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Who else had pretty much zero emotional attachment to this game tonight?

Commander PK

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Sad ****. I really don't care to watch the last performance of this "team" for this season. I have better things to do...like sit in an empty room and twiddle my thumbs while singing row row row your boat on a loop. Jesus ****ing Christ this team sucks. I feel sorry for Bruce Allen, how the **** do you even fix a mess like this? Jesus I thought I had some good ideas but now I'm pretty sure nothing is going to fix it. Ever. I predicted an interception while I was on another channel tonight. ON ANOTHER CHANNEL. ****.

Dude, I didn't even notice you guys there on my couch...:hysterical: that house show rocks!!!

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I've felt this way since the KC game. I'm glad everyone feels the way I do. There seem to be fewer "WTF YOU GUYS AREN'T REAL FANS" people every week.

The Skins could have pulled me into the game if they had any fire offensively, but there was none. I probably would have enjoyed a win, but I really didn't care about this game.

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This was my first year of season tickets, and the stadium was as full as I've ever seen it. But it was probably more quiet than the KC game. I would say that most if not all including dallas fans had checked out at halftime. It was a sad night

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My girlfriend switched the channel to some show where they clean up people's houses a number of times when the game went to commercial. We stayed on that channel until that show went to a commercial break and she said oh hey we forgot to switch back to the skins game. We went back and they were losing by 14 instead of 7 one of the times. Thats when I said you know what I really don't give a ****.

So I did something I haven't done in years. I changed the channel at halftime and never changed back. We ended up watching The Wizard of Oz. I hate that stupid movie. Thats how depressing it is watching the skins not only lose, but lose at home...to the Cowboys...on Sunday Night Football...in a game that lets the Cowboys into the playoffs...while most of the players on the roster are supposed to be fighting to prove what they have to Bruce Allen.

Sad ****. I really don't care to watch the last performance of this "team" for this season. I have better things to do...like sit in an empty room and twiddle my thumbs while singing row row row your boat on a loop. Jesus ****ing Christ this team sucks. I feel sorry for Bruce Allen, how the **** do you even fix a mess like this? Jesus I thought I had some good ideas but now I'm pretty sure nothing is going to fix it. Ever. I predicted an interception while I was on another channel tonight. ON ANOTHER CHANNEL. ****.

Sadly I was at the game. And since my brother who is a Cowboys fan was with me, we had to stay the whole ****ing time. I wanted to leave at half-time but couldn't. It was awful. The best part about the game was being able to see Wale (DC native rapper) perform at halftime.

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i feel the same. i've pretty much checked out and want a good draft pick. but don't get me wrong i went to the game, i cheered, i yelled, and most importantly drank. i just wish i could get paid millions of dollars to not even try at my job like some of our current players. looking forward to next season, were goin all the way next year!

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Well, for me, I always want the Redskins to win. There was hope that they would give a great effort after that embarrassing loss to the Giants last week, but they didn't give anything. Plus considering that they lost to Dallas a few weeks ago by one point, I was hoping that they would win this this game. Just two weeks ago they were playing great football, seeming to bounce back from the terrible things that had plagued them all season long. I was looking for this 2009 Redskins team to build off of that great game in Oakland. But this 2009 Redskins team are the lousiest I've seen since the 1993 Redskins that Ritchie Pettibon coached. These Redskins resemble a bad team that's in a rebuilding phase, but that's a long way away from what Vinny Cerratto described as a playoff contender back in the preseason.

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Its literally torture watching these games. I get this nagging feeling in the back of my neck and in my stomach that I just turn off the TV and just listen to the radio play by play. Even if I try not to care about the skins, I can't do it. There is some emotional attachment that makes me want to like this team. I hate them sooo much but I need to know what will happen next

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Watched some of the game with a few friends of mine that are eagles fans.. They obviously were rooting for the skins as well. We quickly lost interest in the game and ended up playing call of duty most of the time, periodically switching back long enough to see a few horrible plays by the skins. I was happy with the fact that I was able to just LAUGH at the terrible performance on the field (and sidelines). I actually preferred a loss, as it should help with better draft picks.

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Let's not fool ourselves. This rivalry is pretty much over. There was ZERO anticipation of the game in DC this week. You could sense it on the streets, you could see it on this board. Nobody cared. In years past, even when one team or the other was really bad, Dallas Week still meant something. Not this time.

The rivalry is dead.

Do the redskins have any rivals now? We have been inconsequential in the division for 10 years.

instead of smack talk I get pity from Giant, Eagle, and Cowboy fans.

Make no mistake the redskins are one of the worst teams in the NFL. We belong with the Lions, Raiders, Bills and Browns.

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I pulled a 12 hr shift on Xmas day. Then worked 8 pm to 5 am Sat night. So when this game rolled around to 8 pm I went to bed and knew I wasn't going to miss anything

and I was right

and the constant kissing rear of Romo sits to pee was getting beyond control

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I definitely wanted the Skins to pull off the upset, but after the first possession I knew that wasn't going to happen. Strangely, it didn't upset me. My wife was looking at me like I had lost it since it was the first time she didn't see me acting like a pissed off psycho when they were playing like crap. Sad, but even a loss at home to Dallas can't get me emotional anymore about this team.

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and the constant kissing rear of Romo sits to pee was getting beyond control

Haha, ain't that the truth. Collinsworth was acting like he was ready to have Romo sits to pee's baby. I think I even hear him say that he considered Romo sits to pee one of the leagues "elite" quarterbacks. :hysterical:

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