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Why aren't blonde jokes considered just as discriminatory as black or Muslim jokes?


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Got into a discussion/argument with my gf last night over this issue. A friend of hers helped me install the sliding glass door this weekend, and I grew very tired, very quickly of his black jokes. Especially since I have 2 nieces from Ethiopia. He never used the N word- and I think there were prob 4-5 jokes about black people, a couple about muslims (terrorist theme) and a bunch of blonde jokes.

I mentioned this to my gf, who has known this guy for many years. I told her that the next time he says a black joke in front of me, I'm going to explain to him that I've had it- and that he better just keep his jokes to himself. I felt very uncomfortable with him alone over the weekend, I really needed help getting my door installed- and I honestly felt stumped at what to say. I know- I should have confronted him and I failed. I wish I had though-really.

Anyway- my gf thinks that just becase you say a black joke, jew joke or any other joke relating to race, religion, color or even hair color- that it doesn't automatically make you racist. She thinks I'm upset for no reason. My view is that while it doesn't mean you a KKK card carrying member, there are definitely racist elements of jokes like that. But then she brought up how I make gay/lesbian jokes, and laugh at others I hear. (well, they are funny...:silly:)

So I got to thinking- now with the Harry Reid incident, Mike Greenberg incident...(noting those are not jokes)...what say you?

Should blondes be just as offended as any other "group" who is the target of a 2 line joke? Are there ever any ok jokes that target color or religion?

Just curious how you guys feel.

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dude... my black brother-in-law sends me some of the funniest, most questionable black jokes I've ever seen. I can't even laugh back sometimes. He does it b/c he knows it makes me uncomfortable. LOL! My cousins black boyfriend does the same thing.

Thing is... I can send black jokes to both of em and it's never a big deal. They send me white jokes but... I dunno, white jokes just are not funny. I'd laugh if they were. Really, blonde jokes are the only funny white jokes there are.

I don't have a problem with ethnic jokes. We all do things culturally that seem funny/peculiar to other cultures. It's the harmful, racist stuff that I have a problem with.

A funny ethnic joke from my ex girlfriend who is Italian:

Q: Why do Italian men wear gold necklaces?

A: To know where to stop shaving.

Ya see... that's funny. Not racist. I'm Irish. I know there's a lot of Irish jokes out there. They don't bug me. But there are some that really get under my nerves.

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you guys suck...seriously- I need help so I can go home tonight and win this argument!!

Are you Blonde?

If you want to win the argument just argue that being blonde is a positive that everyone secretly acknowledges and understands. It's like making fun of a man in amazing shape for spending too much time at the gym. He's not going to care because he knows the score. On the other hand making fun of a fat guy for not going to the gym hurts and people will look down on you for humiliating someone like that... and this is why blondes can't fire jokes back at their critics.


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There's no blonde lobby to look out for our interests. For the same reason, nobody really takes offense to white jokes. So I'm doubly screwed.

I think the difference is, there's a long and sad, sordid social/economic/political history behind the way black folks have been treated in this country. Telling a joke that touches on any of that (and it's tough to tell black jokes that don't touch on any of it) understandably plucks a raw nerve with most people.

Blondes, on the other hand, are seen to be a generally privileged class that happens to be stereotyped as stupid. That's not exactly the same as a multi-century history of subjugation and grotesque mistreatment. So it's a safer topic and therefore not a social hot rail.

Some folks might not like that or think it's fair, but that's how it is in America anyway.

Oh, and you absolutely should have confronted the guy btw. There's always a next time with that type of person, so don't worry -- you'll be in that situation again.

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So, what you're saying is, "It's a choice"? :halo:

Absolutely. I am going to put a retreat together for hot blondes that want to try other hair colors but are afraid that they can't make a change. I will personally be there to compliment them and keep their self esteem high during these difficult times. I will prove that they can change... or die (smiling) trying.

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Given the nature of Tailgate, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that this thread became a collection of jokes.

But don't you think that going from there to attacking the OP for even asking the question is just a tad excessive?

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I think it's a fair question. I think part of the "backlash" from years of racial strife in this country is to create humor against the previous opressor class. Therefore, white and blonde jokes have achieved popularity and are commonly made fun of in movies, etc. How often do we see the dorky white corporate guy portrayed in movies who just doesn't "get it" when it relates to pop culture. That is fairly "safe" in the comedy world wheras if you start cracking ethnic or racial jokes, the ice seems to get thinner.

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All white people are "fair game."

I chose a whtle blonde Sunday night at the blues pub but I can't say it was a fair game. ****ing refs.

In case they were serious, the brain-dead individual who originated the question (not ljs) might have since had it pointed out to them that the group designated "blondes" haven't suffered the extreme historical horrors just for being members of that group that blacks have experienced, so even "mean-spirited" hoor (especially when it's obvious the vast majority people do it as farce) is fairly easy to take---not to mention that being white and blonde are hardly actual setbacks in our culture.

Christ. People are so ****ing lazy with their brains. That would be ok if the laziness included being quiet. But it doesn't.

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Given the nature of Tailgate, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that this thread became a collection of jokes.

But don't you think that going from there to attacking the OP for even asking the question is just a tad excessive?

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