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Red Dead Redemption


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Was that part of a mission, or did he do it just for the hell of it? LOL.

Now I totally want the game, haha.


If THAT was part of a mission you're definitely going to have religious groups pissed off.

I'd imagine it was something he did just for the hell of it.

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Question for those who have played it, is there a multiplayer ( online, standard, or both), and if there is does it resemble anything like Revolver, where you get special powerups like poisonous arrows, flaming arrows, special firearms, invisibility,etc?

Haven't played it yet but I know there is multiplayer - and the "free roam" multiplayer mode is supposed to be a lot of fun.

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Another question, doesn't riding horses get a little bit repetitive? I imagine riding from one end of the map to the other could get really boring. There's obviously no causing chaos in this game like you can in GTA, so what happens when you want to get somewhere but it's miles away? Tape the analog stick forward and go make yourself a sandwich?

There are randomly generated encounters all over the place, so while you are riding from point A to B you will get distracted by many of these events.

You can also setup camp anywhere outside of towns and fast travel to any place you have been to.

It's not going to be as boring as you might imagine.

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Another question, doesn't riding horses get a little bit repetitive? I imagine riding from one end of the map to the other could get really boring. There's obviously no causing chaos in this game like you can in GTA, so what happens when you want to get somewhere but it's miles away? Tape the analog stick forward and go make yourself a sandwich?

Just like in GTA...take the train. Once you have visited a town, you can go back there by setting up camp, and selecting the town you want to go to.

Reading what I just typed doesnt really make sense:silly:...but there is a way to bypass the cross country riding.

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Question for those who have played it, is there a multiplayer ( online, standard, or both), and if there is does it resemble anything like Revolver, where you get special powerups like poisonous arrows, flaming arrows, special firearms, invisibility,etc?

Yes massive online..free roaming..with co-op missions in a posse which can have up to 8 players in the collective posse. Great thing is while you are rolling with your posse...you will encounter other posses...and there are unlockable weapons, but I dont think there are invincibility unlockables...but you unlock a ton of weapons.

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well.. after reading the reviews i decided to get it.. was gonna go by gamestop but they were completely sold out so i had to order it on walmart.com

i suppose i can wait a few days for it to be shipped.. definitely gonna be waiting in anticipation though

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Yeah this thread among others have convinced me. I had to go to the third farthest Gamestop from my house. Fortunately I have three in a 7 mile radius, lol.

So once my wife goes to bed I will start it up. I would do it immediately, but I would rather hold out and be able to play uninterrupted!

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I thought it started out kind of slow just because there are so many cutscenes explaining the backstory and the learn how to play missions. But once they let you out on your own, the game really picks up, I probably spent a couple hours just playing texas hold em and blackjack lol.

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  • 2 months later...
i think i "beat" the game. at least the storymode anyway. i finally killed dutch and i'm back with the fam.

If your back on the family ranch you aren't done with the story mode yet. You still have a few missions to do on the ranch then the final one ends there too.

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bought this game about two months ago ...played for about 15 since than.

Can not stop playing MW2 ... its has engulfed me.

SOMEONE PLEASE SELL RED DEAD...i need to start playing it and I need to stop playnig MW2.

is the multiplayer fun?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally finished the storyline mode. I had actually shelved it for a bit when i was getting close to the end to play Madden a bit, but just wanted to finish at least the story.....

CHRIST the ending sucked!!!! As in depth Rockstar is at making games, I am banning them until I hear of a game that has a fulfilling ending. I felt I had been cheated on the last mission after working through the whole game. Had the same feeling at the end of GTA IV.

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