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Travel over here is a pain in the butt.  There are a few states as big as England.


I suspect a lot of the money goes to that.


The travel costs are on top of the club and league registration costs. For me thats not a lot different as I was used to having to pay my own travel and accommodation following Davin my youngest playing all over the UK. But the US is a big Country as you say and I suspect there will be more overnight stays required. One of the big tournaments over here in the SW for example takes place in Las Vegas and we also potentially travel as far as Dallas - and nothing good comes from going to Dallas!


Exactly my point from earlier, minus the agreement on technical ability.

What club did you end up at?

You observed a funny truth about the attacking third. There's been a movement to "build up like (Pep's) Barca teams" but little to no emphasis on what to do when you get into the attacking third.

It's misleading because at some point someone has to pay the tab. Facilities, trainers, travel ain't cheap. Who foots the bill in the UK? Clubs? parents?

Columbus Crew picks up the tab for their academy players from uniforms to team related travel. But parents have to get them to training and games "individual travel".

The talent is there at youth level and the rest of the world therefore pulls away in the mid teens, because their best get more hours of training, with great trainers and the focus seems to be to get players readybforntuenfirst team or to sell on. Not to win State Cups Or showcase tournaments.


We are training with Sereno. Daylan is with the 02 Boys and Davin 05. They cant play in competitive games yet as it was too late in the league year to register them so they have just played in a few friendly games (or scrimmages as you call them!) Tryouts for next year are in May - they have already made Davin an offer for next year though :-)


In the UK parents pay club fees but way lower cost than here. My eldest was playing club football and it was less than £200 a year in club fees. Coaches do it for free - there are virtually no paid coaches in the UK at club level. The FA fund the coaching education and coaches have to qualify - most are parents of kids playing at the club. Quality of coaching is very variable indeed at club level.


Clubs do fund raising and get funds from local sports development bodies to help pay for facilities and and pitches.


Quality of coaching is better here. There are quite a few English and Scottish ex pros (or guys who just missed out on the pros) in this area who are picking up $60K + a year doing coaching for local clubs and some private coaching on the side.


On the Academy side in the UK its the same as it sounds at Columbus. Everything for kids was provided from training kit, match kit and travel to and from matches plus any overnight accommodation costs. I just had to buy boots, gloves and pay for my travel and any accommodation I needed. Gloves at that level though are $100 a pair and you go through at least 4 and maybe more pairs a year.



The emphasis in youth soccer is about touches and individual skill. They don't play 11 v 11 until they are 12 years old. Kids don't understand team concepts. My son plays U10 travel. A majority of the time kids are just taking on other kids. It's tons of 1 v 1. We don't read the game because we don't ask our kids to understand how to play. Go to any youth soccer game and I guarantee you will see kids standing around watching their teammates dribble through as many defenders as they can. You will not see anyone making runs or one touch passing. It's just not taught...


At the club we are at they certainly coach movement, patterns of play and team shape, My youngest is U10 as well. They do a lot of 'rondo' type drills and work on technical ability then mix in movement and team shape off that. Similar things I would see watching training at academies in the UK. They do some 1 v 1 work but much more 3v1, 4v2, 6v3 etc.


(as an aside we used to do the rondo without knowing it was the rondo in training back in the 80's - but back then in the UK it was used more as a fitness drill or a warm up than technical and it was not related to team pattern. We used to play 2 touch games on half a pitch for that kind of thing).


Do not see that much on getting the ball into the box, second and third man runs and generally what to do with the ball when you get into the final third! Also not as much work on shooting and set pieces as I would see in the UK. In fact I have yet to see any work done on attacking or defensive set pieces at all.

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If Ramos and Ronaldo did turn into their summer transfer requests mercy. I don't know I'd want Ronaldo (Even if he's my favorite players). I feel like we'd try to play through him too much. Now Ramos I would want. He's a solid defender and great on set pieces. Damn Real has so much talent rotting on the bench too. Rodriguez has got to be frustrated. I think we wouldn't be a bad replacement for Gotze. Nice compliment to Thiago.


That's because Real buy players just to have them and don't care about how they would use them.  They would rather have players who sell jerseys than those who win matches.

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That's because Real buy players just to have them and don't care about how they would use them.  They would rather have players who sell jerseys than those who win matches.

After the world cup James was set for a move to a huge[r] club. Part of Real's thinking has to be "if we get this player and he rots on the bench he can't beat us."  

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Just itching for this to get under way.

Can't wait to hear another rousing rendition of YNWA!

Have nothing but the utmost respect and love for the Dortmund fans. It feels like playing your brother...you want to beat the pants off them, but you know, at some point, you'll end up with arms around each other.

****ing Awesome! Fighting back tears.

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Liverpool playing better, Dortmund has missed a couple of chances as well. But Liverpool is going to have to hold AND score 3 goals in the second half. Tall order, wouldnt be too bad if they had put away just one chance in the 1st half.


That last tweet seems rather unfair to Tuchel. Klopps team last year was pretty poor, he took them and had quiet a season. One which if it wasnt for Bayern going off would have won the league this year.


I know all LFC fans think Klopp is god, but lets give credit to Tuchel and not just act like if Dortmund wins its all Klopp.

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