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That just makes no sense to me at all.


Klopp brought in players that Dortmund has so he gets credit for Dortmund success. Rogers brought in the players Liverpool has but Klopp gets all of the credit for Liverpool's success. Am I the only one that thinks this makes no sense?


I mean, you might be.


We're talking about Jurgen Klopp and Brendan Rodgers here.

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I've watched the game 3 more times, still don't believe what happened


Me too.  My son already watches some of the games with me, but I put it on for my daughter and I this morning and I said "the Red team needs a goal to win let's root really hard for them".  And when they scored she lost her mind, it was great!

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Me too. My son already watches some of the games with me, but I put it on for my daughter and I this morning and I said "the Red team needs a goal to win let's root really hard for them". And when they scored she lost her mind, it was great!

I was getting my son ready for practice. He came home from school and Dortmund had already scored twice. He wanted to go outside and kick the ball around. I was DVRing the game so I relented. I happened to come inside the exact moment Coutinho scored. I grabbed him and we watched the rest of it together. He was so excited and insisted on wearing his Coutinho jersey to practice. He was so pumped. I think that game sealed it, my son is a RED for life!!!

I've watched the game 3 more times, still don't believe what happened

I don't think I will ever erase that game from my DVR Edited by jobaga
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I was getting my son ready for practice. He came home from school and Dortmund had already scored twice. He wanted to go outside and kick the ball around. I was DVRing the game so I relented. I happened to come inside the exact moment Coutinho scored. I grabbed him and we watched the rest of it together. He was so excited and instead on wearing his Coutinho jersey to practice. He was so pumped. I think that game sealed it, my son is a RED for life!!!

I don't think I will ever erase that game from my DVR


That's awesome, Jo!


And yeah, I need to figure out how to move these games to my Roku.  I actually think you can do it with a thumb drive.


I still have the Man U ties, as well!

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Good win for liverpool yesterday.  Interesting to see how many reds are actually on this board participating.  Are most of you English?  Lived in Liverpool for a time?  Favorite team in FIFA that carried over to fandom?  


Either way must be pretty exciting for you and your club today.  And it's well deserved.  Must admit I am shocked Dortmund gave up a two goal lead twice whilst also leading away goals.  I thought they were a better team than that.  But to Liverpool's credit you guys won the game, Dortmund did not lose it.  

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P... You're coming off as kind of... bitter. 

Why would I be bitter? I like Klopp.

I mean, you might be.


We're talking about Jurgen Klopp and Brendan Rodgers here.

Yes. You all dislike Rodgers so he gets no credit for anything and you love Klopp so he gets credit for anything he has touched. Obviously Im not going to change your minds, it just seems blatantly hypocritical to me. I have no problem with Klopp getting credit for Liverpools performances, he should, just feel like that should be extended to any other manager that has their team playing well.

Edited by MisterPinstripe
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Yes. You all dislike Rodgers so he gets no credit for anything and you love Klopp so he gets credit for anything he has touched. Obviously Im not going to change your minds, it just seems blatantly hypocritical to me. I have no problem with Klopp getting credit for Liverpools performances, he should, just feel like that should be extended to any other manager that has their team playing well.


Because Rodgers was at LFC for over three years, spent more money than anyone ever has, and has zero silverware to show for it.


And was routinely out-classed by sides from lesser leagues in Europe and sides with lesser talent at home.


Klopp won Bundesliga and made a Champions League final.


Rodgers was playing Can as a CB, Coutinho as a forward and letting Origi rot on the bench.  Also Sturridge had all but stopped playing for him.


How does Rodgers get any credit for this LFC side that was put together when Klopp is playing the players at totally different (and correct) positions?


I'd say since Klopp won Bundesliga with that team and made it to CL... he gets far more credit than Rodgers does.


And since Klopp has taken this team further than Rodgers could dream... we are going to go ahead and give Klopp the thumbs up for that one, too.


And Klopp's doing all of this with Rodgers' prize signing the offseason, and that was Christian Benteke... who Rodgers came out and said "This is MY guy".


But what's the common answer here?  It's Jurgen ****ing Klopp...

Good win for liverpool yesterday.  Interesting to see how many reds are actually on this board participating.  Are most of you English?  Lived in Liverpool for a time?  Favorite team in FIFA that carried over to fandom?  


Grandma was a Scouser, born and bred (I'm supposed to call her, Nan but I can't lol).  Rest in peace.


Grandpa was Irish.


Holidays were always eventful. :lol:

Edited by DC9
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Cause you like Everton, silly!

Haha, well I honestly would say the same regardless of the teams. I guess Im offended for Tuchel, which doesnt really matter so I might as well let it go. :D


Because Rodgers was at LFC for over three years, spent more money than anyone ever has, and has zero silverware to show for it.


And was routinely out-classed by sides from lesser leagues in Europe and sides with lesser talent at home.


Klopp won Bundesliga and made a Champions League final.


Rodgers was playing Can as a CB, Coutinho as a forward and letting Origi rot on the bench.  Also Sturridge had all but stopped playing for him.


How does Rodgers get any credit for this LFC side that was put together when Klopp is playing the players at totally different (and correct) positions?


I'd say since Klopp won Bundesliga with that team and made it to CL... he gets far more credit than Rodgers does.


And since Klopp has taken this team further than Rodgers could dream... we are going to go ahead and give Klopp the thumbs up for that one, too.


And Klopp's doing all of this with Rodgers' prize signing the offseason, and that was Christian Benteke... who Rodgers came out and said "This is MY guy".


But what's the common answer here?  It's Jurgen ****ing Klopp...


I guess you missed my point on Rodgers, or I didnt explain it well. Obviously Klopp is better than Rodgers, I was using him more as an example since he brought in all of the players that Klopp is using rather than saying that Rodgers is a good manager.

Grandma was a Scouser, born and bred (I'm supposed to call her, Nan but I can't lol).  Rest in peace.


Grandpa was Irish.


Holidays were always eventful. :lol:

Thats neat, didnt know that. Nice to have a familial connection to an EPL team.

Edited by MisterPinstripe
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Interesting to see how many reds are actually on this board participating. Are most of you English? Lived in Liverpool for a time? Favorite team in FIFA that carried over to fandom?

just picked liverpool one season. seemed to be pretty redskins like (the Reds and redskins, storied franchise with titles/rings but fallen on hard times, not one of the über teams that look more like a fantasy roster, etc). didn't even look at rosters, so when i saw that suarez was on the team for the first time, i wanted to switch (hated his hand of god II vs. ghana in the WC), but my wife told me that i had chosen and needed to stick with it.

glad i did... it's been a great ride for the last 3+ years. no hardware to show for it, but as a skins fan, i'm used to that now.

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I guess you missed my point on Rodgers, or I didnt explain it well. Obviously Klopp is better than Rodgers, I was using him more as an example since he brought in all of the players that Klopp is using rather than saying that Rodgers is a good manager.


I don't know if we're missing each other's points at this point or we're just talking about two different things.  But I'm out of ways to explain it so yeah.  Cheers! :lol:

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Good win for liverpool yesterday.  Interesting to see how many reds are actually on this board participating.  Are most of you English?  Lived in Liverpool for a time?  Favorite team in FIFA that carried over to fandom?  





I'm from China and I like the Beatles so it seemed a good fit. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Grandma was a Scouser, born and bred (I'm supposed to call her, Nan but I can't lol).  Rest in peace.


Grandpa was Irish.


Holidays were always eventful. :lol:


Are yuse calling r Mam's Mam r Nan r Gran? Dats r Nan! Not r Gran! And when r Mam hears yers called her Mam r Gran, she'll get her Mam, r Nan, to get r kid Stan to ..... yeah, always eventful. 



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Are yuse calling r Mam's Mam r Nan r Gran? Dats r Nan! Not r Gran! And when r Mam hears yers called her Mam r Gran, she'll get her Mam, r Nan, to get r kid Stan to ..... yeah, always eventful. 




Hahaha I knew that one would pull you out.

Interesting... watching ESPN FC and a German Journo is on, a lot of Dortmund players are interested in leaving the club because they don't feel they can win a trophy.

Kinda pisses in the face of the Klopp discussion I was having with Mr. P and pretty much any defence the Munich's have of the bundesliga.

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Hahaha I knew that one would pull you out.

Interesting... watching ESPN FC and a German Journo is on, a lot of Dortmund players are interested in leaving the club because they don't feel they can win a trophy.

Kinda pisses in the face of the Klopp discussion I was having with Mr. P and pretty much any defence the Munich's have of the bundesliga.


Not to 'Troll'. but watching ESPN FC is only slightly better than watching TalkSports.  They believe EVERY player wants to go to the EPL, that EVERY player worships the EPL, and that the EPL is the only place worth playing.


Who was the journalist from Germany?


Note that their commentators have either played in England or wished they played in England.


Read/watch some German news and see that ESPN is about as reliable as the Mirror for transfer news.


Funny how folks want to put down the BL, but everyone wants to sign their players (not so much wanting to sign EPL players though).

Edited by btfoom
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Turnout for the last Hillsborough memorial to be held at Anfield today


             Anything Liverpool Retweeted

Iconic moment in Liverpool history. 27 years of grief and denial. Justice for the 96.pic.twitter.com/kDAqM95KvD





Firstly, we no longer go the 'service' at the ground. I say 'service', as it's become the furthest thing from that over recent years. WAY too many people now treat it like 'entertainment', screaming and taking photies of the players when the arrive, excited that they're actually able to be in Anfield etc; a lot of the HFSG (Family Support Group. The family's of the bereaved), Aspinall and Hicks in particular, have treated the occasion akin to a political rally with some of their speeches which was neither the time nor place. The football club try's it's best but it just became a sideshow. The 20th we finally had enough and took it upon ourselves to doing our own thing at a church in town which I've always considered the spiritual home of the City. (Won't name it as we like to keep it small but open to that in PM if any local's so inclined are interested going forward.). The clergy have been real accommodating in allowing this. Firstly outside, and the last three years inside the church. A short, respectful service where a few words are said, the names read out, and a silence at 3:06 PM. Made even better the last few years by the the priest of the Church joining in and saying a few words at the end which always rounds it off perfectly. (Although the bugger can't half drink when he comes back to the pub after haha.). In short we've got back to what the day should be. A respectful, traditional remembrance service in an understated way for lost friends that we feel they and ourselves deserve. It helps us all. 


Now, that's our choice. But I think it's completely and utterly wrong for the HFSG to decide that the service at the ground is now over. I get that the family's may want that and may be drained through everything the last 27 years. But they just made that decision alone without consulting anyone which has further pissed off the HJC. (Hillsborough Justice Campaign which was a split with certain family's down to the FSG's 'control' over things.). Where do all those people, and there still are many genuine ones among all the 'tourists' who go the ground for the RIGHT reasons, go next year? Some may do what we've done and do their own thing. (Even if we'd been in Dortmund Friday we'd of found a church and remembered.). But it's not right to take that away from people. When Aspinall turned around and said 'We want to draw a line under this' I and a lot of people were both flabbergasted and hurt/ angry. That was a terribly selfish thing to say and attitude to have. Again, I feel terribly for the family's and their strength the last 27 years has been unreal to carry on the fight. But they are FAR from the only ones effected and they DON'T speak for EVERYONE. The true death toll of Hillsborough is somewhere currently around 110/111 with the additions of people who took their own lives in the intervening years unable to cope with the mental scars that never go away. Some even blaming themselves for not being killed on the day and surviving. Not to mention the thousands of people, myself included as teenager experiencing something NOBODY should ever have to experience and having a life changing event happen to you that is just the worst possible you could; who have had to carry on their lives whilst still baring the scars that no amount of counselling can ever fully cure. All the people who weren't there who lost friends and still mourn them. This wasn't just the immediate family's loss and it's wrong that they should treat it as such. For her to say that ..... I don't think I'll EVER stop remembering and mourning the 15th. There's NO 'line' to be drawn. Even Sheffield Wednesday continue to hold a small, respectful service at the memorial garden outside Hillsborough every year for anyone that wishes to attend there. If certain family members no longer wish to attend that's both understandable and their prerogative. But it should be personal choice and open for ALL to decide. 

Yesterday, another thing that blows me away, and falls on the club as much as the HFSG, they gave the family's a maximum of TWO tickets each for the service at Anfield. I know quite a few stayed away and went to the HJC service at the new memorial in town because of that. Ridiculous and beyond belief. Over the past 27 years, the family's of the people that died have expanded with kids and grandkids who all deserve to be in attendance to remember. The club should of stepped in and expanded that area they give to the family's. It's not hard and would of been the right thing to do.. 

The Family Support Group can be VERY insular and selfish. They've done tremendous work. And my heart goes out to them for their ultimate loss. But they are FAR from the only ones that have campaigned the last 27 years and taken on the highest powers in the land. Or been, and still are, massively effected by the events of April 15th, 1989. Aspinall and Hicks accepting MBE's, before any verdict is even out, is another glaring example of that. It ISN'T all about them. 

Be interesting to see where people go and what people do next year but even though I no longer go there, I don't agree that they should of had the venue of the ground taken away from them. Not least without consultation with others on the decision.





It's sad Liverpool has such a big moment and there's ones who still are more focused on taking pot shots at other leagues. It gets really old honestly. Last I checked German clubs have done pretty dang good in CL and such. Better then English except for this year.


Interesting you only ever pick up on that and not the continued slights on the English league the other way. Fred would LOVE you. 


Things getting 'old' cut both ways. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Not to 'Troll'. but watching ESPN FC is only slightly better than watching TalkSports.  They believe EVERY player wants to go to the EPL, that EVERY player worships the EPL, and that the EPL is the only place worth playing.


Who was the journalist from Germany?


Note that their commentators have either played in England or wished they played in England.


Read/watch some German news and see that ESPN is about as reliable as the Mirror for transfer news.


Funny how folks want to put down the BL, but everyone wants to sign their players (not so much wanting to sign EPL players though).


I don't know... some dude with a lot of "stch" sounds in his name.


And I know ESPN FC isn't the best show to watch.  Which is why I wanted to preface it with "they had a German journo on".


No one is being hard on the bundesliga.... I think many of us are merely pointing out that, along with the Ukrainian League, they're the only ones with one side left in Europe... while Spain has 4 and England has 2.

Yeah, we all know how accurate rumors are in the soccer world.


That's a decent point.  But I think it's somewhat validated in that this is just how business is done in Germany.  It's been a monopoly for a while.


You think Aubamoyang is staying?  Hummels has one more shot at a big deal and he wants a shot at a trophy.  Probably headed straight to Bayern or Spain.  Aubamayang can go wherever he wants.  37 goals in a season is ridiculous.


I think Reus probably stays cause he's a local boy.

It's sad Liverpool has such a big moment and there's ones who still are more focused on taking pot shots at other leagues. It gets really old honestly. Last I checked German clubs have done pretty dang good in CL and such. Better then English except for this year.


I'm more concerned about what you're going to do when Bayern and Real meet in the final?


That's gotta be tough.

Interesting you only ever pick up on that and not the continued slights on the English league the other way. Fred would LOVE you. 


Things getting 'old' cut both ways. 




What's funny is I'm literally going back and looking at old btfoom and Fred posts to format, and now that the counter-point works against it's all of a sudden a pot shot. :lol:


Grow some thick skin, ya'll.  We're probably playing our U-21's against Bournemouth tomorrow... you may have a chance at fun.

I wore my Bayern red all day out of respect today. Closest thing to Liverpool lol. Somethings are bigger than soccer.


Good show, brother.

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That's a decent point. But I think it's somewhat validated in that this is just how business is done in Germany. It's been a monopoly for a while.

You think Aubamoyang is staying? Hummels has one more shot at a big deal and he wants a shot at a trophy. Probably headed straight to Bayern or Spain. Aubamayang can go wherever he wants. 37 goals in a season is ridiculous.

I think Reus probably stays cause he's a local boy.

Wouldn't surprise me, but I don't think that would mean that rumur was true, just the nature of the modern game. Lewendoski and Gotze left while Klopp was there, did that mean they had an issue with Klopp? Don't think so, they just wanted to play somewhere else and get more money. Edited by MisterPinstripe
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