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Whats Wrong With Eye for an Eye?

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I was wondering about why we are so against "eye for an eye" punishment. When a crime is obviously premeditated, for example the kids that lit another kid on fire for $40, I dont think eye for an eye is such a bad idea. The same goes for premediated murder, rape, etc... As long as there is solid proof the crime was premeditated I dont have any issue with punishing the perpitrator the same way.

Of course we couldnt have vigilante justice, it would be a government run operation. It would free up room in prisons and be a pretty good deterent for those that think they can do whatever they want and not be punished as harshly as their crimes.

Lets try to discuss the pros and cons without turning it into a political debate

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I was wondering about why we are so against "eye for an eye" punishment. When a crime is obviously premeditated, for example the kids that lit another kid on fire for $40, I dont think eye for an eye is such a bad idea. The same goes for premediated murder, rape, etc... As long as there is solid proof the crime was premeditated I dont have any issue with punishing the perpitrator the same way.

I don't agree that rapists should be raped themselves. And I don't think that would serve as a deterrent anyway.

Then you take something like theft, if you only had to pay back the money then it would be logical to steal as often as possible.

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What about being raped by Bubba?....thats definitely a detterent :silly:

I don't know, a rapist is pretty depraved person anyway.... imagine this scenario - you get to pick any woman in the world, and do anything you want with her. But afterwards "Bubba" is going to have his way with you. I think there are alot of guys who would probably do that.

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I don't agree that rapists should be raped themselves. And I don't think that would serve as a deterrent anyway.

And that begs the question: would would perform this Government sanctioned rape? Would the Government rapist be enjoying himself?

I remember a recent thread where there was a surprising amount of support for Iranian style justice. I'm usually not surprised by wierd stuff around here but that one was unexpected.

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Ask yourself where is "eye for an eye" embraced as a justice system? Where isn't it? Where would you rather live? In the society's that reject such inhumane concepts of justice or those that accept them. You can't separate barbarism from society as a whole because ultimately you need their approval.

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I was wondering about why we are so against "eye for an eye" punishment. When a crime is obviously premeditated, for example the kids that lit another kid on fire for $40, I dont think eye for an eye is such a bad idea.

I don't want my government to be in the business of punitively setting kids on fire.

I might be willing to reconsider if they can get it done for only $40.

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Ok maybe rape was a bad example. In cases of rape/child molestation im sure there are ways to make their weiners not work anymore or something to that affect. Something to actually punish them rather than the same punishment for everyone; incarceration.

but in cases of murder, what would be so wrong with killing that person. If you are crazy enough to plan to murder someone and actually go through with it there is no rehabilitation there. If you are crazy enough to light someone on fire there is no rehabilitation there. I feel we are wasting a lot of resources providing for these criminals. We could use those resources to rehabilitate other less violent criminals who actually have a chance at functioning in society.

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but in cases of murder, what would be so wrong with killing that person.

Disclaimer: I'm pro life everything so here comes the bias.

in the past 90+ years we've found people that were murdered by the government based on falsified and misleading evidence. Our entire society was predicated on the fact that 9 men go free so the 1 man is not sentenced while innocent. Are we saying as humans we have evolved in the last 30 years to be above racism/sexual orientation, or even just corrupt enough to get someone else to take the fall for us?

i do concede that death row could be used for lifers that kill/cannot be contained after already getting life in prison as the last deterrent.

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I don't agree that rapists should be raped themselves. And I don't think that would serve as a deterrent anyway.

Then you take something like theft, if you only had to pay back the money then it would be logical to steal as often as possible.

That's where public caning would come in good use.

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My problem with an "eye for an eye" justice is that I simply don't think it is a healthy way to deal with any issue in life.

Take one of the DC sniper victim's brother who witnessed the execution last night (and I'm totally paraphrasing what he said): basically he said the whole situation was a sad situation. He really didn't get a lot of gratification from seeing a human life taken, he was just saddened about the whole situation, all the events that led up to the execution.

I just don't think it perpetuates any type of healing and closure to carry a burden around of hate and wanting vengeance.

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