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Laron Landry Leading the entire NFL in tackles (17)


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So just checked out the stats page on nfl.com. Landry is leading the entire NFL in tackles with 17.

In my opinion....when your safety is making almost all your tackles that usually means the running backs are breaking runs or receivers are breaking free of coverage...You usually want your linebackers leading your team let alone the NFL in tackles...

but none the less overall glad to see Landry tackling well...

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Laron isn't celebrating, I saw him celebrate once and it was on a good stop 2 yards from the first on 3rd down. He's talking trash which does irk me, but that's his game. Eventually he finds someone who's buttons he can push and he lays into them which forces them to not only lose composure but to get more tense.

And by the way, he was making a few plays in the back field. He did pretty good outside of the whiff on Romo sits to pee.

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If you don't notice Landry showboating after just about every tackle/hit, I'm sorry but you are just not looking.

I'll give him credit, he looks like he is going to once again be a beast now that he is back to SS, however I will not be surprised if he costs us a few 15 yarders this season. Dude, loves to stand over players after tackles and hits. He is always flexing his biceps, even when he has little to do with the tackle....

It is just worrysome that a player with that much talent, has the capability to negate it.

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If you don't notice Landry showboating after just about every tackle/hit, I'm sorry but you are just not looking.


True. Not sure if people were watching the same game as we were. After every play he was nodding his head and showboating.

That said, he played a good game today, even in coverage. A lot of his tackles were due to missed tackles by the linebackers, and awful gap control by the D-line.

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I love how they used Laron tonight he played great. But am I the only one that gets irked when after every tackle he celebrates even after the other team gets a first down.

I don't consider it celebrating as much as he just talks way too much trash to our opponent when he makes a great tackle, but it's after the receiver picks up 18 yards.

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I don't consider it celebrating as much as he just talks way too much trash to our opponent when he makes a great tackle, but it's after the receiver picks up 18 yards.

If that gets him hyped up and to stay into the game than I will live with it. That is better than him sulking after a big play and playing uninspired football...

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This is what I noticed about LaRon from last year to this: last year he looked like a heat seeking missle, launching early and missing a lot. A dud heat seeking missle. Tonight, I was impressed with his tackling. It was sure, he wrapped them up and brought them down, hardly any misses and he didn't look like he launched himself at anyone. Overall, great play and I have to thank the D coaches for teaching him what he was supposed to do. And he did the hard work in the preseason to get ready. Decisive play, LaRon!

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Wow 17, go LL!! He was a beast tonight. But I agree, he shouldn't have to make all those tackels. With that being said we held the Dallas offence to 1 TD, and it was our D's first game in the new scheme. I am very excited about that, because they were very good tonight and should only improve as the games go on!!

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