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RIP Bubba.


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Wow. I am completely in shock to say the least.

RIP Bubba. Your comments, passion, love for the game will be missed. You and I never did not see eye to eye on a lot of subjects but I had nothing but respect for you.

Hopefully your off in a far better place and can watch the Redskins games with the man upstairs with the best seat in the house.

God bless.

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Posted yesterday in the Stadium thread but would be remiss for not posting in ATN where I had so much interaction with bubba.

Too young. I keep thinking upstairs must have needed help straightening out some "Poke" fans and their skewed views :point2sky

You will be deeply missed bubba.....

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WOW! I was on vacation for 2 weeks and this is one of the first things I see. My heart is very heavy right now. Even though we might have bumped heads a few times, he still was a respected man whose opinion actually held weight with me. He was one of the first posters to show me the ropes on this site.

My prayers go to his family as well as the family he has on this site. I'm truly sorry for your lose.

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Goodness gracious. This is very, very sad news. He was way too young to have passed. I only hope that he and his family had the opportunity to spend quality time together before the dreadful day.

I also hope that the fine folks at ES retire his handle. The word legendary doesn't even begin to describe him.

RIP, mate. You will be remembered.

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ATN feels so much lonelier with Bubba not here. It felt that way since he had stopped posting.

He was an ATN stalwart and would step up to the plate with anyone. I really admired that. I think most of us could use his optimism he had for his team. I know I could definitely.

RIP Bubba.

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