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Why aren't blonde jokes considered just as discriminatory as black or Muslim jokes?


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LJS - To add to my previous comment, I honestly don't have a problem with ethnic and religious jokes when said in the right context. I'll even say them to jab at my friends who are black, jewish, gay, hispanic, whatever. They throw blonde or cracker jokes right back at me, or even my friends from big cities throw redneck jokes my way. No one gives a crap. We are just joking around.

However, when I know a person to harbor certain animosities toward a certain demographic, and they tell a joke, then yeah, I don't really laugh at those jokes and look at the person as a total douchelord. So, it really all depends on the context of the situation, and I kinda make an internal judgement call there.

I don't disagree with that at all. I think people need to lighten up. I was just expressing my thoughts on why some people are offended at some jokes and not others.

Exactly. Jokes are jokes. You can make a joke about a race without being racist, you can make a joke about a religion without being a devil worshipper, etc.

It's all in context, relationships, and with the company you keep.

I have friends of all races, religions, sexual orientations, creeds, cultures and hair colors (or even hairless).

The jokes are typically stereotypes. Which everyone understands. It's not that serious.

And if you can't laugh at yourself, then we won't ever get along. Because I do stupid things all the time that I have to laugh at. For example responding to a "blonde"...

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You know when black jokes can be funny? When you use them to needle your black friends. Same with gay jokes and Jewish jokes and any other joke. If you can say it to a person of that background, and you are comfortable enough with them to laugh about it and both understand that the joke does not come from real malice, then it is humor.

You know when jokes like this are not funny? When you exchange them with your straight, white friends as a way of asserting your racial or sexual or religious superiority over those disgusting minorities.

see, this makes sense and I agree with it. I think that at the end of the day, I was feeling like he wasn't being funny, but rather what you describe in your last sentence. And I could be wrong, that was just my perception.

My personal "ruler" that I use is that they can be funny if I think the person telling the joke doesn't believe them.

If the joke-teller believes them, then it's just a bigot showing off his bigotry.

again- agree with this. and again, I started feeling as though it was the latter.

Exactly. Jokes are jokes. You can make a joke about a race without being racist, you can make a joke about a religion without being a devil worshipper, etc.

It's all in context, relationships, and with the company you keep.

I have friends of all races, religions, sexual orientations, creeds, cultures and hair colors (or even hairless).

The jokes are typically stereotypes. Which everyone understands. It's not that serious.

And if you can't laugh at yourself, then we won't ever get along. Because I do stupid things all the time that I have to laugh at. For example responding to a "blonde"...

so basically I am going to have to tell the gf she is right. Thanks a lot guys, some help you are:silly:

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That's a great question in the OP!

Other things I've often wondered:

1. Why are native americans so pissed off? They got all that free land. I wish I had a reservation. Sheesh.

2. Why do people get so offended when you make a crude joke about their deceased spouse- but you can make all the "dead guy" jokes in the world about someone like George Washington? Definite double standard.

3. Why is it okay to tell jokes about the Pope, but holocaust jokes are never well received? More double standard.



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I admit I didn't read this whole thread (I just don't have the time right now, I'll come back to it later on...) so excuse me if this has already been brought up...but what about fat people? Why is it still ok to bag on fat people, especially fat chicks, mother****ing mercilessly? I see it everyday on TV, it's around me at work, when I go to the store, etc. It's really repulsive.

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That's a great question in the OP!

Other things I've often wondered:

1. Why are native americans so pissed off? They got all that free land. I wish I had a reservation. Sheesh.


2. Why do people get so offended when you make a crude joke about their deceased spouse- but you can make all the "dead guy" jokes in the world about someone like George Washington? Definite double standard.

Remembering the Pam Anderson roast when Geoffery Ross quipped that it was amazing that Kurt Cobain was the better kept together one of him and Courtney Love. Thought that came close to going over the line.... funny as hell though.

3. Why is it okay to tell jokes about the Pope, but holocaust jokes are never well received? More double standard.

They gave out rings at the holocaust?

I admit I didn't read this whole thread (I just don't have the time right now, I'll come back to it later on...) so excuse me if this has already been brought up...but what about fat people? Why is it still ok to bag on fat people, especially fat chicks, mother****ing mercilessly? I see it everyday on TV, it's around me at work, when I go to the store, etc. It's really repulsive.

Because they're jolly and therefore can take a joke.

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because blondes have never been the victims of lynchings nor the subject of crusades. Instead they killed Jews.

(yeah, I went there)

ok, so what has the crime ratio been since then. (yeah I went there)

I agree with her, as long as they're presented as just being stupid jokes. I know with some people, it starts to sound like they're half serious.

That's about it, generally the more truth in a joke (in the mind of the teller, OR even in the mind of the listener) the more it is offensive.

For example.. If someone says my mom is fat, but I know she isn't (i know she isnt, and so does the teller)... who cares?

But If I think the teller is really making fun of my mom's weight... Even though I know she is in great shape... I might shoot him.

In the same way, If the teller is truly joking around but he gets at something I believe to be true....

I think that answers the question; in atleast a roundabout way.

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Blondes are normally white. Its ok to make fun of white people. Try telling jokes about someone with an afro or turbin.

It's ok to make fun of white people but other colors are off limits? Who says that's ok to do? If it is then I see nothing wrong with clowning on blacks and indians and every other race out there personally. I don't buy into the notion that white people owe anyone else today for anything that happened in the past and the message that white people are wusses and don't care about themselves enough to react to racist comments doesn't work with me. To me this comes down to fairness.

The people that know me in real life know that I'm not a racist. My best friends right now are Greek, Mexican, and Dominican. I have a lot of white friends, Korean friends, and black friends as well. The thing most all of them know is that telling white jokes around me will get a reaction out of me. If they tell a white joke I'm going to respond with a joke about them not because I give a crap about color or differences but because I want to challenge the way they think. I want them to ask themselves why is it ok to make fun of whitey but when I said something about them they didn't like it. The idea that it's ok to make fun of white people is wrong if it's not ok to make fun of everyone else. Some of my friends and I cut up about this all the time and rip one another to shreds and know were just laughing and having fun. Other friends of mine and I never joke with one another about that because of the possibility to hurt each others feelings.

Someone said it above that it's all about delivery and wether or not you believe that the person saying something believes what they are saying or not. I think we need to stand up and stop the white bashing, the fat bashing, the blond jokes, the jew jokes, and all the rest of the double standard bullcrap that seems to be "acceptable" and make EVERYTHING unacceptable to get this on an equal footing or we need to be ok with telling black jokes, muslim jokes, and EVERY kind of joke there is because that would make things fair. The way things are now is not good and only going to breed more hate and doing more bad then good.

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ehh, haven't any of you ever heard a blonde girl say she had a blonde moment ?

It's a stereotype, it's a joke. If they get it than why can't other people ?

My girl makes fun of me all the time for different reasons, it's not malicious or mean it's just silly. I have heard jokes from certain people that I recommend they don't repeat in front of certain crowds that were funny, but only because some people see these jokes as mean spirited and get sensitive about them.

And I can take Mom jokes, because I will just respond with another. I know my Mom and don't care what you say about her unless you are being crude, but then it's not even funny.

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It's ok to make fun of white people but other colors are off limits? Who says that's ok to do? If it is then I see nothing wrong with clowning on blacks and indians and every other race out there personally. I don't buy into the notion that white people owe anyone else today for anything that happened in the past and the message that white people are wusses and don't care about themselves enough to react to racist comments doesn't work with me. To me this comes down to fairness.

The people that know me in real life know that I'm not a racist. My best friends right now are Greek, Mexican, and Dominican. I have a lot of white friends, Korean friends, and black friends as well. The thing most all of them know is that telling white jokes around me will get a reaction out of me. If they tell a white joke I'm going to respond with a joke about them not because I give a crap about color or differences but because I want to challenge the way they think. I want them to ask themselves why is it ok to make fun of whitey but when I said something about them they didn't like it. The idea that it's ok to make fun of white people is wrong if it's not ok to make fun of everyone else. Some of my friends and I cut up about this all the time and rip one another to shreds and know were just laughing and having fun. Other friends of mine and I never joke with one another about that because of the possibility to hurt each others feelings.

Someone said it above that it's all about delivery and wether or not you believe that the person saying something believes what they are saying or not. I think we need to stand up and stop the white bashing, the fat bashing, the blond jokes, the jew jokes, and all the rest of the double standard bullcrap that seems to be "acceptable" and make EVERYTHING unacceptable to get this on an equal footing or we need to be ok with telling black jokes, muslim jokes, and EVERY kind of joke there is because that would make things fair. The way things are now is not good and only going to breed more hate and doing more bad then good.

You don't get it and you never will get it apparentely. The reason why white jokes are more acceptable than black jokes is because white people have been oppressing and ruling people for thousands of years and to this DAY, white people are still the ruling class. So there are plenty of joke to be made about THE MAN because the man has been screwing everyone else over for all time.

If roles were reversed throughout history, you would ONLY hear black jokes. Its just the way it is. Also, when you make jokes about the ruling class they are acceptable because there is no real impact from them. The ruling class doesn't get offended because they know its true and they also know that nothing will happen as a result.

White people making jokes about black people is tricky because the content has to be managed. A lot of racist jokes mirror the beliefs held by white people in history. Those beliefs suppressed and oppressed black people and black culture for centuries or longer. The reason why those jokes are unacceptable, (unless among friends and said in a manner everyone respects as joking), is because people don't want to propagate those beliefs again.

When blacks become equal with whites, proportionally, in this country in terms of wealth and status then you will probably see more and more jokes being told freely. Blacks have not even reached anywhere close to that level and therefore we are still trying to promote black culture and values so they are more readily accepted in society and are able to prosper like whites have for so many years.

Also, you don't have to feel guilty about slavery just acknowledge its consequences and the long lasting ramifications it has had on everyone and that your ancestors were greatly responsible and it is our job to fix their wrongs.

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Political correctness is based solely on the reactions of the groups.

For example, if Warner Brothers puts out a movie that degrades black people, there will be protests, boycotts of other WB movies, boycotts of companies of who sponsor the movie...

If a movie is made that degrades blondes or fat people, there are no protests or any economical side effects.

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Political correctness is based solely on the reactions of the groups.

For example, if Warner Brothers puts out a movie that degrades black people, there will be protests, boycotts of other WB movies, boycotts of companies of who sponsor the movie...

If a movie is made that degrades blondes or fat people, there are no protests or any economical side effects.

blondes? maybe not, but I could guarantee that if warner bros came out with a movie explicitly degrading fat people they would be in pretty big trouble.

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I admit I didn't read this whole thread (I just don't have the time right now, I'll come back to it later on...) so excuse me if this has already been brought up...but what about fat people? Why is it still ok to bag on fat people, especially fat chicks, mother****ing mercilessly? I see it everyday on TV, it's around me at work, when I go to the store, etc. It's really repulsive.

Because fat people are intentionally handicapping themselves, shortening their life and raising everyones cost for health care, because they are lazy and just don't care, so they adapt a victim mentality of whoa is me?

As a smoker, who does the same thing, without constantly disgusting some people (I'm not always smoking, but they are always fat), I am curious when we can start to make supportive comments and mind their business, like people do to us.

When you're at the grocery store and you look in a fat womans shopping cart and see doughnuts, high sodium precooked meals, gallons of diet coke and ice cream, that we are freely allowed to say something.

"excuse me maam, do you really think those bear claws are the best way to start a day?"

If you get too fat, you get rewarded with handicapped parking and disability pay. WTF!?! That's absurd. We shouldn't be reaching out to fat people, unless it's to drag them to the gym and Jenny Craig.

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blondes? maybe not, but I could guarantee that if warner bros came out with a movie explicitly degrading fat people they would be in pretty big trouble.

Hey Fatty, I got a movie for ya. How about a Fridge to Far".:hysterical:

"I'm sorry sir, here is a trash bag full of popcorn"

"Can't I just sit in the walkway?"

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To give this a serious answer: it honestly depends. Communication is far more complex than just what is being said. Things like body language, context, tone, attitude, and personality all come into play when it comes down to interpreting meaning and/or intent. Comedians who harp on race aren't often labeled racists (Michael Richards aside) because the tone of their message is usually very clear and is satirical or simply absurd in nature. Outside of a comedy show, it can certainly be a bit dicier depending on who is telling the jokes, how well they communicate, and how much you know about their history.

Personally, I consider automatically condemning all such jokes to be a bit of a hypersensitive reaction but, at the same time, I consider it unwise of the guy helping you out to break out that kind of material when you don't seem to know each other too well.

good answer.

this is WHY offense is always in the eye-of-the-beholder.... language and human interaction are complex. Unfortunately, this leads to "thin-skinned" people that can get their panties in a wad over just about anything having way too much power... but it BEATS THE HELL out of the alternative: giving the "we were just joking" people too much power.

you can tell a joke filled to the rim with the n-words, and the c-words and sexist/misogynistic/racist/anti-gay/religiously insensitive/ by any objective standard ... that really is in-the-end "ok". It is "ok" because of the WAY you tell it, and your relationship with the person/audience you are telling it to.

If you are good-natured, and basically "laughing together" it is all fine and good.

on the other hand you can tell a "why did the chicken cross the road" joke in a completely evil and menacing way (say with a noose in your hand and a cross burning next to you...?)

language is complex....

... and PLENTY of people use the "we were just joking around" excuse, when humor was NEVER the intent

**edit** at least not GOOD-NATURED humor.

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Someone said it above that it's all about delivery and wether or not you believe that the person saying something believes what they are saying or not. I think we need to stand up and stop the white bashing, the fat bashing, the blond jokes, the jew jokes, and all the rest of the double standard bullcrap that seems to be "acceptable" and make EVERYTHING unacceptable to get this on an equal footing or we need to be ok with telling black jokes, muslim jokes, and EVERY kind of joke there is because that would make things fair. The way things are now is not good and only going to breed more hate and doing more bad then good.

This is pretty much it. You're either cool with all of it or cool with none of it. Double standards about who you can make fun of are horse****. There has to be discrepancy as to what degree you take it when you tell or laugh at jokes about an entire group, but that's it IMO. And even then, in some places anything goes (Comedy Central's Roasts for instance). And it depends on if it's being said in humor or to hurt someone too. A lot of it depends on context.

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