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KTLA:Fraternity Mocks Black History Month With "Compton Cookout"


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I've dressed up as superman, spiderman, and batman as a kid for Halloween. No need to paint my face white unless I was the joker or something lol. And if you are NOW concerned about how realistic a costume is, please read the party invitation again.

When your defining features are a cape and a logo, thats pretty easy to do. When your defining feature is that you are black, a suit just doesnt cut it. And I mean that in the sense that he was leading a racial movement to end prejudice and segregation and the fact that he was black is pretty important.

Hip Hop actually IS NOT a culture of ignorance but we won't get into that argument. Just know that your statement is akin to saying that white culture is one of ignorance b/c there have been and are SOME white people who glamorize and idolize sex, money, violence, and drugs. Not accurate at all.

Hip Hop actually is a culture of ignorance. Its a culture that promotes lazy ignorant english. It promotes selling drugs and keeping hoes in line. It promotes baggy clothes falling off you with big flashy jewelry not how to look respectable in the real world. It doesnt promote growing up to be all the can be and to get an education and a good job. It promotes ignorance. Not every part of hip hop culture does but in general it does.

I can relate to you attempting to educate those of your race to perpetuate negative stereotypes. Similar to my case, education is the key. Those few African-America students who preferred to curse, fight, talk about guns and girls EVEN in elementary school needed to be educated on the negative consequences of such things. Just like those white, asian, european, etc. students across America who do the same.

I agree with you 100%. My uncle lives in Baltimore and he helps some kids from the inner city. He is a good role model to show them you can be successful. I help tutor them sometimes in school and we always talk about the importance of an education with them. Explain to them that they cannot have the nice house or the nice car they want unless they work hard for it. I think underprivileged kids of all races need that kind of help in life and we should all do what we can to help.

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You can't is the short answer.

But if you're on radio stations like 93.9, 95.5 or 102.7 it's OK to tear up white people whenever you feel it necessary, and not have to worry about any repercussions. :ols:

Please....... when they do tear up white people on those stations you mentioned, they tear up black people soon afterwards. They make fun of black stereotypes all day on those stations.

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Would you be just as upset, if a group of blacks had a party where they dressed up in embarrassingly nerdy clothes with pocket protectors, horn-rimmed glasses, flood-pants and suspenders, dancing weird by mimicking a supposed "white" dance, and pretending like they're running really slow, pretending like they can't jump higher than 2 inches, and talking strange ?

Where is this party? I want in.

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Are you comparing someone wearing green on St Patricks the same as what these kids did? There's a difference between honoring and mocking.

No - it's more than wearing green. It's pretending to be an inveterate drunk whose existence is focused solely on booze; it's saying stupid **** like "Erin go bragh" and wearing "Kiss Me I'm Irish" pins; it's using a lame-ass accent that's based on stereotype, etc., etc.

It's also much more accepted. The wounds that Irish-Americans had are pretty much healed. I don't think you can say the same for African-Americans, at least not to the same extent.

So, taken as a straight-up comparison, they're similar. However, in context, the party in question is worse. Both are stupid, but I wouldn't lose sleep over either.

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When your defining features are a cape and a logo, thats pretty easy to do. When your defining feature is that you are black, a suit just doesnt cut it. And I mean that in the sense that he was leading a racial movement to end prejudice and segregation and the fact that he was black is pretty important.

Hip Hop actually is a culture of ignorance. Its a culture that promotes lazy ignorant english. It promotes selling drugs and keeping hoes in line. It promotes baggy clothes falling off you with big flashy jewelry not how to look respectable in the real world. It doesnt promote growing up to be all the can be and to get an education and a good job. It promotes ignorance. Not every part of hip hop culture does but in general it does.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on your first two paragraphs. Rap culture and Hip Hop culture are two distinct things but that is probably just a semantic dispute.

The defining feature that the guests of the party attempted to portray was black as well! Do you think they did it any better their way? Using the natural crescendo's in MLK's voice while reciting something as trivial as "I have a dream" all night dressed in a suit would have been Much much better if they did it to truly celebrate BHM. The mocked the month-long holiday instead.

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Lets be real. How much air play does KRS-One, Chuck D or Talib Kweli get now a days? I'm not gonna hide it, I believe most rap today is poison.

Honestly I haven't listened to rap - aside from overhearing things on the radio, and the occasional good song someone turned me on to - since 1992. I think the overall quality got diluted around then, so I can't judge.

But, to say that the culture is negative is not accurate. The culture includes the history and I'd say there was a strong positive element there.

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awesome! violence is the key to proving stereotypes about black people wrong. :rolleyes:

I'm not endorsing violence, merely stating the obvious. Here's the cold hard truth: race cuts deep into people. When a person is deeply hurt, the best utilization of "the kings good English" and the best conflict resolution skills won't matter much. That's just a fact of life.

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Lets be real. How much air play does KRS-One, Chuck D or Talib Kweli get now a days? I'm not gonna hide it, I believe most rap today is poison.

That's why over the years people have begun to make a distinction between Hip Hop and Rap (some also call it Hip-Pop). Primarily because of the misrepresentation that mainstream music has placed on Hip-Hop. While a part of the representation is there, that's not all it's about, much like I'm sure not all Rock music isn't about killing yourself or killing your family. Most of the stuff put on the radio today, regardless the genre, is just watered-down/dumbed-down crap that's been pushed out there by the record companies (see: Payola). So just because those guys aren't what put out there by the record companies as the face of Hip-Hop/Rap (mainly because at this point most of these artists aren't on a major label because they'd rather not be forced to conform to an identity to simply make money for the label) doesn't mean they don't represent the culture as much as, if not more than, the guy who's being pimped by the record companies.

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They are making fun of a stereotype....the big deal is....

the big deal is that they are associating that stereotype with the HISTORY of black people. Have a Irish HISTORY (not St. Patricks day) party with nothing but none Irish people talking with Irish accents, with there hair painted red, doing nothing but getting plastard, and see if people are going to be pissed off. NO race wants to have their entire HISTORY associated with stupid azz stereotypes.

Let a bunch of none whites have a White HISTORY month party with all the negative white stereotypes. Everyone poppin pills, doing meth, coke, crack, oxycontin, wearing fake blood acting like they just committed suicide, eating mayonaise sandwiches, 16 year olds dressed like they are pregnant holding hands with "black gangsta guys", wearing trench coats with guns, everybody hair smelling like wet dog, nobody being able to dance to save their life, and so on. That ---- wouldnt so funny.

All of these cool guys in this thread talking all of this "black people need to stop playing the raise card" crap would be outraged. And next time they have one of these black history parties, they should make sure they have the token white girls there who worship us and all of the white guys who try their best to be us and copy every got dam thing we do, because they are lame as hell.

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That's why over the years people have begun to make a distinction between Hip Hop and Rap (some also call it Hip-Pop). Primarily because of the misrepresentation that mainstream music has placed on Hip-Hop. While a part of the representation is there, that's not all it's about, much like I'm sure not all Rock music isn't about killing yourself or killing your family. Most of the stuff put on the radio today, regardless the genre, is just watered-down/dumbed-down crap that's been pushed out there by the record companies (see: Payola). So just because those guys aren't what put out there by the record companies as the face of Hip-Hop/Rap (mainly because at this point most of these artists aren't on a major label because they'd rather not be forced to conform to an identity to simply make money for the label) doesn't mean they don't represent the culture as much as, if not more than, the guy who's being pimped by the record companies.

This is it. The days of getting rich as a musician and playing the music true to your heart, that speaks the message true to your head are pretty much over. The major-label record companies own so many radio stations now that they simply construct artists based on looks, write their songs for them and digitize whatever they're lacking in voice, then push their material into radio play based on what they think the population will pay money for and that's it. Artists are the whores, record companies are the pimps and you have to dig deeper than the surface to find real music these days. At least most of the time.

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Lets be real. How much air play does KRS-One, Chuck D or Talib Kweli get now a days? I'm not gonna hide it, I believe most rap today is poison.

I am a DIE HARD Hip-Hop head and I totally agree. But that's what happens when corporate American gets their hands on something. They ---- it up. The same way they did to rock and roll. They care nothing about the art. They get artist who have limited talented but are very marketable. They pay the radio stations to play their crap all day and artist feel that they have to copy those same acts in hopes of achieving success. This crap has to stop. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE....word to Zack

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Let a bunch of none whites have a White HISTORY month party with all the negative white stereotypes. Everyone poppin pills, doing meth, coke, crack, oxycontin, wearing fake blood acting like they just committed suicide, eating mayonaise sandwiches, 16 year olds dressed like they are pregnant holding hands with "black gangsta guys", wearing trench coats with guns, everybody hair smelling like wet dog, nobody being able to dance to save their life, and so on. That ---- wouldnt so funny.

or we could just make a movie about stereotypical white women. and we can have male black actors dress up like them and make fun of them. but what would we call it?

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Would it be bad taste to point out Black History Month is the shortest month of the year?

And are we going to keep this thread funny or can I start asking questions about why there is never a White American month? Or even a European American Month?

Cause ya'll have the rest of the year and have so throughout history. :) Looks like they're were just trying to have a lil fun, hell, there were black people going to the party. I want to laugh at this, but I wouldn't of gone if invited. Woulda felt extremely uncomfortable seeing white people act like that. Too many do this anyway for me to want to see this taken to another level, even if all in good fun.

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this was kind of my thought too.

How about a Bubba BBQ- where they roast 'possum and drink moonshine and ask people to put black makeup on their teeth

A coworker of mine did that exact thing with some friends last year. They even rented an RV and parked it in his front yard. They did put a possum on the grill, but it was fake.

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Let a bunch of none whites have a White HISTORY month party with all the negative white stereotypes. Everyone poppin pills, doing meth, coke, crack, oxycontin, wearing fake blood acting like they just committed suicide, eating mayonaise sandwiches, 16 year olds dressed like they are pregnant holding hands with "black gangsta guys", wearing trench coats with guns, everybody hair smelling like wet dog, nobody being able to dance to save their life, and so on. That ---- wouldnt so funny.

All of these cool guys in this thread talking all of this "black people need to stop playing the raise card" crap would be outraged. And next time they have one of these black history parties, they should make sure they have the token white girls there who worship us and all of the white guys who try their best to be us and copy every got dam thing we do, because they are lame as hell.

That happens every year... It's called a family reunion where I come from. Except we don't eat mayonaise sandwiches, we prefer miracle whip sammiches.

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I guess we will have to agree to disagree on your first two paragraphs. Rap culture and Hip Hop culture are two distinct things but that is probably just a semantic dispute.

The defining feature that the guests of the party attempted to portray was black as well! Do you think they did it any better their way? Using the natural crescendo's in MLK's voice while reciting something as trivial as "I have a dream" all night dressed in a suit would have been Much much better if they did it to truly celebrate BHM. The mocked the month-long holiday instead.

I actually dont think they did it to celebrate or mock. I think they thought it would be a fun idea for a party and because it was black history month, they went with a black themed party.

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