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KTLA:Fraternity Mocks Black History Month With "Compton Cookout"


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Its sad when black people that are part of that culture call other blacks that speak intelligently and dress conservatively things like Uncle Tom's. They say that a well speaking black man that has done well for himself has sold out to the white man.

Actually, I'm curious about this as well. I've seen this documented in a few places (notably a Washington Post 5-part story about D.C. inner city schools) that it is difficult to succeed in predominantly black high schools, often because peers accuse those who get good grades of trying to "act white."

I'm curious as to why this is. Wouldn't they instead want to be happy for someone who "escaped" a hard upbringing? That's what you'd hope for, but I wonder why it isn't the case? Jealousy? Fine, but why bring race into it when trying to bring them down?

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Mayo is a Flemish thing, not a white thing. Order french fries in Belgium or Holland, I dare ya.

BTW, Dukes Mayo > All other brands.



The mayo in Holland, Belgium, France and Germany is different (much better), and there's no comparison to Miracle Whip. I know this because frites and shwarma were sustenance (once a day or so) during a one-month stint there.

<Homer voice> "mmmmmmmmmmm... Shwarma..."

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No, we mock those people! W make fun of them. "If you've ever yelled hoe down and your woman hits the floor, you might be a redneck". That's funny. When Jeff Foxworthy says it, it's funnt. When Chris Rock says it, it's funny.

Hell yeah it's funny. Like someone said, it's about how it is delivered. If it's delivered in jest, that's one thing. I will laugh my black azz off. I watched this stand up act recently, dude name is Louis CK. He said ****** (not &quot;n-word&quot;, ******) about 20 times on this one part of his act, and I laughed my ass off. He started talking about how he hated deer and how he had hit one with his car, and called it a bunch derogatory names including ******. He said the word through out the show, and I laughed everytime. Because it was how he flipped it. That word is hurtful as hell, but I felt what he was saying. It's a difference from the way he used it compared to how dude from Seinfeld used it.

Regardless of what race you are, if you feel like someone of another race is saying what is suppose to be a joke and it doesnt come across right. If it is hurtful and disrespectful, dont chalk it up to being an attempt at comedy, call that persons ass out on it.

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Actually, I'm curious about this as well. I've seen this documented in a few places (notably a Washington Post 5-part story about D.C. inner city schools) that it is difficult to succeed in predominantly black high schools, often because peers accuse those who get good grades of trying to "act white."

I'm curious as to why this is. Wouldn't they instead want to be happy for someone who "escaped" a hard upbringing? That's what you'd hope for, but I wonder why it isn't the case? Jealousy? Fine, but why bring race into it when trying to bring them down?

Its part of the us vs them mentality. If you get out, you are part of them. Its not just a black thing. Many people who grows up in that kind of environment and cant get out will tease those that do. We need to break that type of environment so that success is seen as a positive and something everyone strives for. We need a community of people that help one another succeed rather than tries to keep everyone down. Very common in inner city gang environments.

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Hell yeah it's funny. Like someone said, it's about how it is delivered. If it's delivered in jest, that's one thing. I will laugh my black azz off. I watched this stand up act recently, dude name is Louis CK. He said ****** (not &quot;n-word&quot;, ******) about 20 times on this one part of his act, and I laughed my ass off. He started talking about how he hated deer and how he had hit one with his car, and called it a bunch derogatory names including ******. He said the word through out the show, and I laughed everytime. Because it was how he flipped it. That word is hurtful as hell, but I felt what he was saying. It's a difference from the way he used it compared to how dude from Seinfeld used it.

Regardless of what raise you are, if you feel like someone of another race is saying what is suppose to be a joke and it doesnt come across right. If it is hurtful and disrespectful, dont chalk it up to being an attempt at comedy, call that persons ass out on it.

I just watched Richard Pryors standup again the other day and he drops the N bomb more than most comedians but he is hilarious. The problem I see is if that word is so hurtful, why do blacks continue to use it or variations of it to refer to one another? And why is it so hurtful? Its just a word. Its like calling me hick, or white trash, or honkey or any other derogatory white name you can think of. I just dont think a word can hurt me unless I let it bother me. Otherwise its just a word.

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I just watched Richard Pryors standup again the other day and he drops the N bomb more than most comedians but he is hilarious. The problem I see is if that word is so hurtful, why do blacks continue to use it or variations of it to refer to one another? And why is it so hurtful? Its just a word. Its like calling me hick, or white trash, or honkey or any other derogatory white name you can think of. I just dont think a word can hurt me unless I let it bother me. Otherwise its just a word.

I think it's more of a way to take the word that was supposed to be hurtful and make it a term that for the most part doesn't really have any power now that it's been marginalized, Russell Peters has a pretty funny bit about it. Obviously it's more of a familial thing too, so just because it may not have the same impact when someone outside of the family says it it's not taken so kindly. Unfortunately a random white (or other ethnicity) person coming up to a group of black people and saying, "What are you ******(a)'s working on?" may ruffle some feathers. But that's just how it is. I've heard white people call each other Honky, women call each other *****, gay people call each other fag, Asian people call each other Rice Paddy, etc. but would I dare call any of those people any of those names? Nope, because I'm not part of the group, so I know that there's just a line you don't cross.

Granted sometimes there will be someone who gets a pass, usually a good friend that you feel comfortable with and the boundaries of respect are established.

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Until Undercover Brother came out I had no idea that mayo was considered a 'white' food.

haha, I know, me too...and I think mayo is DISGUSTING


Is that really a stereotype of white people? BTW, that should have been "everybody's hair smelling like wet dog." You're just playing up black stereotypes by leaving off the 's' in plurals, possessives and contractions.

I've heard it as both wet dog and bologna

This story was on our local news last night. My first reaction was "why is this news?" I can see why some would get offended, but to me it's all stereotypes. Poking fun at white people stereotype parties wouldn't offend me. It'd be funny. Like the guy talking about the "wet dog, oxycontin" hypothetical party....funny.

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I just watched Richard Pryors standup again the other day and he drops the N bomb more than most comedians but he is hilarious. The problem I see is if that word is so hurtful, why do blacks continue to use it or variations of it to refer to one another? And why is it so hurtful? Its just a word. Its like calling me hick, or white trash, or honkey or any other derogatory white name you can think of. I just dont think a word can hurt me unless I let it bother me. Otherwise its just a word.

We dont say nigg-ER, we say nigg-A. HUGE difference. We use it as a term of endearment. It's like when we added the A at the end, it took the power out of word nigg-ER. My best friend mother says that it doesnt matter. Even if the word is altered, the origin of the word is still the same. Hate.

But like the great George Carlin said, words dont hurt you, "it's the intent behind them when they are used". When we hear that word used in a certain way by someone of the opposite race, we KNOW that they know the history behind the word, we KNOW that they are trying to cut deep. It's a word, that when said to the wrong person at the right time, can for a split second give you flashes of burning crosses, hangings, and all of the other horrible images you think of when you think of the black experience back in the day. Its weird, because even though I wasnt alive during those times, I can still feel it slightly whenever a see or experience a racial situation. Like a ghost enters my body.

I had it said to me one time in my life. I was coming out of a strip club in West Virginia, and this drunk dude shouted it out at me for no reason. On my soul, I broke a bottle over his head and beat the crap out of him. The way he said it to me, it came off his tongue so naturally, I just blacked the hell out.

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Actually, I'm curious about this as well. I've seen this documented in a few places (notably a Washington Post 5-part story about D.C. inner city schools) that it is difficult to succeed in predominantly black high schools, often because peers accuse those who get good grades of trying to "act white."

I'm curious as to why this is. Wouldn't they instead want to be happy for someone who "escaped" a hard upbringing? That's what you'd hope for, but I wonder why it isn't the case? Jealousy? Fine, but why bring race into it when trying to bring them down?

From growing up in DC and attending those public schools (and this can probably be said in most inner city schools nationally), I can tell you, the biggest problem with a lot of inner city schools is that, a lot of kids are scared to show their intelligence, not because they are going to be considered acting white, but because they are scared that their intelligence is going to be perceived as a weakness. They fear they are going to get tested more by the tougher kids if they keep their heads in the books. Not every single school is like that, but it is definitely a HUGE problem in the black community. Im sure that happens at a lot of white schools to. Bullies always testing the nerds.

When I moved to VA, that type of pressure wasnt in the atmosphere as much. You could actually try to focus on getting your work done and not be considered soft.

But the way Ive always been, I never was afraid to fight anyway. So I never was afraid of people trying to bully me, just because I raised my hand in class if I knew answers. But yeah, black students in the inner city arent afraid of being accused of being white if they're smart. They just dont want to come off as being corny.

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Pure Stupidity! This happans a about every two years at some campus throught america. These fools never learn from the previous incident.

As a fraternity or collection of fraternities, the organization can be held liable for the individuals actions. How would you feel if your beloved organization was held financially liable and forced to pay damages which essentially bankrupt your beloved organization.

If they want to do these types of events as (individuals) by all means, do it ( and whatch how quickly you get that a** whooped (Compton Cookout Style).....

When I see these events, I always wonder where are the African American Fraternities on these campuses. I belong to such an organization and I know we would have a real problem if this was being held by a greek organization on any campus where we are active.

we have segregated fraternities in America? We haven't learned a ****ing thing have we?
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