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The Sun: Noah's ark found in Turkey:


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A friend and myself was talking about Noah a couple of days ago. I have a hard time believing 40 days of rain can flood the entire earth. Most geologist tell you that there would be evidence if such an event happened. I've also heard that it would have been humanly impossible to build a boat of that size in those days. And another point, forget about Adam and Eve, if Noah's flood killed everyone on Earth, EVERYONE would trace their ancestory back to Noah's Arch. I also don't believe this man collected EVERY animal on the planet. You mean to tell me he went to the arctic and rounded up a couple of polar bears and considering this was about 5,000 years ago, did he even know polar bears existed?

Of all the stories of the bible, this is the one that I find very hard to believe.

Also, are we subscribing to evolution here? Or did Noah get all 500,000 species from the rain forrest too?

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could you source that please?

Absolutely... when I was about 16, after school one afternoon I watched the TV show In search off hosted by Lenarnd....... Spock...

I'm a bit of an expert on this subject now, having sat through the entire half hour presentation and also having an uncanny ability to remember a little about what I watched even now fourty years after the fact....

The Ark which they found didn't belong to Noah... It belonged to a cult of Noah Ark worshipers... Least that's what Spock said.

In Search of... is a documentary television series that was broadcast weekly from 1976 to 1982. It was created after two successful one-hour TV documentaries, In Search of Ancient Astronauts in 1973 (based on the book Chariots of the Gods), and In Search of Ancient Mysteries in 1975, both with narration by Rod Serling who was the initial choice to host the series. After the death of Serling, Leonard Nimoy was chosen to be the host of the spin-off series.

Season 3, episode 19

Noah's Flood: A dramatic inquiry into whether or not scientific proof exists for the legend of the Great Flood. Original broadcast: 8 February 1979.

I never heard the photo was faked.

Again I kind of eyeballed the photo and could tell it was faked... It's a question of perspective... Eliphants are larger than lions.

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How convenient that it was "found" by Noah's Ark International Ministries, lol.

My question is, if they find a boat 13,000 ft. up on Ararat, how do they plan to PROVE it was Noah's Ark and not Joe Blow's insanely large fishing boat?

With Stalls?

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A friend and myself was talking about Noah a couple of days ago. I have a hard time believing 40 days of rain can flood the entire earth.

Well when you are telling parables to folks who can't count to 10, 40 is as good a number as any. Fact is most of the numbers in the bible roughly correspond to small medium and large... 40 being large.

Most geologist tell you that there would be evidence if such an event happened.

Most geologists do believe there have been several periods when water covered the earth. They just aren't sure a dude in a wooden boat was sailing on those oceans.

I've also heard that it would have been humanly impossible to build a boat of that size in those days.

40 cupids? Do we even know what a cubid is? If the pharoh's could have pult a triangle out of stone, why couldn't Noah have built a big boat at of wood?

And another point, forget about Adam and Eve, if Noah's flood killed everyone on Earth, EVERYONE would trace their ancestory back to Noah's Arch.

Well we don't know about adam, but scientists have found evidence of Eve...... Likewise if you had more than just Noah on the ship... folks would still trace teir dna back to adam and eve; not Noah.

I also don't believe this man collected EVERY animal on the planet. You mean to tell me he went to the arctic and rounded up a couple of polar bears and considering this was about 5,000 years ago, did he even know polar bears existed?

Well if he missed a few of the animals... chances are you wouldn't have heard of them. Coarse polar bears can swim, so maybe they worked their own deal out.... living on ice caps which floated and all.

Take ducks for instance... They were probable laughing at the rain.

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No thanks, I already have one. :)

(I told him we already got one :D)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V7zbWNznbs&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V7zbWNznbs&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Well when you are telling parables to folks who can't count to 10, 40 is as good a number as any. Fact is most of the numbers in the bible roughly correspond to small medium and large... 40 being large.

Most geologists do believe there have been several periods when water covered the earth. They just aren't sure a dude in a wooden boat was sailing on those oceans.

40 cupids? Do we even know what a cubid is? If the pharoh's could have pult a triangle out of stone, why couldn't Noah have built a big boat at of wood?

Well we don't know about adam, but scientists have found evidence of Eve...... Likewise if you had more than just Noah on the ship... folks would still trace teir dna back to adam and eve; not Noah.

Well if he missed a few of the animals... chances are you wouldn't have heard of them. Coarse polar bears can swim, so maybe they worked their own deal out.... living on ice caps which floated and all.

I still have a hard time believing that he traveled the globe almost 5,000 years ago and rounded up every land animal on the earth.

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I still have a hard time believing that he traveled the globe almost 5,000 years ago and rounded up every land animal on the earth.

My point is though... How would you really know... If say there was a particularly stinky mammal with an il tempor who lived in a dung pile.... And Noah kind of skipped him.... We'll never know...

Noah likely cut corners...

You know most animals can swim... figure Noah just had to grab the ones who didn't swim to do his bit.

Jack Russels, gorillas, orangutans, Turkeys, Galapagos tortoise, maybe catepillars... the list isn't that long...

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When did God say that?

Well, depending on whom you ask, he never said anything at all. :evilg:

But I should be more specific about what I said: he (ostensibly) makes a case for not providing definitive proof of his existence which rules out all reasonable doubt.

This little write-up hits on it a bit. Not as much as I'd like, but the number of links on this topic is unexpectedly staggering and I don't want to lose my job today!

Mars never caused a stir in the religious community because the Bible never rules out Alien life.

I see it has already started. ;)

Similarly though, rational atheism (or any non-[literal Judeo Christian] religion) would point out that it's completely compatible with the idea that a guy built a boat that ended up atop a mountain.

And I agree that "proving Noah's Ark" would be impossible. Just for starters, it would require:

- Proving that God sent a flood to kill everyone except one guy and his family;

- Proving that he commanded the guy to build an ark to escape certain death and bring two of every animal aboard;

- Proving that God then materialized a flood of water from somewhere that literally covered the Earth to an unsurvivable depth;

- Proving that Noah rode it out and ended up on a mountaintop;

- Etc. (much omitted and simplified here)

...all scientifically.

We can't even provide 100% conclusive proof of what happened to Amelia Earhart. Even if an apparently-genuine ark was found -- even an Ark with a capital A -- proving the rest of the story would be impossible.

(Even if it had happened.)

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We had this exact claim made on this board just a few years ago.


And a few years before that.


Each time, the follow up story never seems to arrive. You know, the one where the dedicated researchers actually provide their evidence to the broader scientific community for investigation.

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And I agree that "proving Noah's Ark" would be impossible. Just for starters, it would require:

- Proving that God sent a flood to kill everyone except one guy and his family;

- Proving that he commanded the guy to build an ark to escape certain death and bring two of every animal aboard;

- Proving that God then materialized a flood of water from somewhere that literally covered the Earth to an unsurvivable depth;

- Proving that Noah rode it out and ended up on a mountaintop;

- Etc. (much omitted and simplified here)

...all scientifically.

We can't even provide 100% conclusive proof of what happened to Amelia Earhart. Even if an apparently-genuine ark was found -- even an Ark with a capital A -- proving the rest of the story would be impossible.

(Even if it had happened.)

All they need to do to settle this matter is release his long-form birth certificate. Why they refuse to do this should make you wonder.

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Mars never caused a stir in the religious community because the Bible never rules out Alien life.

Well the bible says god created earth on his first day in the workshop... He created the sun, moon and the stars on day four...

As far as the bible is concerned... The stars just something nice for man to look out upon while out for evening walks.... It's fate is tied to mans..

(every other planet and star) is forever linked to God's timetable for mankind and the Earth. One day, Christ will return to Earth and complete the final act of man's redemption

He will destroy this present universe and create a new heavens and Earth

All the stars and planets will be destroyed, along with the Earth

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"Stalls" on a "boat" on Mt. Ararat don't prove anything to me. Makes it an interesting story, makes me want to do an archeological excavation there, but those still don't prove anything in my book.

So it's your contention that somebody built a 40x40 qupid ship complete with stalls and left it 3000 feet up some mountain, as a prank?

Somebody with time on their hands and a good sense of humor? Wanted to leave posterity a nice conversation piece?

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Absolutely... when I was about 16, after school one afternoon I watched the TV show In search off hosted by Lenarnd....... Spock...

I'm a bit of an expert on this subject now, having sat through the entire half hour presentation and also having an uncanny ability to remember a little about what I watched even now fourty years after the fact....

The Ark which they found didn't belong to Noah... It belonged to a cult of Noah Ark worshipers... Least that's what Spock said.


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I still have a hard time believing that he traveled the globe almost 5,000 years ago and rounded up every land animal on the earth.

There are many stories similar to Noah and the great flood through many civilizations or cultures. Perhaps it was not a global flood but a regional one?

I don't know as I was not there, but the story of Utnapishtim very closely resembles the story of Noah.

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All they need to do to settle this matter is release his long-form birth certificate. Why they refuse to do this should make you wonder.


Of course, everyone knows that in those days Mesopotamia would give you a birth certificate even if you weren't born there.

Wonder, indeed.

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