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Whats Wrong With Eye for an Eye?

Tour of Duty

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And living in a fantasy world gets us nowhere. Wouldnt it be great if everyone was nice to each other and there were no wars and we could talk to bad people about the things they do wrong and they would just change their ways? Of course it would be but its not reality.
as someone who has committed himself to the study and art of warfare, I must say I sincerely hope we can someday eliminate war. War is terrible, but I am prepared to do my duty.

I think mocking the notion that perhaps violence is not always the answer is foolish.

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as someone who has committed himself to the study and art of warfare, I must say I sincerely hope we can someday eliminate war. War is terrible, but I am prepared to do my duty.

I think mocking the notion that perhaps violence is not always the answer is foolish.

I agree with you that it would be nice but you will never eliminate war. War has existed almost since the beginning of man's existence. And Im not mocking the notion that violence is not always the answer because I agree with that notion. I disagree with the notion that violence is never the answer which a lot of people seem to hold on to. They think good wishes and hoping will cause things to magically be better and bad people to stop being bad.

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"An eye for an eye will make the world blind..." -Gandhi

And if Gandhi had been opposing Hitler, Stalin, or Mao instead of the British, he would've been dead long before anybody knew who he was. Gandhi was smart enough to know his enemy, and lucky enough that the British, who controlled India, were one of the handful of civilized nations in the world at the time.

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