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RIP Bubba.


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I've been concerned for awhile. Bubba can't vanish for a single day without it being noticed. But I didn't start making noise until the 16th or 17th day. Even if he took a vacation, how many take vacations that last more than two weeks?

I know he knows how to contact us, which is what concerns me the most. Why hasn't he? When I have to be offline for a while, I tell somebody. Bubba apparently has not. Is he dead? Is he in critical care in a hospital somewhere? Or, as Jumbo mentions, maybe he's just off the grid for personal reasons beyond his control?

****, he posted news items daily, almost hourly, for six years straight! Then he just vanishes!

Anyways, I think he'd appreciate people asking about him, rather than coming back and it appearing he wasn't missed.

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did he give up ES or the internet for lent maybe?? seriously, my wife made mention once that this facebook friend of ours disapeared and that is what she did ... I guess lent is over though right?

weird man ...

That timeline is totally off, unless he forgot about Lent and is making up for lost time.

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This is potentially very serious.

From what I know about Bubba he absolutely would not have willingly stayed away from Extremeskins for this amount of time given all the amazing things that have happened to the team recently.

Have the mods or anyone else for that matter ever met him personally? Does anyone have an address or phone number for him? Does anyone know his real name?

I believe we have a responsibility to actively pursue this and if neccesary contact his isp or the authorities to help us check on him.

For all we know he might be living alone with no family or friends beyond the net-- in which case WE are his family and the responsibility to insure that he is ok falls to us.

We cannot just let this rest and hope for the best. We need to act. I'd rather apologize to an irked big bellied Bubba, coming back sun tanned from his Tahitian vacation, than face the guilt of having done nothing when I could have potentially prevented a tragedy.

I am truly concerned for my brother in fandom Bubba and I hope and pray that he is well.

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This is potentially very serious.

From what I know about Bubba he absolutely would not have willingly stayed away from Extremeskins for this amount of time given all the amazing things that have happened to the team recently.

Have the mods or anyone else for that matter ever met him personally? Does anyone have an address or phone number for him? Does anyone know his real name?

I believe we have a responsibility to actively pursue this and if neccesary contact his isp or the authorities to help us check on him.

For all we know he might be living alone with no family or friends beyond the net-- in which case WE are his family and the responsibility to insure that he is ok falls to us.

We cannot just let this rest and hope for the best. We need to act. I'd rather apologize to an irked big bellied Bubba, coming back sun tanned from his Tahitian vacation, than face the guilt of having done nothing when I could have potentially prevented a tragedy.

I am truly concerned for my brother in fandom Bubba and I hope and pray that he is well.

Holy over reaction, batman.

We are all hoping he's just taken a hiatus, and that nothing has gone wrong, but this we have a responsibility stuff for a public message board is way over the top. Contact his isp? I don't even know his real name. Good grief.

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My theory is that bubba is checking the site anonymously laughing at all the concern/speculation concerning his disappearance.

I doubt that, Bubba would NEVER ignore the RBN section. If he is around he would be posting to it. Especially on the days that I have to work and can't get things up until I get home.

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