly more consitent.

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Alright rick you're the football king, and even the pros who are saying that Haynesworth needs to just shut up and do his job and stop playing out of position don't have a clue what they're talking about...you are the football god. :yawnee:

You say you hate all the complaining against Haynesworth and yet you can't quite leave a thread that is about the complaints against Haynesworth....sooooo.

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What I'd like to see most going forward regarding Al is;

- coaches stop treating him like a child, then maybe he'll stop acting like a child.

- coaches, stop punishing him by not letting him practice, then get upset that he's out of position.

The guy can play ...and the better he plays, the better for this team.

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So give Mike Shanahan time to work on Albert and hopefully Albert will see the light, it is so much easier to be a professional than to pout, whine, or whatever else he has been doing lately.

AH played 16 snaps last night. The coaching staff said he would play about 15 plays. So no one should be surprised that he didn't play more.

It's a long season. I expect that as time goes on AH will fall in line. Once he does he will get on the field a lot more and hopefully be a key contributor.

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Alright rick you're the football king, and even the pros who are saying that Haynesworth needs to just shut up and do his job and stop playing out of position don't have a clue what they're talking about...you are the football god. :yawnee:

You say you hate all the complaining against Haynesworth and yet you can't quite leave a thread that is about the complaints against Haynesworth....sooooo.

it's called engaging in a conversation about something i don't like. Yes i discuss things i don't like. heck occasionally i even try to make points and create arguements to sway peoples opinions. It's almost like i interact with people on an intellectual level. . . sooooo

I am not a football god. you made the point about experience, i simply explained why i think i have a good feel for the game. don't worry i am sure you are better than me at something. Probably catching a football, since i made it painfully clear throughout ever year of my playing that i just can't. I agree with people that say he needs to just play the position. You say he needs to shuttup. . . what has he said. did he makes some comments after the game only you heard? He needs to play better, it's a given. He needs to play like a 9 million dollar a year (salary) NT/defensive lineman, and he isn't doing that. You argue nothing he did was good, and that isn't true. He had some good plays. he needs to be more consistant, and play straight up more often, but he wasn't dominated. he didn't give ground. He occupied blockers.

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People need to come to their senses. Trading Haynesworth for "anything we can get" is absurd as we are likely to get similar value in the off season. By keeping him you get quality depth that can play all three of the positions on the DLine. That is worth far more to the team than a 4th round pick (which we can still get after the season).

Couldn't agree more. You don't discard quality DL during the season for nothing.

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Trade him; keep him; coddle him; scorn him; what will it take?

Everyone has their own opinions on fat boy, and yes he played {showed up} last night but it didn't look to be an effort worthy of his previous efforts, for which he was paid heavily for.

Now I don't know the fine details of playing d-line, but is it possible to play both 3-4 and 4-3, switching back and forth or covering it up to disguise it from play to play?

Surely there has to be some way to get AH into a motivated playing state, without trading him away; or am I just pissing in the wind?

IF anything, trim off 10 lbs of blubber and tape it to Carlos' hands; "stone hands" is back!

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It's pretty obvious he doesn't care. After the game, players are celebrating, high fiving, hugging, backslaps etc...and he's got a sullen pissed look on his face.

**** him.

I am not saying this is the case, but i was never into the hype of a football game . it was serious business. I wasn't happy when we won, i was relieved we didn't lose. I am wound pretty tight to start with and working myself up made me a surely angry man, and it didn't go away quick. Not to mention AH has to know he is going to have to go sit at his locker and answer stupid questions.

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From watching the game I feel AH did ok. He is adjusting to the NT position.

It was as the coaches have said, he is learning more and more, but still has a long way to go.

The guy is intense, you can see it on his face. Its not like he can just turn it on and off like some other players can, and I'm ok with that.

That said, I would still trade him, IF we get a good price for him.

His attitude off the field is deplorable. He is not a team player. He basically has said I want to do what I do best.

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