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The Sun: Noah's ark found in Turkey:


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I don't dispute that most civilzations lived near a water source. Not all of them were coastal though. Some migrated near rivers such as the Babylonian civilization. But what I find interesting is this same story has been found in civilizations all around the globe. And the similaraties of some are uncanny. In particular, the comparison of Noah and Utnapishtim.


I don't doubt that there was a flood. But I do wonder if it was an actual global catastrophe. Back during the days of Noah or Gilgamesh, their region was their world. It was the world they knew. So for them to say the world was inundated by a great flood is much different than you or I making that statement today.

But let's take a look at the striking similaraties of two stories in particular. Noah and Utnapishtim found in Gilgamesh's epic

Both stated the extent of the flood was global.

Noah's story states the reason for the flood is man's wickedness where the Gilgamesh story says it's due to man's sins.

The flood in the Noah story was intended for all mankind where Gilgamesh's was for one city and all mankind.

In Noah's story God sent the flood and in Gilgamesh's it was the assembly of gods

both heros (Noah and Utnapishtim) were considered rightous.

Noah was told of the flood directly from God while Utnapishtim was warned in a dream.

Both were ordered to build a boat.

Both heros complained and both were to gather two of all animals.

Both released birds to find land.

And there are more, but these stand out to me. You don't find that the similarities are uncanny?

Two longtime oral traditions from the same region resembling each other? I mean, are we supposed to be surprised by the fact that the Greek and Roman traditions share stories?

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it wasnt something he built quick it took a few years. Noah was a descendant of Adam so we are still descendants of not only Noah but Adam also

The animals came to him not him rounding up all the animals, most likely at the time the continants were together

I still don't believe that every animal would have made its way to his ark. And I'm pretty sure the continents weren't connected only 5,000 years ago, therefore, how would animals across the ocean make it there?

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I still don't believe that every animal would have made its way to his ark. And I'm pretty sure the continents weren't connected only 5,000 years ago, therefore, how would animals across the ocean make it there?

The Noahs–Arc extinction event, which occurred approximately 6.5 thousand years ago (Ma), was a large-scale mass extinction of animal and plant species in a geologically short period of time. Widely known as the K–T extinction event, it is associated with a geological signature known as the K–T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world. K is the traditional abbreviation for the Noah Period derived from the German name Knoah (the k is silent), and T is the abbreviation for the tital-waves Period

Wiki is easy.

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Two longtime oral traditions from the same region resembling each other? I mean, are we supposed to be surprised by the fact that the Greek and Roman traditions share stories?

I took those two for comparisons but if you will look back you will see that there are very similar stories from civilizations ALL OVER THE WORLD

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Is this article referring to the same search as this:


If so, its a recycled three-year old story that has since been confirmed as a hoax. probably the reason why no other major media outlet has reported it.

In 2007, a joint Turkish-Hong Kong expedition including members of Noah's Ark Ministries International claimed to find an unusual cave with fossilized wooden walls on Mount Ararat, well above the vegetation line. This 2007 expedition marked the first time in history that an alleged material sample of Noah's Ark was retrieved for lab analysis; the sample was determined by the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong to be petrified wood, although the origin of the material remains uncertain. However, since the discovery in 2008 there have been no findings linking this sample to Noah's Ark.[30] In 2010, members of Noah's Ark Ministries International reported that carbon dating suggests the wood is 4,800 years old which they believe to be the date of the Flood. They also deny that there was any human settlement at the site.[31]

This claim was defeated the next day by the exhibitions main investor J. Randall Price in a letter[32] saying,

I was the archaeologist with the Chinese expedition in the summer of 2008 and was given photos of what they now are reporting to be the inside of the Ark. I and my partners invested $100,000 in this expedition (described below) which they have retained, despite their promise and our requests to return it, since it was not used for the expedition. The information given below is my opinion based on what I have seen and heard (from others who claim to have been eyewitnesses or know the exact details).

To make a long story short: this is all reported to be a fake. The photos were reputed to have been taken off site near the Black Sea, but the film footage the Chinese now have was shot on location on Mt. Ararat. In the late summer of 2008 ten Kurdish workers hired by Parasut, the guide used by the Chinese, are said to have planted large wood beams taken from an old structure in the Black Sea area (where the photos were originally taken) at the Mt. Ararat site. In the winter of 2008 a Chinese climber taken by Parasut’s men to the site saw the wood, but couldn’t get inside because of the severe weather conditions. During the summer of 2009 more wood was planted inside a cave at the site. The Chinese team went in the late summer of 2009 (I was there at the time and knew about the hoax) and was shown the cave with the wood and made their film. As I said, I have the photos of the inside of the so-called Ark (that show cobwebs in the corners of rafters – something just not possible in these conditions) and our Kurdish partner in Dogubabyazit (the village at the foot of Mt. Ararat) has all of the facts about the location, the men who planted the wood, and even the truck that transported it.

—J. Randall Price, PaleoBabble

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Is this article referring to the same search as this

The full context is a blog by Dr. Michael S. Heiser found here (Dr. Heiser is a quality scholar, and should be taken seriously, by the way):

This is a sad post for me. Read on and you’ll know why.

Fox News reported today about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claims to have found Naoh’s ark on Mount Ararat. Part of their proof is the picture below, which purports to have been taken inside the ark. Allegedly, the wooden beams carbon-date to 4,800 years old. Would that be cool or what?

Now the sad part. I also got an email today from one of Randall Price’s students. The email contains a message from Dr. Price about this expedition. (Dr. Price, as some of you may recall, has been doing a lot of searching for the ark lately.) Here is an excerpt from his message:

He then relays the message in the Wikipedia article, and finishes with:

In short, Randall was duped. I feel bad about it because I know him. He’s a good guy with real degrees (so please don’t equate him with charlatans like Ron Wyatt). Yeah, he should have known better. But at least he’s being honest here.

And yes, the blog post is dated yesterday, so it's about this. This "find" is a hoax.

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My point is though... How would you really know... If say there was a particularly stinky mammal with an il tempor who lived in a dung pile.... And Noah kind of skipped him.... We'll never know...

Noah likely cut corners...

You know most animals can swim... figure Noah just had to grab the ones who didn't swim to do his bit.

Jack Russels, gorillas, orangutans, Turkeys, Galapagos tortoise, maybe catepillars... the list isn't that long...

This one made me stop sorry. The humor is great.

And I do not believe in the Ark story. It is a story.

I could sit and tell my kids a story tonight that was amazing and taught a lesson, that doesn't mean that those people weren't creative...clearly they were.

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How do you explain this authentic photo then:

Dude, that picture is such a fake. Everyone knows they only had lithographs back then.

I think what happened was "cubit" was mistranslated. What it meant was "qubit" which is a unit of quantum information and can potentially store and process vastly larger amounts of data than a classical bit by using superposition. So, in that sense, 40 qubits could potentially be plenty of space to process and store the gene sequences of most life on the planet.

The next part is figuring out how Noah made a stable quantum computer, decoded all those genomes, and re-encoded them into viable living things using some mules, wood, and some pitch. He was way ahead of his time.

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