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Laron Landry Leading the entire NFL in tackles (17)


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according to this, he is so into the game, he doesnt know he's doing it.

If he was so into the game then he should realize that it is a bad thing when the other team gets a first down, and that he shouldn't celebrate when that or any other big offensive play happens....doing that **** after a good play is one thing, but doing it after the other team has success just shows that its all about him and his big hits, not about the team

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I dont get it. 30 had a monster game and you crybabies are whining about him talking smack. this is football. great game for him and i love the trash talking!

I'm not whining about him talking smack. I'm whining about him talking smack after we give up a play or a first down. How can anyone possibly defend that???

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Well to be fair Laron basically played as an LB all game. He was up by the line almost every down. So it's no wonder he had so many tackles. It would have been bad if he were playing 20 yards off the line and still had that many tackles.

I was about to say that it's not such a great thing for a safety to lead the league in tackles but you made the point more eloquently than I could have. He was playing in LB territory a lot. Still... it would be better if Fletcher, Orakpo, or even a lineman had this honor.

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Whether its talking smack or showboating, it doesn't matter! he looks like an ass when he does it after a ten yard gain or a first down. It needs to stop!

On another note, does anyone else feel that Landry is clearly on roids. You don't even have to look at his insanely huge muscles to see my point. Look at how crazed he is when he plays. Looks like a classic case of roid rage to me. there's playing with passion, then there's roid rage...I'm just saying

He's going to get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct at some point.

On the roids issue, I feel like most of the people in the NFL are clearly on roids (or were), let alone Landry or the Skins.

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Let him talk. He gets into the other teams head. In the preseason, he had Derrick Mason taking swings at him. Thats going to cost the other team yards. Play his game, intimaidate the recievers and get in their heads, all along while keeping his own composure. I love it. Welcome back Landry, this defense missed you.

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Whether its talking smack or showboating, it doesn't matter! he looks like an ass when he does it after a ten yard gain or a first down. It needs to stop!

On another note, does anyone else feel that Landry is clearly on roids. You don't even have to look at his insanely huge muscles to see my point. Look at how crazed he is when he plays. Looks like a classic case of roid rage to me. there's playing with passion, then there's roid rage...I'm just saying

You're right. But you must consider he's much different then most NFL players. He's crazy. You don't get roid rage for 60 minutes of football. He's ALWAYS crazy. And he's a beast. I think you're looking for reasons not to like the guy, we need someone on defense with that intensity even after getting hit up with a 10 yarder.

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Showing your "guns" IS showboating... can't stand it. He will get burned soon with a Personal Foul. It seems fans 33 and older can do without the trash/showboat, while the 32 and under prefer it.... Don't get me wrong, absolutely loved what he brought to the game last night (ability to tackle). You have to also notice how the corners were not 10+ yards off the receiver. Love it....

Wrong!!!! Look fellas, Laron is talking smack.....it's football! It's almost as if you guys never played the game before. As if you never had a competitive moment in your entire life. I coach Pee Wee and even I have to tell 11-12 year old kids to tone it down. It's part of the game. You're frequently going monoemono, pitting your strength and speed up against another guy. This is as barbaric of a sport as there is... and you guys get annoyed at a natural occurance within such a game? Hell, you can't even play a civil game of basketball without a little trash talking. This is football people!! Ain't nobody complaing when Ray Ray in Baltimore is doing it. Lawerence Taylor was known for it!! Sam Huff still does it and he's how old? We need that kind of guy out on the field. That type of energy is infectious, and you need your defensive players playing with an edge. Laron is finally in a position where he's most effective and it's being proven right off the bat. This isn't Bowling people....

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He leads the NFL in greco roman poses as well.

Good game from LL. Didn't see him much in coverage but he made some sure tackles out there. It is showboating when you tackle a guy and flex/pose. After a sack, sure. 4th down stop? Absolutely.

Not on second down after a gain of six for the offense.

Thank you! I love his enthusiasm and I think he was a great force out there. Unfortunately if he keeps up his antics and late hits he is going to end up costing us games with penalties for taunting or late hits. He can keep the swagger and excitement but he needs to avoid some of the very borderline taunting and late hits out of bounds.

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after reading a couple pages of this thread i have a couple comments...

1. LL stayed around the ball very well. He seemed to use his speed exponentially better than past seasons. The play that standsout the most was the AMAZING tackle on the sideline on the 3rd down to force a punt. Missing that sack on Romo sits to pee was heartbreaking, but either way, it was one of the best games he has played in a Skins jersey.

2. The trash-talking/posing/jawing.... There are some things you shouldn't change about a player... a killer's mentality is one of them. The guy wants to go out and crush guys. After plays he wants guys to know he is gonna be right there every time they touch the ball. Guys like that can get into a player's head and force errors. I love it.... so long as he isn't doing it after he makes mistakes like the last couple years.

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He also leads the league in flexing his popcorn muscles.

I was there last night and after EVERY tackle, he got up and flexed or was yelling in the face of the defender. Plus he also had a couple hits near the sideline that could have easily been 15 yard penalties. He's not done committing those, believe me.

We were shocked when he made that sideline tackle on 3rd and 10.

He had a great game, but I'll have a lot more respect for him when he quits his yapping and showboating.

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Loved his game, dude was flying around playing with speed and power. Beast! and I wish some of you would put a sock in it...if he backs it up so what? we need an animal on the field, nasty, intimidating, with swagger. I get the whole yeah make a play act like you've done it before..but that's not him. So long as he's helping the team, not hurting them and making plays.

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People ***** when LL misses tackles - and now they ***** when he leads the league in tackles

I guess haters gotta hate

And as far people complaining that it's bad that a safety and not a linebacker is getting all those tackles, it all depends on the scheme. My man Alvin Walton came away with 196 combined tackles in '88 and led the 'skins in tackles for four seasons, so everyone stop ****ing about LL - he helped us to a win against Dullarse - I'll take that sixteen times a season

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I probably dislike Laron Landry probably more than most... and definitely for the longest amount of time :)

With that being said... he had a great game yesterday. And it's been long overdue.

I'm not confident he's going to have any future repeat performances.... but I can appreciate last night's performance.

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I can't believe how people will ignore what a special game Landry had because they find his post play jawing distasteful. Breaking news folks, this is football. If you want a game with less flash, WNBA tickets are a lot cheaper.

Who gives a damn if he flexes after he makes a play? What an irrelevant ****ing thing to complain about. Would you rather have him play like a laconic wuss? He looked like the only kid getting the BCS school scholarship in a varsity football game out there last night. If he continues to play like that, I wouldn't give a damn if he orchestrated a Peter Griffin-esque musical number involving the entire stadium in celebration of each play.

Half of you complaining have probably never played a contact sport or are just plain being a stick in the mud about this.

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