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Who else had pretty much zero emotional attachment to this game tonight?

Commander PK

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I thought that the Spurrier years were bad, but they can't hold a candle to the travesty that is the 2009 Redskins.

A few stark differences though that imo make 2003 worse are that 1. Vinny was here for the long haul at that point, 2. we didn't know that Spurrier was leaving at the end of the 03 season, and 3. the defense in 03 was pretty bad.

Right now - Vinny is gone & Bruce Allen is in, Zorn will be in 7 days with Shanny replacing him, and we have a pretty damn good defense here (if they're coached right).

2003 was much worse. Have some faith in the future.

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I'll be tuning into the playoffs though...rooting for anyone playing the cowboys. As long as they make a 1st round exit, i'll be somewhat content.

Not for me. I want the Skins to beat Dallas, but I don't want them to JUST beat Dallas. "2 wins against Dallas and we're happy" just doesn't cut it for me, never did. This kind of thinking is part of the larger problem. My sights are on bigger and better things then just winning against the Pukes twice a year.

I am a Washington Redskins fan, and my happiness as such does not hinge on another team's success or failure, even if it is Dallas. I'm tired of moral victories. I want real success for the Redskins. I want playoff wins. I want NFC Championships. I want Super Bowl berths.

Beating Dallas, but finishing under 8-8 is not my idea of success.

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Oh, gotcha ttr77!

I'm a little slow this morning....:doh:

That would be an interesting conversation though...

Snyder: Mr. President, I'd love to have you watch the game from my owner's box.

President: Thanks Dan! We'd love to come!

Snyder: Please refer to me as 'Mr. Snyder'. Anyway, I'm going to transfer you to our ticket office so they can get your credit card information.

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I remember when losing to the Cowboys HURT me so badly, even when we were not contending for anything. I would be emotionally devastated.

This time, though, I honestly didn't give a $#!+. I half-watched the game with no sound on while surfing the internet.

I hope Snyder realizes how dangerous the situation is for him and the Redskins. Lots of die-hard fans are starting to tune out and emotionally distance ourselves from this pathetic, sorry, embarrassment of a franchise.

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I cared and wanted badly to win, but after the interception and Dallas score and we didn't answer them, I knew it was over. Just watched it with a sense of doom and no real emotion. I think had Todd Collins played we might have at least scored. But we had no running game. And what was up with the safeties playing so far back???

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Absolutely zero emotional attachment. I stopped watching after the first quarter to play my new PS3 games instead. Tuned back in as the game was expiring, yawned, went to bed.

I don't even think I'll see next week's game. No plans that day, but I just doubt I'll waste my valuable weekend time griping about a team that's already gone.

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Let me also just say that it's not even sad or embarrasing that other fans feel this way about having no emotional attachment...it's actually kinda scary and I don't like it. I can't believe how far they/we've fallen...

The Redskins are not blood relatives or close friends. They are a football team that I love but I'm not losing sleep over them anymore. 15+ years of stank-butt football is too much to continue living and dying with them. I look forward to next season but my blood and pieces of my skull are all over the Redskins brick wall and I'm done bashing.

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The Redskins are not blood relatives or close friends. They are a football team that I love but I'm not losing sleep over them anymore. 15+ years of stank-butt football is too much to continue living and dying with them. I look forward to next season but my blood and pieces of my skull are all over the Redskins brick wall and I'm done bashing.

Oh, I hear you completely. I'm in that boat too. I use "we" since a lot of us, including myself, like to say "we" when talking about the team. I just can't believe the fall from grace with this organization.

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Was it the one where George was trying to get himself fired? That would have been cool to be able to see something like that happen on two different channels at the same time.

Yep, thats the one. Classic how he throws on Ruth's jersey and spills strawberries all over it.

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I cared; this was one of my three gifts I wanted for Christmas. Got everything I wanted...........but the win. :(

I will always have an emotional attachment to this team- since 1972; because I care about the outcome and this team is part of what I like in life. If I didn't like them, then I wouldn't watch them and root for the other three to lose.

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Let's not fool ourselves. This rivalry is pretty much over. There was ZERO anticipation of the game in DC this week. You could sense it on the streets, you could see it on this board. Nobody cared. In years past, even when one team or the other was really bad, Dallas Week still meant something. Not this time.

The rivalry is dead.

58-39-2. There is no rivalry. Hasn't been one for 20 years. Like the one poster in here has for his name "We own you", they really do.

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You didn't need the Superfan last night. It was on national tv. And, besides, you're crazy if you paid the $100 for Superfan, when it can usually be had for free.

Yeah, I get it every year so I can watch all the games, all the time. I got it last year for free, but it just shows up now without me even confirming it. I'm sure they slipped in the 200 or 300 bucks in on the bill somewhere spread all around.

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