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Rumor: Donte Whitner to Washington


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Landry's biggest problem is that he cant tackle and takes bad angles trying to make a tackle because he's trying ot get on Sportcenter. It would be a downgrade putting him out of position at SS.
I'm saying I think Landry is a downgrade at SS.

Jesus....I alway felt that Landry's natural position was SS. Didn't he play his best football at SS his rookie year with Taylor at FS?

The guy is horrible in coverage and I don't see how he belongs at FS. Are you guys suggesting he is a better fit there?

Either way I'd like to see the team bring in a coverage guy at FS. If its Whitner I'll take it.

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Jesus....I alway felt that Landry's natural position was SS. Didn't he play his best football at SS his rookie year with Taylor at FS?

The guy is horrible in coverage and I don't see how he belongs at FS. Are you guys suggesting he is a better fit there?

Either way I'd like to see the team bring in a coverage guy at FS. If its Whitner I'll take it.

Although he's a better fit at SS, he's really a liability a t both positions right now, his poor angles and poor coverage make him a liability at FS, and his missed tackles would make him a liability at SS where he would be deployed closer to the line of scrimmage

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He's not bad, but he certainly hasn't played up to his draft position. He's got a pretty good nose for the ball, but he's not a ball hawk and he's not awesome in run support. But he's probably an upgrade at FS... Although his addition would probably result in a downgrade at SS as Doughty and Horton would be relegated to the bench.

Hopefully our young safety who showed alot of promise can bounce back and play like the safety we thought he would be when we drafted him.

Now I'm not saying stats tell the whole story but LL has more than twice as many pass deflections as Whitner in a season less. I don't watch a lot of Bills games (does anyone?) but from what I know of Whitner pass defense has not been his forte. It seems to me he is a very similar player from a production standpoint as Landry he just has his head screwed on a little better.

I also disagree with Landry being a downgrade at SS. I think with him being in the box and closer to the LOS he'll have less time to think about what he's doing and simply react. My somewhat wishful thinking here is that this would produce less highlight hit attempts and more tackling.

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Yeah it is mental, that's the problem. He plays like he does'nt study game film.

Or with any dicipline.

Jesus....I alway felt that Landry's natural position was SS. Didn't he play his best football at SS his rookie year with Taylor at FS?

The guy is horrible in coverage and I don't see how he belongs at FS. Are you guys suggesting he is a better fit there?

Either way I'd like to see the team bring in a coverage guy at FS. If its Whitner I'll take it.

It's amazing how guys have abolutely no idea about players we drafted a couple years ago. Laron Landry was a All American FREE SAFETY for LSU. He was a ball hawk in college, where he could use his top flight speed to cover alot of ground. He was FORCED to play SS because we happened to have Sean Taylor at FS already, and you're not going to move ST. Landry is pretty marginal in the box. He's not a good blitzer ( he gets picked up all the time) and is a very bad tackler. He is always trying to blow people up and doenst wrap up. Problem is that he isnt big enough to do that (and get away with it) and as a result is a big liabilty against the run. He is also playing very undiciplined football and I think the previous coaching staff let him do what he wanted with no real accountabilty.

In a nutshell, if you get his head out of his ass and I think he will be a very good FS.

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It's amazing how guys have abolutely no idea about players we drafted a couple years ago.

Was that really necessary? Nothing like acting like an ass. :thumbsup:

Laron Landry was a All American FREE SAFETY for LSU. He was a ball hawk in college, where he could use his top flight speed to cover alot of ground. He was FORCED to play SS because we happened to have Sean Taylor at FS already, and you're not going to move ST. Landry is pretty marginal in the box. He's not a good blitzer ( he gets picked up all the time) and is a very bad tackler. He is always trying to blow people up and doenst wrap up. Problem is that he isnt big enough to do that (and get away with it) and as a result is a big liabilty against the run. He is also playing very undiciplined football and I think the previous coaching staff let him do what he wanted with no real accountabilty.

Thanks for the eduction. Here is a good link to his career at LSU playing FS:


Definitely see your point about the angles and tackling. As was menioned previously, Landry is such a liability now you have to wonder if the staff is going to want him on the field at all until he commits himself to figuring things out.

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It's amazing how guys have abolutely no idea about players we drafted a couple years ago. Laron Landry was a All American FREE SAFETY for LSU. He was a ball hawk in college, where he could use his top flight speed to cover alot of ground. He was FORCED to play SS because we happened to have Sean Taylor at FS already, and you're not going to move ST. Landry is pretty marginal in the box. He's not a good blitzer ( he gets picked up all the time) and is a very bad tackler. He is always trying to blow people up and doenst wrap up. Problem is that he isnt big enough to do that (and get away with it) and as a result is a big liabilty against the run. He is also playing very undiciplined football and I think the previous coaching staff let him do what he wanted with no real accountabilty.

Thank God someone here has a memory. I am sick and tired of hearing about Landry being out of position at FS, when he was always a free safety until he was drafted by the Redskins and for 3/4ths of a season.

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Was that really necessary? Nothing like acting like an ass. :thumbsup:

I apologize. I'll be honest, I'm just so tired of seeing misinformation like "Laron Landry is a natural SS" getting passed around the last couple years. And then it becomes truth and no amount of actual evidence seems to ever overcome it. Sorry about that. :)

Thanks for the eduction. Here is a good link to his career at LSU playing FS:


Definitely see your point about the angles and tackling. As was menioned previously, Landry is such a liability now you have to wonder if the staff is going to want him on the field at all until he commits himself to figuring things out.

I'm not sure I would, actually. It shouldnt matter his draft status, if we have a better guy, that guy should play. Might be the best thing for him actually. Let him know that he cant get by on talent alone, and he's heading out the door as a NFL player unless he gets his butt in gear.

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Jesus....I alway felt that Landry's natural position was SS. Didn't he play his best football at SS his rookie year with Taylor at FS?

The guy is horrible in coverage and I don't see how he belongs at FS. Are you guys suggesting he is a better fit there?

Either way I'd like to see the team bring in a coverage guy at FS. If its Whitner I'll take it.

Plus its esier to tackle or make a big hit the closer you are to the line of scrimmage, oppose to flying up one on one in open space.

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Is the journalism field that easy to where you can get your sources from a rumor off a fan site and your boss will be okay with it? If so I need to make a major change lol.

I haven't heard much about this guy. But I'm willing to give him a chance over the DBs we have now.

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I know one thing, I hope this coaching staff plans on letting Landry know the deal from day one. All of his bullcrap needs to be put in check from the get go. No more of this Im not practicing with the team during the early stages of mini camp crap. This dude is no where near being that good to have that freedom or priviledge. His bum azz needs to know it is their (the coaching staff) way or the high way.

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Definitely see your point about the angles and tackling. As was menioned previously, Landry is such a liability now you have to wonder if the staff is going to want him on the field at all until he commits himself to figuring things out.

Bob Slowik the D backs coach was asked by Larry Micheal on Monday's Redskins Nation about LaRon.


(sounds like # 30 is defintely part of his plans this year.)

Bob Slowik also speaks on tackling....interesting take.

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